THE ENDLESS CYCLE THAT COMES AND GOES SURELY HAS TO END SOMETIME SOON. The Trouble Is Nobody Seems To Know When This Will Be. Surely the spiral of wars and rumors of war has to end without violence in the streets.

Every New Year Eve revelers expect a happy new year. 

A few herbs to uplift the spirits make the difference for many. Others favor liquids for flavor. Those with the joy of salvation need neither. 


Each day sees the young yearning to get older quicker; but none yearning more than expectant mothers-to-be. The cycle of life on Earth seems endless.  


Transgenderism and homosexuality are promoted to interrupt what seems preordained, while billionaires seek to beat death.  


Heterosexual Elon Musk is incensed that his eleven children should not exist according to the likes of Yuval Harari — a homosexual is he! 


What was happening thousands of years ago is happening today, except the technology and materials used in everyday living differs—depending upon where you live, of course.  


A few tribes deep in the jungle are still unaffected by modern advances and practice what their ancestors did.  


Although, discovering what poisons to use for arrows and learning the skills of survival in jungles, grasslands, deserts, ice lands, mountains, and harsh wilderness conditions requires a certain sophistication overlooked by the arrogant, who despise those who can live so free using their secrets for survival.


Survival in such conditions for city-dwellers is hopeless for all but the prepared, who are so few in number, using your fingers to count them would not be in vain. Indeed, the prepared ones are easy to count but hard to find. 


When the lights go out in the cities, frozen food wastes, gas plants give up the ghost, water doesn't flow, petrol no longer pumps to the tank, deliveries cease, public transport stops, people are not going anywhere fast and toilets won't flush.  


A "Mad Max" wasteland in the making: cities turn into psychotic zoos. Jerusalem laid siege in 70 CE is revisited a thousand times over; this time around the globe.  


The 1st century Jewish historian Josephus attests to a roasted child eaten while the Romans waited and partied outside the gates of the once revered city, expecting the inhabitants would devour each other as civility crumbled from within.


If animal cruelty is inhumane, what is cannibalism?


Children sacrificed: no longer to Moloch, no longer before birth, but to sustain the strength of mongrel mobs roaming the city blocks.  A man is proud.  


Enough of the macabre; we are not collapsing globally as fast as WEF's Klaus Schwab predicts or the likes of Alex Jones magnify

Wake up calls by the alarmist podcasters and shock-jocks or predictive programming announced by perverted urbane pseudo-intellectuals can ring in our ears, but it’s doubtful the scenario proposed is going to happen globally in the next ten years. 


Still the cruelty that exists (among the masses immigrating across borders, in the sweatshops, the perversion parlors, maternity wards, abortion clinics, and the slums) is already screeching depressing cries of insane vanity in the ears of the Creator, who must struggle with the temptation of revisiting Earth with another cataclysmic wipeout before the number of souls to be saved is complete

  • As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man. (Matthew 24:37-39)

According to the Bible, the Son of God says that there will be eating, drinking and giving in marriage, until the day of destruction comes. Suddenly, it will be. 


Unlike the "secret rapture" version of this Divine visitation, my understanding is that the hypocritical and deceived Christians (by name only), those who worship the false gods, who are alive at the time, will demonstrate their deception by paying homage to the Zionist Messiah, the Antichrist. 


The problem for the globalist Cabal is the Constitution of the United States of America.

This allows US citizens to bear arms.  


Free speech can be addressed, suppressed and censored; but those genuinely oppressed, those who refuse to accept the servitude of slavery, resist being bound; their muscles, bones and sinews cry out: FREEDOM!  


Semi-automatics are problematic for tyrants but necessary for a free society. 


Bearing arms means that even robotic dogs or military cyborgs can be disabled in the street, not to mention any UN controlled mercenaries, or any of the numerous nationalities of soldier age being shipped into the USA via the Southern Border.   


Democrat Senator Dick Durbin may argue for the inclusion of illegals to make up the US army soldier shortfall in numbers as a legitimate path to citizenship (even for police and hospital staff), but we all know that MS13 members, terrorists and the like have no loyalty to the USA, nor care for upholding the law. 


The final stage of conquering a nation requires boots on the ground. A population weak from insufficient nutrition and poor water access is easy to conquer, as long as they don't have guns and ammunition.  


Lovers of freedom, who see no hope other than enslavement or death, fight to the very end, their oppressor's or their own. 


Many fear that President Donald Trump will be assassinated. The Deep State cannot see how to rig another stolen election.  


Methinks that there is nothing to worry about, other than assume personal responsibility to be one's neighbor's keeper and be vigilant as always.


Alex Jones has been set free from his (presaged by Hillary) censorship prison and is permitted back on Twitter (X) now that Blue states are an economic and social disaster. 


Red states are infiltrated with demented ideologues who still vote for the policies responsible for the destruction of the standard of living in the cities from which they migrate. 


The plan is working. Divide and conquer one way or the other. Whether plan A or plan Z, the globalists don't care. Gaining ten yards to give back three is all part of the play. Push in hard, then pull back and give the plebs and their ignorant pundits a breather, before the next round of turmoil.


What cannot be allowed is people waking up to certain facts: 

  • Official news narratives are propaganda not gospel truths.
  • The political divide of left and right keeps people cheering for their side, irrespective of immorality. 
  • Politicians are elected to serve the electorate, not themselves.
  • Viruses do not exist, except on computers. 
  • Optimal nutrition is more important than medical advice. 
  • Being debt free is equivalent to freedom itself.
  • Mixed reality, virtual reality and extended reality are not true reality.
  • If the peasants unite, they will realize that there are comparatively few evil scum.

Israeli dominant Qualcomm is cock-a-hoop about what to expect in 2024. Consumer products will entice purchasers closer to becoming energy producers for crypto currency, once connected to Zuckerberg's headsets.


Connect the dots. The picture becomes clearer. Monkey see, monkey do. Playing follow the leader leads us to the Middle East where a large Russian-speaking population has a dominant role, while the propaganda media pushes “Putin’s behind Hamas”, overlooking his friendship with "you know who".


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