THE COMMON ENEMY OF HUMANITY IS SAID TO BE MAN BUT THIS DEPENDS ON WHO IS DESCRIBING THE ENEMY. The Propaganda Press Masquerading As The Truth Tellers Point The Finger At The Masses. Those who are awake understand that common enemy of man are the oligarchs and aristocracy.

 The Club of Rome published The First Global Revolution in 1991. We read on page 115: 


The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man 


In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. 


But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. 


The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.


In saying the common enemy is man, could the authors, using doublespeak, have meant "the common man" is the enemy of the aristocracy? 


Compared with previous times, were people's attitudes and behavior becoming less deferential towards the ruling elite?


If the real enemy is humanity, what's probably meant is population growth. The members of this club long for the feudal system that existed when Earth carried a population of 500 million.


Naomi Wolf believed that the "fake plandemic" was not just a plan orchestrated by humans. She was of the opinion that a more sinister spiritual being was behind the attempt at brutal enslavement and diabolical destruction of humanity. 

  • Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created. (Genesis 5:2)

The Man was not male, nor female, but two expressions of the same creation; two who were one. 

Today, there are movements such as feminism, lesbianism, homosexualism, transvestitism, and the evolving incel-ism


How these anti-Man (male and female) movements form, may seem to spring spontaneously as grassroot realizations of what certain people would like to be, and others finding that they too can fulfill their fantasies. But are they really? 


Certain sectors of the business community seem to profit from them. Anti-Man-ites (anti-humans) and anti-libertarians never seem to be too far away.  The destruction of true individuality that is expressed through genuine masculinity and femininity is their aim. 



The programming of people is overlooked for observations such as this reported by Alexander Light:


"All men are useless these days,” one said. “Yeah,” said the other. “The trouble is that they haven’t risen to the challenge of feminism. They don’t understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out.”



In 1963, Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, which argued that women were chafing against the confines of their roles as wives and mothers. - Sarah Pruit


Sarah Pruit claims that the feminist movement has four waves:


First Wave: 1848 - 1920

Second Wave: 1963 - 1980s

Third Wave: 1990s -

Fourth Wave: Present Day


The first wave was the women's suffrage movement. It was a rights movement of a different order. It wasn't started to break up the family unit.

The second wave (as told by Nicholas Rockefeller to Aaron Russo) began when the Rockefeller Foundation created women’s liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to break up the family and enslave humanity.


The feminist movement was controlled by the Rockefellers, who handsomely funded the likes of Friedan and Gloria Steinem to promote it. 


The third wave is but an extension of the second. Except, the emphasis is on placing women in power, not based on merit but because they are toadies to the establishment and are willingly to destroy family values.


The fourth wave has crossed the border of intersectionality where transgender and the complete perversion of femininity is lauded as a right. Women are not to be defined. Everything is fluid.


In the name of asserting individuality, identity no longer exists. An incoherently tattooed, obese, bearded, hairy-chested transgender is extolled as the ideal.



David Ike speaks of the rulers of this planet as the lizard people, whether he sees Satan as the spirit that binds them together, I am not sure. 


Ike sees the House of Windsor as a vipers den where the blood of the innocent is drunk by sodomites, pedophiles and necrophiles. 


The necrophile Jimmy Saville had the younger Prince Charlie's ears. Who knows what else Saville was up to when hanging out with the prince?

The spin factory at the palace claims that the communications between Saville and the Prince were always only innocuous attempts for the detached "head-of-state-in-waiting" to find an affable means of relating to the commoner; those deemed subjects of Her Majesty — apparently never called "mother", "mum", or "mom" by her children.  


Imagine having to call your mother "Her Majesty" or referring to her as "HM," as Prince Charles did his.  


For example (courtesy of Business Insider) here is a letter to Saville from the prince that reveals the Prince has a father, but...not a mother:

I attach a copy of my memo on disasters which incorporates your points and which I showed to my father. He showed it to HM [Her Majesty].


Buckingham Palace claims that the Prince only sought advice from the necrophiliac Saville. The press dutifully and emphatically insists there was nothing more to the relationship. 


However, the Business Insider's first photo, selected to highlight their friendship, is suggestive of more intimacy than personal thoughts expressed via distant communication in respect to relating to the masses.

Many who previously relished in being seen at WEF or UN sponsored talkfests, speaking out against people drinking milk and eating its by-products and especially the meat of flatulent cows, are now receiving flak for doing so. King Charles is not exempt.

Now King Charles has cancer  something that is unknown among his lot. This will arouse compassion for the king.

Though the Royals are taken to hospital from time to time (who knows what they get up to in their palaces), their medicine of choice is homeopathy. This may explain the reason the Royals outlive their subjects by thirty years.

Homeopathy was something I dismissed, having been indoctrinated by 20th century Rockefeller medical thought, until learning that vets use it in England to great effect. Not being a robot and processing freewill, this caused me to question my former programming. 

The Guardian reports:

Prince Charles told a conference that he treated animals on his organic farm with homeopathy as well as conventional medicine. “We have been successfully using homeopathic – yes, homeopathic – treatments for my cattle and sheep as part of a programme to reduce the use of antibiotics,” he said.

Climate change incorporates all forms of changes in the climate, whereas global warming, proposed by the Club of Rome, was too obvious as a fraud.


The "global warming" scare was effective until too many people began realizing that higher temperatures occurred 50-100 years earlier, and polar bears were not becoming extinct but growing in number.


The Adriatic Sea being covered in ice, according to the spin, is not so much a debunking of global warming, but a sign that man-made climate change is really happening. The planet is cooling down.


Our common enemy: satanic aristocracy.

We care, so we share.


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