
Showing posts from July, 2018

Evidence Of Aliens From Ancient South America Proven To Explode Many Theories

In South America, the elongated heads of the Paracas skulls have created a mystery that seems to demonstrate evidence of the evolution of man, because when certain people look for human evolution, they believe the shapes of the skulls are the deciding factor. Believers in evolution think these skulls just might be that missing link   they are longing to find; but then some people say they are not a missing link of anything, because they are aliens from outer space; others settle for coneheads made with boards compressing babies' heads. Foot binding is similar to head binding; which is what the Chinese once did to little girls' feet (apparently to strengthen pelvic muscles by walking); unfortunately, as they grew into women, the feet would not just be small, but deformed and tiny feet. Daniel Lee's evolutionary version of life from fish to modern man does not include anything that looks the Paracas skulls. ​In wikipedia's March To Progress ,​ whic...