SHEDDING FALSE NARRATIVES TO EXPOSE CORRUPTION TAKES SOME BOLD BLOOD LETTING. Not Everyone Understands What Has Been Planned For The USA In The Coming Days. A communist takeover will be averted if enough people wake up and say "No" to the deep state.
Language is our vehicle of communication and the means by which life is fascinating for humans. Kill the language and distort its meaning, then control of human beings becomes much easier for the sinister psychopaths attempting to take complete control of this planet. If an injury is capable of causing death, one would think it needed urgent attention. Not so in one major medical center that boasts a pharmacy, 20 medical practitioners, plus physio, dietician, and dentists; it also has surgery, radiology and pathology departments and is your one stop (ill) health shop. In the entrance foyer near the reception desk is a large sign: We only treat "urgent" patients at this clinic. If your condition is life-threatening, we cannot help you, please call.... Evidently the word "urgent" no longer means "a requirement for compelling immediate action" as might be the case in a life-threatening situation. ...