WAR IS EASY TO SOLVE BY DECLARING PEACE. The Trouble Has To Do With Internal Power Struggles. Internecine infighting is always the problem, as politicians pump their egos and fatten their bank accounts doing favors for the military-industrial complex.

 Politifact claims that the Pandemic Treaty being sought by the WHO would not give them power to forcibly inject people.

Technically, this appears to be the case; but the weasel language is open to interpretation.


The WHO didn't have the power to lockdown countries or dictate what nations should do in the last fake SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, but their influence is such, governments insisted on restrictions and injections according to WHO's dictates — Gates and China being by far their largest donors at the time.



Tanzania's President John Magufuli and Burundi's President Pierre Knurunziza were not prepared to follow WHO's directives regarding the non-existent disease; consequently, they didn't live too long afterwards. Magufuli was said to have had COVID-19 before dying of a heart attack.


COVID-19 doesn't exist. In reality, what existence COVID-19 has is merely a construct in people's minds.  During the mask mandates I saw one person driving his car wearing a heavy duty gas mask.

COVID-19 creators had in mind a Certificate oVaccination I.D. system with which (1) Artificial (9) Intelligence could be used to track people down, trace their movements and control their moods and even their thoughts. 


Some individuals may have nanobots that are being traced. But, I don't think the Gates & co. have achieved their objective yet. Graphene is expensive, and there are difficulties in production. Disease X will be their next effort. 


Spanish La Quinta Columna founder Ricardo Delgardo says that the vials his group examined have no spike protein or mRNA, just hydrogel and self-assembling graphene nanoparticles which is denied by Pfizer. Many of their vials contained saline solutions and other concoctions.


Hydrogel and graphene are very real. Heavy metals and other toxins are real. Contagious viruses are a myth. 


As a young virologist, Stefan Lanka explains that no virus can be found by only looking for it in the blood. 


What is called a “virus” is created using cells from monkeys, cows, and human fetuses mixed with agar and antibiotics. Lab technicians may wear hazmat suits, but there is nothing contagious about this mixture.



Stefan Lanka eventually put up a prize of €100,000 for anyone who could isolate the measles virus, or demonstrate that one had been isolated from all other material. 


The only person to have claimed he had evidence of an isolated virus took Lanka to court, because Lanka refused to pay him over his bogus claim. 


The German high court arranged for two independent laboratories to isolate the virus. They were unable to provide evidence of isolation, which left the court with no other option but to rule that no measles virus had been isolated (ie. doesn’t exist). 


€100,000 is nothing to be sneezed at. How much more a prize of €1,500,000 for whoever demonstrates that a virus exists by actually isolating it from everything else. 


Evidently, virologists are so well paid that picking up an easy €1,500,000, by demonstrating that a virus can be isolated, is not worth the effort.



Dr. Suzzane Humphries specialized in nephrology (kidney issues). When she learned hospitals were incentivized to vaccinate patients on admission, she found herself at odds with her employer. This led to writing her book Dissolving Illusions.


One of Suzzane's discoveries was that 80% of kidney failures were caused by “appropriately prescribed” medicines. Moreover, she discovered that vaccines are not safe and effective but actually do more harm than good.


Trump still claims that he saved many lives through "Operation Warp Speed". The only way this could be possible is that by causing Big Pharma to see $$$$$$$, they would become careless and people would balk at taking experimental injections. 


Initially, many people resisted “the jab” because of the rush to get the injections to market, with a significant percentage refusing to be part of the experiment.


Eventually, many of the jabbed refused to take any more, because information was leaking out concerning “pro-vaccine” victims such as orthopedic surgeon Joel Wallskog MD, and children such as Maddie de Garay, who have pro-vaccine parents; not to mention the numerous “adverse” reports from acquaintances, friends and family members. 



Fox's Mark Levin’s analysis of Trump compares him with Ronald Reagan


Levin appeals to Reagan's candidacy as a guide to how Trump will win the majority vote.  Trump actually expects to win with a greater majority than the 2020 fake votes for Joe Biden.


The parallels can't be dismissed. Nor can the fact that Ronald Reagan was earmarked for the White House after Jimmy Carter.


Gary Allen wrote in The Rockefeller File (p145-6):


Many will refuse to believe the next prediction will happen, but we would bet our last farthing on it. If Nelson gets the top spot, the number two man on the ticket will be Ronald Reagan. It will be successfully sold to the Republican faithful across the nation as "the ticket to save the party."  


Would Reagan prostitute himself to accept the number two man on a Rocky ticket Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Reagan will do whatever his -Kitchen Cabinet- of -money men tell him to do.... 


Whether Rocky is at the top or in the number two position on the ticket may depend on whether his private surveys indicate he could be elected President. 


Surveys revealed no one trusted Rockefeller. He didn't take the veep ticket under Reagan.



What is interesting is the control factor. David Ike in a response to Alex Jones notes the control factor in relation to the idea that Trump is going to save the USA by Making America Great Again.


Alex Jones once did a promo on his show that presented him as especially chosen by God. Now Trump appears to be captured by the same messianic complex.  


John Bowne, reporting on the migrant invasion through the southern US border, points to the inclusion of terrorists.


Trump is saying that when elected President; he's deporting the millions entering the USA via the southern border. This may give the impression that he is the USA's messiah.


Trump is backed by generals. They have the goods on the USA Deep State. This is why the Democrats are trying to prevent him from becoming President in any way possible.



Do the large lithium deposits discovered in California and Nevada mean US politicians will have more incentive to push the development of electric vehicles?


Will Donald Trump, if he is elected, continue to push fossil fuels only, or will he begin pushing electric vehicles? 



One view of current events goes:

  • USA attacks Iran.
  • China attacks Taiwan.
  • North Korea attacks South Korea.
  • Russia overwhelms Ukraine.
  • Arab terrorists join together again.
  • Illegal migrants who have entered the USA are armed by covert operatives, already in place, to create civil war.

Greg Reece says false flags are imminent


One thing is for sure, everything on the geopolitical stage looks like governments have been told to prepare for war; but not just any war  nuclear war!

  • Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.  (John 14:27)

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