How To Isolate A Virus, So A Eugenicist Doesn't Have To Worry About Shooting Substances Into Children's Arms
Bill Gates says the one thing that keeps him awake at night is thinking about shooting up some substance into children’s arms. He has just partnered once more with Johns Hopkins Medical University to conduct another tabletop exercise after the manner of Event 201. Kary Mullis in an interview declares cell biology is a bunch of magic . In other words, cell biology consists of illusions. M ullis could be referring to the graphics, but maybe he is thinking in terms of DNA, and artifacts created by manipulation that are passed off as found in living tissue, etc. Microscope From What Price Intellectual Honesty : The light microscope had been used to examine living cells, unfixed tissue and stained sections, for 100 years until the 1940's. At that time, the electron microscope was introduced. It permits much higher resolution and magnification than the light microscope, but ...