God created Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden. God told Adam that he could eat of any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for when he did, he would die. Adam was introduced to the animals, and he named them, but none was able to provide him with the companionship or help that a woman could. Eve was created from Adam’s rib. Eve then ate of the tree and Adam saw that she did not die. Adam also ate, in defiance of what God had said. In doing so, Adam broke faith with his Creator. The fundamental truth that needs to be understood from the biographies of Adam and Eve is they broke faith. Eve broke faith with Adam and God. Adam broke faith with God. We could call this disobedience of faith; for, indeed, this is exactly what the actions of Adam and Eve were. God intended to create Eve as well as Adam. However, there was an important reason for creating Adam first. God wanted Adam to appreciate Eve, and not think of her as just another creature, ...