God created Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden. God told Adam that he could eat of any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for when he did, he would die. Adam was introduced to the animals, and he named them, but none was able to provide him with the companionship or help that a woman could. Eve was created from Adam’s rib. Eve then ate of the tree and Adam saw that she did not die. Adam also ate, in defiance of what God had said. In doing so, Adam broke faith with his Creator.

 The fundamental truth that needs to be understood from the biographies of Adam and Eve is they broke faith. Eve broke faith with Adam and God. Adam broke faith with God. We could call this disobedience of faith; for, indeed, this is exactly what the actions of Adam and Eve were.

 God intended to create Eve as well as Adam. However, there was an important reason for creating Adam first. God wanted Adam to appreciate Eve, and not think of her as just another creature, as the angels, that could think also, probably thought of each other. God’s desire was to create a race of beings in His Own image, who would interact and appreciate each other as the Father and the Son cherished each other. More to the point, there is every indication within the Scriptures that Son of God was going to take on human form when the first child was born of this couple. Unfortunately, Satan broke faith with God. At the time, from Scripture, we told that he was the Ancient Serpent, with every indication being that he was the Guardian Angel who had been posted in the Garden of Eden, but because of his beauty, he became vain and lifted himself up against God.  Nevertheless we are also told:

 Luke 10:18 [Jesus] said to them, “I saw Satan having fallen like lightning from heaven.
John 8:44 You are of your father, the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and doesn’t stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks on his own; for he is a liar, and its father.

Genesis 3:12-13 The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Yahweh God said to the woman, “What have you done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

Why did Satan fall like lightning from Heaven? Because he deceived himself.

Self-deception is the one thing that separates us from God. Self-deception also separates us from other people, because it manifests in pride, and pride can take on many manifestations.

Pride need not be unwarranted feelings of our superiority towards others, even though this is often the case. Pride manifests in stubbornness and refusal to cooperate. Pride manifests when we believe that others will look down upon us, or if we feel we are incapable of doing something. Pride will prevent us from acknowledging we may need to learn how to do something that we do not know how to do. Pride will prevent us from acknowledging that we may need to learn something again, because we did not learn the right way the first time.  Pride is as deadly as it is deceptive. Pride will cause us to say everything is okay, when we know it is not.

Humility is the opposite of self-deception and pride. Humility is self-acceptance. Humility acknowledges that some people may know more about certain things that what we do. When we possess humility, we seek to understand rather than broadcast what we think we know. Humility causes us to listen more and speak less. Humility acknowledges that we have two ears and one mouth, therefore, we ought to listen twice as long before we speak, and when we speak, we should speak half as long as what we listen. If we understand people properly, we can generate good faith.

Satan was not about generating good faith. Satan was about sowing doubt that would generate unfaithfulness. There are many ways to rupture relationships. Satan specializes in rupturing relationships. God generates goodness. Satan promotes evil.  We can overcome the evils in the world by reaching out to God and asking Him to teach us the truth.

First, we need to be honest and ask God to show us the truth about ourselves. We all want to know why it is that we are born. This will require us to be humble before God. If we are proud, we will resist the idea of talking to God by directing our thoughts towards Him. In fact, calling out to Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to us is always helpful. This is because He said that if we acknowledge Him before other people, He would acknowledge us in Heaven before the angels of God.  We need this to happen if we are to receive our inheritance.

For anybody to leave an inheritance, the person must first die. God became man in the form of Jesus of Nazareth and died, having done no evil. Because Jesus was God, He rose from the dead.
Jesus has left you an inheritance.

Jesus righteous life is now yours; that is, if you want to be raised from the dead, have eternal life and know the reason why you were born into this world. If you reject your inheritance, then you have to overcome death yourself. If you accept Jesus’ promise to give you a new body and raise you from the dead, you will seek to comply with God’s desires for you, that you might possess life and enjoy the abundance that is rightfully yours in Him. This begins now, if you really want it.  This is the reason you existto claim your inheritance.

However, that Serpent who deceived Eve will not let you get away from his grip easily. He is a deceiver, a destroyer and a murderer. Satan will surreptitiously sow seeds of sin into our minds as often as he can. He will use every trick imaginable. If Satan cannot get us with our eyes, he will try with our fleshly desires, but if he fails there, he nearly always seems to pop our bubble when it comes to pride.

The good thing is Lord Jesus understands. He was tempted in all ways like us. All we have to do is repent, ask Lord Jesus for help and put our trust in Him. If things seem like they are not happening as quick as you would like, just remember this: Satan is probably interfering with the transmission.

So make sure you have truly forgiven other people, so that you can receive God’s forgiveness in Lord Jesus Christ and possess the assurance that you have been forgiven from your sins. This is the key to life. This is the way to restoration. This is the truth you need to know. No matter what, Lord Jesus Christ will always be there for you, if you acknowledge Him before other people.

The world is doomed. The New World Order is doomed. However, those who overcome the world will be saved. As soon as the number of people who are to be saved from eternal damnation is complete, Jesus is coming. When Jesus comes, He will raise us up to meet Him in the air. 

Do not be deceived. Time is close. Make sure you are one of us as we prepare to meet Lord Jesus Christ when He descends upon the Earth in the clouds. Do not let the seed of doubt grow into unbelief so that you are not ready to be with the Lord, whenever He comes calling. For some of us may not be alive when Lord Jesus returns, but if that is the case, we can take heart in the fact that the dead in Christ will rise first, before those who are alive.


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