Jewish Royalty Is Far Fetched In The Minds Of Many, But Not The British Israelites.

The British Royal family was once on the nose, but now it is beginning to gain worldwide popularity and possibly an influence it did not know since the days Queen Victoria ruled the waves and about one third of the Earth was under British sovereignty.

Actually, you would be very surprised to know how many countries are legally owned by the British Crown; one could say that the deeds are currently in escrow.

But that is an aside, for we are entertaining the idea of Jewish Royalty reigning the waves that were once the realm of Queen Victoria and the East India Company.

The Times of Israel declares that Kate Middleton is not Jewish descent, even though it quotes ex-BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole:

The Times of Israel approached no less an (ostensible) authority than Michael Cole, the BBC’s former royal correspondent, who had a letter published in the Times of London last month (and cited by the New York Post last week), asserting that Kate’s mother, Carole Middleton, “is the daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy Harrison, both Jews.

The parents of Dorothy were Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple, both Jews. Elizabeth was descended from the Myers, a distinguished 19th century Jewish family.”

Cole added in the letter: “The Duchess of Cambridge is a Jew on her matriarchal side and therefore her baby will be a Jew, according to Jewish law and tradition.” And he suggested that “a wise choice” of name might be Solomon.

Jews have been known for centuries to change their names to that of the adopted country in order to camouflage their identity, a fact distinguished Canadian Naval Officer, Commander William Carr draws attention to in his book Pawns in the Game (p70) published in 1958:

At B'nai B'rith celebrations held in Paris, France, in 1936 Cohen, Cauvin, or Calvin, whatever his name may have been, was enthusiastically acclaimed to have been of Jewish descent (The Catholic Gazette, February, 1936)... ' (1) 

The B'nai B'rith were referring to John Calvin, from whom the Reformed Churches originated, which explains their belief that they are "the chosen" before they were born, as the Jews believe they are chosen before they are born.

Kenneth Winston Starr, former U.S. solicitor general, federal judge and former President of Baylor University

, is best known for  leading an independent investigation of the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky scandals during President Bill Clinton's administration, but there is no known Jewish heritage associated with him. 

rnard Starr writes for the Huffington Post, but unlike Kenneth Starr, he declares himself to be a Jew, even though he does not have a Jewish sounding name.

Apparently Birthright Israel got in on the act, creating  an infant garment which says on the front, “His Royal Highness. Future Birthright Israel participant, 2031.”

Anyhow the idea is being written off as a farce that the royal Cambridges are Jews and that Prince George will register in 2031 as a citizen of Israel.

The year will probably be 2038, when King George makes his mark, if he is to declare his citizenship, he will be 25 years old then.

Many people dismiss the idea embedded in British Israelism that the British Throne is that of King David, but every coronation takes place upon a stone believed to be that which Jacob (who was named Israel) slept on the night he made a pact with God and, in a dream, saw the angels of Heaven descending and ascending on a ladder.

Evidently, the royals take the idea that they are keepers of the Throne of David seriously; well, seriously enough to crown new rulers sitting on what they believe is Jacob's Stone, the Stone of Destiny, even if the full story is kept under wraps.

The stone of destiny points to another matter that is destined to happen, Jacob's Trouble.

Jacob's Trouble is a time the world is about to enter and it is not going to be like the 1967 song extolling the dawning of the Age  of Aquarius "When the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars."

Jacob's troubles began when Esau decided that his brother's days were numbered.

Jacob was advised to run, and as it happened on the first night he lay on what is believed to be the Stone of Destiny.

Concerning Jacob's troubles, Jeremiah has prophesied:

‘Alas! for that day is great, There is none like it; But he will be saved from it. It is the time of Jacob’s [unequaled] trouble. (Jeremiah 30:7)

With North Korea not making the same threats of nuclear war, life might be looking up, but when everyone is declaring peace, beware!!!
The idea is being planted in the minds of people that the man of peace is coming and it could well be a British Royal. 


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