EXTRAORDINARY GIFTS ARE FOUND IN ORDINARY PEOPLE WHO ARE THEN REGARDED DIFFERENTLY BECAUSE OF THEIR ABILITY. That A Person Might Be Considered Gifted Often Comes With The Penalty Of Being Ostracized Or Not Being Able To Fit In With The Average Ordinary Person. Not everyone is gifted in such a way that they suffer from other inabilities, many are though.

Philosophers and scientists are baffled how some people can be more intelligent than other people; especially when it comes to demonstrating extraordinary skills in the arts, music, math, and advanced feats of memory at an early age, as evidenced in child prodigies and savants.

 Savants demonstrate amazing abilities to do certain tasks that are seemingly superhuman.  Savants do things like memorize all the names, addresses and phone numbers in phone books.  As children savants are often autistic; if not, they will possess a diseased or injured nervous system. While they possess incredible capacities they will be severely handicapped in a more basic skill such as having a shower.

Kim Peek is the probably one of the most famous of all savants. He was the inspiration for the film Rain Man. In the film, Dustin Hoffman played a savant based upon the abilities of Kim Peek. Hoffman met Kim and modeled his character upon him. Kim Peek had the enviable ability of recalling everything he read. At the age of fifty, Kim was said to have the information contained within a 12, 000 volume encyclopedic library within his head, which was accessible instantly. Consulting Kim saved having to look up the information--see below. 

Being diagnosed as autistic has it drawbacks. Fran, Kim's father had to look after him. Fran showered his son up until the time Kim died in 2009, aged 58. When Kim died, his father was 83yrs old. Amazingly, unlike other people, Kim did not lose his ability to recall information and neither did he appear to lose his ability to read and learn new information as he had always done. 

 What baffled scientists about Kim, the two hemispheres of his brain were not connected. In  human beings, the left and right sides of the brain are connected by the corpus callosum. Kim had no corpus callosum, which explained why he was autistic; but not why he possessed such an amazing memory. Moreover, studies revealed that he did not use the frontal lobes of his brain to the same extent as ordinary people; rather he used the two lower portions of the left and right hemispheres at the back of his brain, which are where the occipital lobes (used in reading) are located, and which appeared to have expanded. 

When we think about this, it makes sense that Kim Peek’s incredible recall of everything he read was accompanied with an expanded neural network of the occipital lobe that is associated with the use of our eyes.  The brain is made up of cells (just as muscles are made of cells) and the more it is used, the bigger it gets in the areas that are used--many people claim Einstein had a bigger brain than other people because he used it purely for thinking.  

What doesn’t make sense is the claim chemicals store information that has been obtained from books, as atheistic scientists would have us believe.

 Akiane Kramarik is not a savant. She has the most incredible talent for painting that world has possibly seen. What astounds scientists is her claim that God gave her these abilities after she had a vision of Heaven and the Lord God told her that she was to paint. More remarkable is the claim that Akiane’s parents did not accept the authority of the Bible and were atheists at the time.

Now when a four-year-old girl from atheistic parents says that she had a vision of Heaven and the Lord GodCreator of Heaven and Earth, told her to paint, many people would say, “So what! Big deal. Who cares?” This is because many children between the ages of two and five years of age claim they see things in the immaterial world which cannot be proven. However, Akiane has produced the most incredible paintings without having been taught by anybody--talk about proving know-alls wrong!

In the documentary Superhuman: Genius, Ainan Cawley from the UK, a child prodigy in Chemistry who passed his university entrance exams at the age of seven is featured along with others. In the documentary we hear Ainan's father claim that Michelangelo would not have been able to paint if it had not been apprenticed to an artist. https://youtu.be/xxfA9SloVAU?t=2026

 The remarkable Akiane is living proof that Ainan Cawley’s father could be wrong about his claims regarding Micheangelo.

 What is staggering about Akiane is that when she came to engage in conversations with God she was led to know the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Akiane prayed to God that she could paint Lord Jesus as He appeared when He was on Earth, and asked Him to provide a model. A very tall man appeared at her door one day and she believed that this is what Jesus looked like when he was on Earth, so she asked the man to be her model. At first, the man declined. Later on, the man changed his mind; so Akiane painted Jesus of Nazareth. Her story is below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ealRd0XJUq0

The stories of Kim Peek and Akiane Kramarik are both remarkable for very different reasons. Both of their stories contradict and falsify many scientific and philosophical theories. Brain cells do not record and reproduce information in chemical form. Children have supernatural experiences that adults who have never experienced such experiences are unable to understandWe are spiritual beings not chemical constructs that have electrical charges mysteriously created within our body by some unknown chemical reaction within the cells.

If we are open to receive the truth, it is always there for us to acknowledge—that is, if we are prepared to accept the truth when it does not fit our preconceived ideas or personal preferences. If we push the truth aside, we have already decided to believe lies. Many do prefer to believe a lie rather than the truth--and more fool them. Really, it is much easier to face the truth now rather than attempt to prevent the truth from catching up with us. When we run from the truth, we will entangle ourselves in a mess that we cannot escape from, because we will not be able to tell the truth from a lie. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." The way to experience the life of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is only by acknowledging and growing in the truth.


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