People Are Finding It Difficult To Understand What Is Really Happening Today....
Many people
rail against what is actually happening today in respect to Israel,
because they are unenlightened as to what the Bible actually states.
does not exist merely because it is the creation of Zionists, but
because of the principles of God that are in operation that limit the
habitations of the boundaries of the nations and what individuals do.
Many do not understand how God could give men and women freewill and yet be able to predict the future with such accuracy.
who understand the truth embedded in the Second Commandment know how
God controls the boundaries of mankind's habitation and permits people
to have freewill.
When seeking to understand why Evangelical Christians in the United States support President Trump, James S Gordon
discovered the connection with the Bible's prophecy of King Cyrus and the building of the Temple in Israel.
Published in The Guardian newspaper "Does The Cyrus Prophecy Help Explain Evangelic Support For Donald Trump." Gordon writes:
The earliest and most visible public proponent of the Cyrus connection was Lance Wallnau, a business consultant who has a doctorate in ministry. In 2016, before he met candidate Trump, “the Lord spoke” to Wallnau, telling him: “Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.” Before his second meeting with Trump a few months later, Wallnau saw an image of him as the 45th president and, once again, heard God speaking: “Read Isaiah 45.”
Wallnau was impressed that God was speaking to him again – and impressed, as well, by the numerical connection between the 45th president and the 45th chapter of Isaiah. “Thus says the Lord,” the chapter begins, “to His anointed, to Cyrus.” Reading further back in Isaiah, Wallnau saw that the Lord had named Cyrus “My Shepherd...” saying to Jerusalem “‘You shall be built,’ and to the temple ‘Your foundation shall be laid.’”
A half
shekel was used for the Temple Tax in the days of Jesus and now one has
been minted with both Trump and Cyrus together the same side of the coin
and is now ready for use in the proposed Third Temple.
opposed to the message that a person has to be born again through a
recognition of their own need to know the Son of God, do not like what
is happening.
Having darkened minds these individuals ignore what is happening or they issue protests as does VOX staff writer
Trey Smith's Trump: Ancient Prophecy of Documentary of Donald Trump published
on September 29, before the 2016 election, lays what the unenlightened
call propaganda on the line, declaring that God is in control and knows
the end from the beginning.
of your view about life, the truth is we are witnessing the final
stages of what is to happen before the return of Lord Jesus Christ, when
He sets up a 1000 year reign.
have been many false prophecies that have been promoted over the
centuries, but the one prophecy that has been overlooked is that there
is going to come a man who will appear in the Temple of God and claim to
be God.
In 1975, the Lord God showed me that many people are going to be deceived prior to the return of Lord Jesus Christ and the prophecies of Hal Lindsay and others, promoting a rapture of people at any time, are false.
did not want to hear the truth, but preferred the lie, so they were
handed over to their own deception; this deception is going to happen
big time in the coming days.
Jesus Christ is not going to return until after the Third Temple is built.
Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling to meet him, we beg you, brethren, not to be quickly shaken in mind or excited, either by spirit or by word, or by letter purporting to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)
reason people are deceived is they think they do not have to overcome
sin, but they can do what they like and they will be forgiven.
If you do not want to be numbered among those who have their names removed
from the Book of Life, it is time to get serious about learning why we
are born into a life that ends in death, while having the ability to
realize eternity exists.
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