THE BIGGEST DECISION PRESIDENT TRUMP MIGHT MAKE. More and More People Are Being Awakened To What Is Happening. The takeover of the world's population is so deceptively cunning that students are being groomed without even knowing

People find it difficult to understand why so many school leavers become atheists and feel the need to defend their position for not accepting the truth that the Universe was created.  If you think about it, how difficult is it to recognize that if chance means "unpredictable", yet contrary to this, the seasons, day and night, the Sun and the Moon are so predictable, you can only conclude that they had to be created by the Creator.
  • And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years  (Genesis 1:14)
  •  In past generations he allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways; yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good and gave you from heaven rains and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.  (Acts 14:16-17)
Students are subconsciously conditioned by autosuggestion at school when they hear daily references to the thousands, millions and billions of years that life took to evolve, when listening to teachers, videos and reading textbooks. 

Students are not encouraged to investigate whether these evolutionary suppositions are true. Instead, they are told, now that evolution is established as a fact..... we know that man evolved 100,000 years ago from.... we know that the Earth began 900 million years ago.... and the Big Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago. etc., etc., etc.

Students have no time to investigate or inclination to research matters that are not going to give them the marks they are seeking to graduate from school. Consequently, they are focused on learning and memorizing the information necessary to pass exams. 

After 12 years of indoctrination in the dogma of evolutionary theory via autosuggestion, students go on to university, with few questioning that being born to die is futile, that reliability of the Sun running it course every day is contrary to the claims that humans exist as a result of trillions of unpredictably chance events somehow becoming predictable. Richard Dawkins epitomizes this. ---Notice that you will are advised not to view the video at the link provided. The attack on truth is alive and well.

When talking to young atheists, you might wonder why they are so resistant to accepting that design means a designer, just as artificial intelligence needs a designer. Having been subconsciously programmed to accept as true that chance events are as reliable as a twenty-four day, evolution is a fact and GOD does not exist, when talking to these people, a process of undoing, similar to untying knots, is required for them to see the light; that is, the truth.

As well as school being a means to program children's thinking as they grow older, so too has the world of television been used to influence them into thinking in ways that are contrary to developing a natural conscience that enables them to think morally. 

If you were told that tel-a-vision is the channeling of spirits to program children and reinforce conditioned adult thinking, you will do well to watch this documentary, before it is shadow-banned on Youtube. 

Shadow banning is what happens to articles, websites and videos on the internet, where the publisher can see them, but search engines ignore them when searches are made by other people, so they are not seen.

Out of the Shadows is the result of investigations of a top action Hollywood film stuntman (Batman, James Bond, etc)  who, after having fractured his lumbar vertebrae, is recommended to a Christian physiotherapist. She helps set him free from evil spirits and informs him of the abused children she has also had to pray for before they could begin to heal.

In the documentary, some of the people encountered in this now ex-stuntman's search for truth are interviewed. Three of them are Kevin Shipp (the highest ranking CIA whistleblower to survive), Brad Martin (stuntman extraordinaire) and Liz Crokin, who killed her mainstream media career as a journalist by investigating Pizzagate, and is being widely discredited for having asked too many questions and not dropping her investigations.

Currently, there is speculation that President Trump is about to implement the NESARA Bill, after having cleaned up the world-wide pedophile and bribery network that has flourished over the internet.

Trump has always been backed by the military and operations have been ongoing during this lock down. Not everything happens in the expected time frame due to unexpected encounters and positioning within the public sphere of influence. Only when sufficient people are onside is it wise to initiate a new way to govern a town, a state, a nation, or the world.

According to Goodwin's website, the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is claimed that the new law was to be implemented at 10 am on September 11, 2001, but that the computers, and data (of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars of "Prosperity funds") were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks. Supposedly an earlier gag order issued by the Supreme Court had prohibited any official or private source from discussing it, under penalty of death.[1] Goodwin referred to "White Knights," most of them high-ranking military officials, who have since been struggling to have the law implemented despite opposition by President George W. Bush. Goodwin allegedly believes and purports that Bush orchestrated the September 11, 2001 attacks and the Iraq War as distractions from NESARA.[3][4] Goodwin's description of NESARA goes far beyond Barnard's proposal by cancelling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections.--Wikipedia

More about what could be happening with Trump's big decision here, when he steps down and 120 days later the election that takes place is not just another 4 year election but one that changes the USA from a corporation to a republic.

At the last trump:

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.  (1 Corinthians 15:52)


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