THE MAN WHO IS WISE IN HIS OWN EYES SEEKS TO DO MORE TO YOU THAN YOU COULD IMAGINE. Wisdom Is Something People Treasure If They Possess It, But Not Everybody Does. The wisdom of this world is not really true wisdom, although those who love position, prestige and power may think they have it all.

The world is coming to an end, but not just yet. Maybe the world, as most people have gotten to know it.  After allmore people have better lifestyles today than at any time in history. This might not seem to be the case in every country, but all over the world this is true for at least 2-3 billion people, if not for the rest of the 7.8 billion. 

There are some countries (e.g. Yemen, Afghanistan, North Korea, Venezuela) which have seen better days. Many more countries still have large groups of impoverished and/or persecuted minorities. Consider the fate of  Tibetans, Uighurs, Palestinians, Rohingyas, white South Africans, and many African Christians.

What might surprise you is that in Colombia, according to Open Doors, eight Christians are killed every day. Fortunately, the Christian has nothing to be worried about when it comes to death. Every true Christian has the assurance of eternal life. I know I have.

If you do not have the assurance of eternal life, being born to die is all you really know. Not having eternal life is one of the reasons so many cruel and evil acts are perpetrated by tyrants, tyrannical governments, corrupt government officials, and even people of influence within society.

For example, back in 2010, Bill Gates, whose foundation works in conjunction with World Health Organization, spoke at a TED lecture and said:

The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent .

When you learn that in October of last year, Bill Gates was involved in a brainstorming workshopwhere simulated modelling of the economic effects of a global coronavirus  pandemic killing 69 million people was discussed, the current COVID-19 worldwide lock-down has to arouse suspicions that the underlying agenda is more sinister than the rosy hopes for vaccines reported in the mainstream media.

People are afraid of catching COVID-19 because they are fearful of dying. Death is something people fear. As one (60-65 year old?) man, who was very enthusiastic about the lock-down, said to me, "We are saving lives with the lock-down. Everyone would be dying otherwise."

The average age of the people who died that had COVID-19 in Italy was 81 years. One analysis of the crisis reports:
Many were in their 80s or 90s, and were already suffering from serious health problems, including cancer, when the coronavirus infection was detected.  

Let's face it, nobody really wants to die. One man had been telling me for over 30 years that he didn't care if he were to die today. But at 97 years, he said to me, "I am not ready to die, yet!"  He did not have the assurance of eternal life.

Everybody knows deep down that there is no meaning to life, if we are born to die. Yes, some will say that having children is the meaning of life, or establishing some dynasty by carrying on the family name. But deep-down they know that being born to die is really a futile existence. Acknowledging this is very difficult for many people. Yet this is essential if people are going to begin looking towards the Creator for answers and secure their assurance of eternal life.

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about wisdom and being wise.
  • Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. (Proverbs 26:12)

Evidently, according to the book of Proverbs, the book of wisdom, there really is one thing worse than being a fool. This is someone who is wise in his or her own eyes.

The Bible is written in such a way, that whoever seeks to understand why it exists, as is the case with anything, has to be humble. Humble people do not begin with an arrogant assertion and then proceed to make an argument.

For instance, the now deceased British molecular biologistbiophysicist, and neuroscientist, Francis Crick (no fan of design) issued a warning to his fellow biologists:

Biologists must constantly keep in mind that WHAT THEY SEE  WAS NOT DESIGNED, but rather evolved. (Crick 1988, 138).

Francis Crick was a humanist. He saw no reason to acknowledge God the Designer, even if the evidence points to His existence. After all, Crick did discover DNA. Except, he did not design it.  Unbelievably, in his blind deluded devotion to his own greatness, Crick actually believed he would be able to create life out of nothing in a test tube. 

While the book of Proverbs says that a person who is wise in his own eyes is a greater fool than an ordinary fool, the book of Psalms says:

  • The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1)
However, when you read the rest of the text, you realize that while a fool might say there is no God, there is the suggestion of hope for the fool; that is, if the fool is not wise in his own eyes. This is because this fool has a reason for not being yet enlightened: not believing in man-made gods and, therefore, any god. As the rest of the verse indicates, man-made gods seem to have a remarkable resemblance to many humans.
  •  They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none that does good. (Psalm 14:1)
When people recognize that being born to die is futile, they now are open to the reality that eternity is a concept that means "never having to die and, thereby, cease to exist".  This also implies the possibility of judgment for deeds done on Earth. A fact Abraham once acknowledged, some 4000 years ago.
  • Far be it from thee [Heavenly Father] to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from thee! Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25)
The true God is not one of finite human imagination but is an Infinite Being.  For within the Infinite God, the whole of Creation, the Universe itself, exists. For some reason, this seems to escape most people, and they have a finite concept of a finite god, which is essentially nothing more than a projection of the imagination of a finite mind. This is why people reject the idea of the LORD GOD being the Creator of the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth. This is also the reason people reject the Bible as being inspired by God.

When a person begins to realize that being born to die is really a futile existence, the person is open to the truth that there has to be an eternal purpose for existence on Earth. The truth is, after all, being born to die, sucks!

The one truth overlooked by so many people is that the Bible informs us, we all live and move and have our very being within God Himself. This is such an important truth to understand.

‘In Him we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17:28)

When you fully appreciate what it means to exist within God, you start to realize that you must have a purpose for being here in your biological body that extends beyond the futile idea of being born only to die.
Until next time,


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