Lock Down Frees Locked Up From COVID-19 Fears, Only To Murder Another

Murderers have a high likelihood of murdering again.  In 2018, a 77 year murderer released from prison, because he was deemed too old to murder again, stabbed a woman to death in front of her two children

Conspiracy analysts look into what is happening around the traps to find out if those setting them aim to make profit or seek to control the species.

Ethical conservationists view culling menacing animal populations as good practice;  especially, when they are being so uncontrollable that other species suffer or are being made extinct.

Unfortunately, this is also the known policy of dictatorships and dictatorial regimes that conduct a Great Purge or take a  Great Leap Forward but commit nothing less than crimes against humanity.

Historically, there have always been those who desire to magnify themselves above others, so they decide to create an empire to establish their self importance for the record. 
Death has always resulted. Not only death, but murder. Not only murder but genocide. 
  • Do not be like Cain who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous. (1 John 3.12)  
Could you imagine one third of the world's population dying in a major pandemic? What if it were planned genocide? What if it were known and written down some 2000 yrs ago?

The current manufactured pandemic that is overtaking the world could very well be the precursor to the 3 billion people (1/3 population) the Bible indicates will die from a plague.

At a planning event for a pandemic, chilling discussion centered around vaccinations for CAPS.

The CAPS virus—which Toner describes as a cousin of SARS, "but slightly more transmissible, like the flu, and slightly more lethal"—was presented as resistant to any existing vaccine, as scientists scrambled to come up with one. Citizens, meanwhile, were rioting over scarce access to the next best thing: a fictional antiviral [chloroquine?] known to treat some CAPS symptoms. That scenario, Toner says, is utterly realistic. "We don't have a vaccine for SARS, or MERS, or various avian flu viruses that have come up in the past decade," he notes. "That's because vaccine development is slow and difficult if there isn't an immediate market for it."In the simulation, CAPS resulted in a death toll of 65 million people within 18 months—surpassing the deadliest pandemic in history, the 1918 Spanish flu.

Bill Gates appears to be overjoyed that the US economy might take a long time to recover from the lock-down.

Actually, Gates wants to vaccinate 80% of the country. Doublespeak would suggest that those in the know, the elite, do not need to get vaccinated.  They wouldn't be getting the viruses given to those who are vaccinated.

People are supposedly vaccinated so that they do not become ill. Yet if other people refuse vaccination, we are told they put at risk those who are vaccinated. Does this make sense?

Forced vaccinations are already happening, because of this myth propagated by the health authorities. No vaccinations means no government welfare payments for children and no place at school, which often means removal from home for truancy and parental neglect.

In China people are being forcefully taken to hospital even though they are not ill. Whether they are going to be vaccinated, no one knows. But a hospital has been built that looks more like a prison. While many more have been imprisoned in their homes in Wuhan. Doors have been welded so people cannot open them. Windows have been shuttered lest inhabitants climb out. 

A nurse in New York claims patients are being murdered rather than cured.  

Could you imagine this happening all over the world because of a genuine pandemic where billions of people are dying? People will be petrified, as if stuck to the wall. Yet more like blue-tack, they become easy to manipulate.

Knowing that China is an authoritarian state, and people suddenly disappear, could Bill Gates and others had have something do with the creation of COVID-19?
One investigator thinks that COVID-19 definitely came out of China.

Another investigator, using a crime scene chart, as if tracking down murderers, lays out the players involved and shows their connections.

In Australia, one woman decided to protest about the lock-down. The constabulary, whose job it is to prevent violence and murder, see fit to traumatize a child while blaming the mother. 

Meanwhile there is a report that domestic violence has increased by 21% in USA.

As it happens, one of the Ten Commandments is, "You shall not murder." The Apostle John explains what this means.
  • Any one who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. (1 John 3:15)
Murder, we learn, also includes hate. The opposite of hate is love. Nobody can claim that they are loving people when they are seeking to censor them, or traumatize them, or harm them in any way, or kill them by surreptitiously devious means.

In an interview with Jesse Watters, health care policy investigator  Dr Scott Atlas  points out the criminality of lock-downs killing people, when COVID-19 is less dangerous than the flu for healthy people, 

Dr Fauci and Dr Birx are responsible for initiating the lock-downs that have contributed to the deaths of many people, not just in the USA, but, indirectly, other countries, and anyone who is killed by prisoners released from jail because of COVID-19.

An investigation into Fauci and Birx reveals that they are connected to a tight network which includes the usual suspects that oversee WHO operations and financial contributions, but, worse, since 2005 had knowledge of hydroxychloroquine being a cure for SARS-CoV, from which SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) derives.

Why are they against people taking hydroxychloroquine and claim a cure needs to be found? 
  • Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9)
Doctor Ivette Loranzo  prescribed hydroxychloroquine, zithromycin and zinc for COVID-19.  She says that she learnt about this cure from President Trump.  A pharmacy resisted dispensing the therapeutics. She contacted Texan Senator Hall, who rectified the situation. He states: "In a few months, we may discover places where this combination could have saved a significant number of lives, but we had deaths because it was not used."  All thanks to you know WHO! 

President Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar calls out WHO for sanctioning killer drugs but not wanting people cured of COVID-19

Share the word. Censorship is happening. 

Play your part in the Great Awakening.



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