Being Wrong Is A Pain. Science Proves The Truth About COVID-19.

 Technicians call themselves scientists but they are just workers with certain skills; such as being able to run a centrifuge machine and report observations, as they are told to do. True scientists question everything and seek the trutheven about measles.

Do scientists lie? Whistleblowers say they do. One honest scientist says that even he has to prostitute himself to obtain funding, which means what? Not telling the truth!

In 2009, the COVID-19 synthetic mRNA experimental injection maker (of what is falsely called a vaccine) Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history. This was to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products.

The medical company Merck was slapped with two separate class action lawsuits contending they lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in their combination Measles/Mumps/Rubella shot, and fabricated efficacy studies to maintain the illusion for the past two decades that the vaccine is highly protective.

Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson confirmed that "the Centers For Disease Control knew about the relationship between...MMR vaccine and early as 2003, but chose to cover it up”.
He alleges criminal wrongdoing by his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data.

"Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and even many adult subgroups."

Medical expert Prof. Podbielski was appointed by the court to oversee trials into the measles virus legitimacy and found evidence of fabrication. He concluded that the measles virus thesis has been falsified.

Scientists, like medical journals, are not always truthful.

Regarding COVID-19, no legitimate scientific assays have been completed that have fulfilled the criteria to satisfy the proofs for the existence of the virus.

No publication has been reported of any study that fulfills the following criteria:

1.      detection

2.      isolation

3.      purification

4.      electron micrograph

5.      characterization

6.      double blind control assay


Viruses have presumably been identified using PCR (polymerase chain reactions). Claims of isolation are dodgy. 

The electron micro-graphs produced are not of purified virus, but culture with other tissue. No purification of an isolated virus has been performed; therefore, no genuine characterization that established the uniqueness of the virus occurred. 

There have been no double blind laboratory assays.

Essentially, what is currently occurring regarding the terrifying "covid" pandemic has been happening with the measles. 

Dave Mihalovic writes:

Two recognized laboratories, including the world's largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently. The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus. 

As is the case with the measles, we can expect ordinary constituents of cells being claimed as COVID-19, when in fact they are not. 

 COVID-19 tests are just a relatively small number of paired bases of DNA found (in many things--even coca cola) after 35-40 amplifications (i.e, compound reduplications).

While some laboratory technicians might believe that they are working according to the requirements of scientific research, the truth is some of their colleagues know that they are not. 

Unless adhering to Koch’s Postulates when establishing a purported pathogen's existence, any claim of being detrimental to health is a faulty diagnosis

When the gold standard for covid is based upon looking for a small number of pairs of DNA via PCR amplification, the results are misleading.

Stephen Bustin[ is a leading expert on PCR and he seeks to establish global protocols for its use. Bustin claims that the PCR can be used to create whatever results desired, making the method a very unreliable diagnostic tool. 

Yet people are making claims about a virus being detected using PCR, when it has not been truly proven.

Dr Stefan Lanka, having been a virologist for 20 years, without detecting one genuine virus that was not a bacteriophage, claims contagious viruses do not exist—and he is not alone!

The more you look into the COVID-19 debacle, the more you learn that certain agencies are covering up the truth and laboratory technicians are not the scientists that they claim. 

Those entrusted with the responsibility of being scientists in the medical industry are doing what ensures they obtain finance and prestige from those who fund operations. 

Such a priority does not help the case for scientific honestyespecially, when you know the truth about HIV/AIDS.

Medical scientists (i.e. technicians) profiting from COVID-19, who have not fulfilled the six criteria to establish the legitimacy of the virus, may not necessarily be lying, when following instructions. They might just be ignorant of Koch's Postulates:

Four criteria that were established by Robert Koch to identify the causative agent of a particular disease are:

1.      The microorganism or other pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease.

2.      The pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture.

3.      The pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal.

4.      The pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and shown to be the same as the original pathogen.

A number of scientists (technicians) claim that fulfilling Koch’s Postulates is unnecessary. They are either ignorant or deceptively attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant. 

The elusive Derek Knauss PhD  claims that it was impossible to satisfy Koch's Postulates when analysing 1500 samples of covid tissue.  Irrespective of anything else, the substance of what is attributed to Knauss is verified by other scientists.

Stefano Scoglio (B.Sc, PhD.asserts COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) has never been isolated; therefore, it is a hoax. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is prepared to seek the truth, let alone stand up for it. Though this need not be so, propaganda influences many people, which is why they have no hope. 

  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7) 
  • Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, would have none of my counsel, and despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way and be sated with their own devices. (Proverbs 1:29-31)

Who’s looking out for scientific integrity? 

Bioethicist Leemon McHenry cares! 

Physician Dr Charles Hoffe cares!

And because you care, this is why we share.


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