Once Upon A Time None Dared Call It Conspiracy, But Now People Are Waking Up.

 In 1971, Gary Allen, wrote "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"; a book that details what is occurring today. 

 — The Establishment is counting on you to be too lazy or preoccupied with your own problems to fight back while the chains of slavery are being fastened on you.  They are counting on the mass media to con you, frighten you, or ridicule you out of saving your freedom, and they are counting on you thinking that you can escape by not taking part in opposing their takeover.  Also they are counting on many who recognize the conspiracy to be so mesmerized by the mechanisms of it that they will forget to take part, acting to oppose it.
— The billion people who have been enslaved by Communism had also thought, ”It can’t happen here!”
— Winston Churchill told the people of England: ”If you will not fight for the right when you cannot easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come home to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.” ..  ”There may even be a worse fate.  You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.”  

Having determined that the Earth's population is to be no more than 500 million, the Ruling Class are using different strategies to bring about their complete control of the globe.  

Fascism has always been promoted as "communism" to the unsuspecting masses, who will soon be receiving "basic income" to placate any desires for starting a revolution.

The documentary "Apocalypse Stalin" provides an understanding of events that occurred in Russia from 1917-37, which are now taking place in the USA, where cities are being targeted for Bolshevik takeover, as a base to create civil war. This is similar to the Communists conquering Russian resistance.

Today, those fostering communism are using different strategies to take over the world, such as found in "rules for radicals" and the deployment of "wolf warrior diplomacy", rather than force alone.  Nevertheless, resistance is forming.

John Holland is the biggest engineering infrastructure construction company in Australia. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) now owns it through one of its fake private companies. 

During the 2020 lockdowns in Victoria, Australia, when people were being thrown in jail for not wearing masks and small businesses were closed, not one of John Holland projects was affected.

The dictatorial Premier of Victoria, Dan Andrews, was invited to a holiday house of the owner of the nation's biggest privately owned trucking company, where he purportedly slipped on a stair, and more consistent with having been beaten, smashed his ribs and fractured his vertebrae. 

The Premier was hospitalized and required six weeks comprehensive physiotherapy to recover.  Now his CCP Belt and Road Initiative contracts have been revoked by the Federal Government.

A conspiracy merely requires two people to conspire to defraud anyone else. Politics is a conspiratorial activity by its very nature. Businesses also conspire to ensure that they get contracts and dominate industries; none more than Big Pharma, who infiltrate pharmaceutical regulatory agencies around the world. 

In 2009, "Swine Flu" swept through the globe's news broadcasts, as propaganda. Big Pharma was out to make a killing, financially. Governments paid out fortunes to buy vaccines. German pulmonologist Wolfgang Wodard called out the scam for what it was, just as he has spoken out about the current Covid-19 scam.

A pandemic now requires no isolation of a pathogen, nor scientific proof of contagion.  WHO has changed the definition of a pandemic from something that causes high death rates to just a worldwide test that points to people being infected everywhere.

Reiner Fuellmich is bringing an international human rights challenge on the basis of the following:

While mortality statistics during the pandemic have been within the norms of any given year, meaning the pandemic has not resulted in an excess number of deaths or a death toll higher than normal, the collateral damage from pandemic response measures is nearly incalculable
Specifically, does a positive PCR test result mean that the individual is infected with SARS-CoV-2 and has COVID-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the COVID-19 infection?
Are these measures intended to sow “panic in order to make people believe, without asking any questions, that their lives are in danger, so that the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?”

Fuellmich believes Germany “is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to pandemic measures."

The conspiracy against the 95% of the world's population is so huge that most people cannot believe it.  In a video, Dr Larry Pelevsky lays out the full extent of the current goals the cabal has in mind. Dr Carrie Madej further warns what ownership means in respect to patenting human DNA.

The largest slum in the world, Dharavi was expected to be devastated by people falling ill to influenza-like symptoms and testing positive to COVID-19; except hydroxychloroquine is used as a prophylaxis against malaria. 

I've heard, Indians in malaria-prone areas regularly take tablets, as if candy. Consequently, they don't suffer ailments like the flu; also, when taking HCQ tablets, it is difficult to register false positives for COVID-19. 

Since the vaccinations have been introduced the number of illnesses and deaths attributed to a variant of COVID-19 have skyrocketed in the Northern regions of India. Whether these are conflated with natural deaths, as has typically happened elsewhere, WHO knows.

In an interview with Richard Reeves about Trump's return to the White House, Patrick Byrne shares how he has come to realize that the Christian Community keeps the principles of righteousness and truth alive and are playing a critical role in restoring integrity to the US elections.
  •  “If the righteous man is scarcely saved, where will the impious and sinner appear?”    (Peter 4:18)
Fortunately, mercy triumphs over judgment. But woe to those who reject mercy while it is on offer.

All we can do is exercise our faith and reach out to others, in the hope that they will begin to see that there is more than just being awakened to the global agenda. Salvation is about life after death rather than judgment for eternity.

Because we care, we do our best to share.


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