Masks Make Matters Intolerable Yet Being Unseen Is Fashionable

 The song in the woman’s voice told me that she was pleased to see me. But who was she?  I could not tell. She was masked. Her straight black hair, brown eyes, natural lightly tanned skin and her height was characteristic of so many Filipinas with whom I associate.  


The mask problem extends beyond creating a lack of recognition to lowering immunity, inducing illness, subliminally communicating danger to the anxious, creating an atmosphere of fear, conditioning people to inhaling less oxygen, more carbon dioxide, snorting potentially deadly bacteria growing in the moist environment on the inside of the material, and being controlled as part of the coming Metaverse.


Meta Matters

In 2012, Facebook (now, Meta) conducted an experiment with some 690,000 users without their knowledge to see how they could be influenced emotionally. The experiment revealed who would be swayed by positive articles placed in their newsfeed; who would be swayed by negative articles; and who were the individual thinkers that were not swayed at all.  


Everyone who signs up to Facebook/Meta does so with the understanding that their information can be used for data analysis and research. At least, this is what is stated in the rarely read conditions of use.


Meta/Farcebook masks everything it does with language that might mean one thing to you but a different thing to those working at the company.  This is how the world of the elites works. What they say is in code; the existence of which the innocent and ignorant are obviously unaware.


Super States

In George Orwell’s book, 1984, the world is split into three super states: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. This is like saying there are three super states that exist today, consisting of countries aligned with the USA; countries aligned with China and countries aligned with Russia.



Newspeak was the doublespeak language of 1984, where everything means the opposite, as in “war” means “peace”.


This form of political doublespeak is occurring today. Democracy means totalitarianism. Censorship means freedom. Propaganda is now news and information. The official narrative is scientific. Questioning is unscientific. Investigative journalism is misinformation.


During Obama's presidency, Joe Biden was doing private deals with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, where money was being skimmed and returned to him through various channels.


When Trump became President, some Ukrainians were seeking $13 billion dollars in stolen money from Ukraine. US Treasury Secretary Munchin refused to pay up. Now Biden sends 32.5 billion to Ukraine.


Evidently, Biden would telephone Poroshenko every week just to say, "Hello," and remind him, in coded speech, that as long as everything went to plan, all would be well for him. Backsliding was not permitted.  


This is all on record. Poroshenko's voice didn't sound sincere. Biden sounded authoritarian. None of this was reported by MSM when it was disclosed in Ukraine during Trump's presidency.


The MSM were reporting on attempts to impeach President Donald Trump. Biden and his masters were protected by coverage of the fabricated impeachment. They wag the dog.


Apparently, there are three families who are known to exert control over Biden, Obama, and the Clintons, etc. Many attend the Klaus Schwab school of indoctrination, where people get connected and, once approved, selected.


Among the selected are Boris Johnson (United Kingdom), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Angela Merkel (Germany), Emmanuel Macron (France) and, would you believe, Vladimir Putin.


Putin wrote about Merkel at her retirement:


We were always in contact and tried to find ways out of even the most difficult situations. In your years leading the German government, you rightfully earned great authority in Europe and the whole world.


Was Putin just being diplomatic?  Is Putin playing a double game? Has Putin turned his back on the Klaus Schwab gang? 


In May 28, 2016, this Global Weekly reported Steve Pieczenik claimed that Saddam Hussein was at that time doing well and living out his days in luxury at Barvikha, Russia; a luxury hideout where international criminals, fugitives and deep state players not condemned to death by the ruling cabal can mix it with politicians and oligarchs.


Now the UK, Canada, Germany, and France are condemning Putin, which is nothing new really, as Germany, under Merkel, convinced EU leaders to sanction Russia when Crimea was annexed from Ukraine and the war in Donbass began in 2014. 

George Soros, of course, has boasted about his empire in the past, and hopes to pick up Russia,  although, China has broken away from his control. 


Six years ago, Soros was talking up a 2008 type crash

Putin kicked Soros out of Russia. 

Individual journalism exposing the truth is destroying their plans and narratives. 



What is happening in Ukraine may be a circus of fun and games for the cabal that runs the military-industrial complex that is ultimately owned by Vanguard, but this is not the case for the grief stricken victims.


Few people give any thought to why Vanguard is so named. Vanguard is defined as: “The foremost position in an army or fleet advancing into battle,” and “the leaders of any intellectual or political movement.” However, the leaders of this movement operate in the dark, behind enemy lines, and we are their enemy.


With Vanguard we see the masking of the true intentions of the ruling cabal, who delight in being in the public’s face and chortling about their stupidity. And being a private company, knowledge of ownership is a guarded secret.


What should come as no surprise is that the company that owns all the other companies through a maze of legal entities is controlled by those who consider themselves to have the foremost position of power in the world, even though not elected to any government.


NATO is a critical player in this warfare. NATO now utilizes cognitive strategies to control minds and wage warfare. 


Planned Famine


Ukraine, along with Russia, exports 19% of the world's corn supply, 28% of the world’s wheat, and 80% of world’s sunflower oil. On top of this, worldwide, floods and drought are creating shortages.


Sanctions placed on Russia have affected Belarus, which together produce around 35% of the world's potash, an essential nutrient for crops, as modern day farming has depleted natural resources.


What people do not realize is fertilizer also relies upon hydrocarbons which come from natural gas. In 2021, there was already a shortage of natural gas and prices were hiking. The poor are not going to be able to afford food. Estimates are that between 2-4 billion people will be affected.

  • And I saw, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence.... (Revelation 6:8)                          

More 25-44 year olds died in the USA in 2021 from injections than US soldiers during the Vietnam War.

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Ukraine Burning


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