Ukraine Had No Democracy And Is Now At Putin's Mercy While Klaus Schwab White Ants Western Society

 Ukrainians have been a distinct people by language group for the last 1000 years. In 2016, 70% of the population in Ukraine (30 million) spoke Ukrainian.


Ukraine was not recognized as a country 120 years ago. In fact, not until independence in 1990 were the state borders of  Ukraine recognized internationally. The borders were created under communist USSR  for administration purposes.


Corruption is one of the reasons the European Union Parliament has been reluctant to give Ukraine membership.  George Soros and his US democrat cabal have been using the Ukrainian puppet presidents since 2014 for their own nefarious purposes.  


Since 2014, Schwab/Soros Neo-Nazis have been waging war with the Russian speaking separatists in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine: the now Russian recognized republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. 

According to the propaganda, Putin is the problem. Leo Zagame presents a more favorable view of the man; an atheist who encourages people to return to the Church and desires former USSR states to return to Russia.


Once Ukraine is taken out of the equation, any biotech labs are no longer a threat, the Neo-Nazi mercenaries are splintered, funds being laundered are locked up, and a strategic geopolitical stake is gone, the rogue white-anters of society will be feel like they losing their teeth.


Ukraine nearly became a democracy before it became another corrupt state infiltrated by Schwab's Neo-Nazis. 


Through his Neo-Nazis, Schwab also controls the cabinets of Argentina and Canada. Besides the calloused Jacinda Ardern, more of Schwab's Neo-Nazis (Young Global Leaders of Tomorrow) have been discovered in Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand that reveal how infiltration occurs. 

Speaking of Schwab acolytes, Canada's authoritarian Christia Freeland appeared demonstrably perturbed for some reason when Justin Trudea was giving a speech condemning Russia. 


Expect a cyber threat


Biden is signalling that one is going to happen. Klaus Schwab has predicted that there will be a cyber pandemic. Russia will get the blame. Cyber attacks could be a series of smaller false flags carried out by WEF confederates or it could be a large one in Europe or a number of states within the USA.


The predictive programming that is used to prepare the world for a cyber attack becomes evident when compared with the COVID virus. A cyber attack could disable computers that provide water and electricity, even aircraft. Everything that relies upon  electricity that is hooked up to a computer targeted by a cyber attack would be endangered.


Expect inflation


Many financial pundits (gold/silver/crypto) and others are citing the world's debt levels as the key driver for current events. However, as long as there is a reserve currency that is still accepted as a basis for international transactions, the debt levels can continue rising, for they are only a number. 


There is a massive difference between a household that has to have income to fund living expenses and purchases and the country that pumps out the reserve currency. The reserve currency is a bottomless pit until it is no longer recognized as means for doing business.


Inflation is something that is misunderstood among economists, who have to produce novel ideas to make themselves relevant, as they are unnecessary, really. 


Everybody, who gives just a little thought to the subject, understands that if people have more dollars than other people to, say, pay for a particular house (of which there is only a limited supply of one) that they want, the price paid will go to the bidder willing to pay the most dollars. This is how inflation works.


Increased money supply and a scarcity of goods creates inflation. Those who have the most money (acceptable currency) whether printed fiat currency, actual gold, crypto, or seashells will have an advantage.


Blackrock has trillions of dollars to buy what you cannot afford. People accept the digital dollars from Blackrock into their bank account and sell their land to them. Bill Gates is doing the same with his billions and actually owns the most farmland in the USA. 


World War III

Martin Armstrong is an astute man. His computer program Socrates keeps him ahead of the game. He believes that we are at the beginning stages of World War III and the western elites are egging Putin on so they can engage in war.  


Unlike the USA's way of razing a city to the ground, Armstrong believes Putin has many good reasons for keeping the Ukraine intact and therefore is waging war the traditional way, where the people will be starved into surrendering. Ukrainian's who have surrendered are being looked after.


Moreover he says that if Russia and China were to combine their military forces, they would defeat the West.


World War III is being promoted as about to happen and Putin is going to target key cities; more likely certain locations and property belonging to Schwab, Soros, Obama, Biden, Rothschild and whoever else is what he would have in mind. Therefore, World War III is unlikely at this stage. Putin doesn't appear to be a Stalin, Hitler or Mao. 


In the US, wars have been declared on, besides other nations, poverty, drugs, crime and terrorism. Now a war on viruses is being spearheaded by Public Health officials, who believe this is best addressed by taking away individual rights


More particularly, not every tribe on the Earth has been reached with the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ, according to what is written in the New Testament.

  •  The gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

Of course, this does not mean the evil power at work in the Cabal will be able to enslave every human and turn us all into trans-humans, where we are  walking around smart cities guided by a VR headset strapped onto our forehead and cheekbones.


We can foil the plans of the evil ones, by being aware of their machinations to infiltrate institutions, control finances and bank accounts, create wars, restrict food and water, stifle manufacture of goods, disrupt supply chains, deceive doctors, inject poisons into people in the name of health protection and use propaganda to foster mass formation psychosis.


Beyond mass formation psychosis are the plans for connecting human brains directly to the cloud  so thoughts and memories can be "data-mined" and decision-making controlled. Schwab and his ilk believe they will be able to undermine freewill and deny us our autonomy.

You know where you stand on the matter, so let your voice be heard. 


Too many people are rolling over and letting their elected representatives gaslight them. Every person I know who has pushed back the right way, highlighting the law of the land, has been left alone. 

Because we care, we make an effort to share.


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