When The Obvious Becomes A Matter Of Unbelief, Breaking Free Requires Slaying The Dragon

 The insanity of the ruling cabal is being exposed; evidenced by Meta/Facebook and Instagram changing guidelines to permit hatred and the murdering of Russians, and twitter permitting the call to assassinate President Putin. 


This is causing more people to question social media. Like the traditional mainstream media these social media behemoths have become more like fly-blown whales. Their stench is becoming unbearable. 


Once awakened, people will begin to look for alternative sites such as Frank Speech, Truth Social, Gettr, Telegram and Gab, even if moving family albums and other sentimental pics and material is a massive hassle.



That fake conservative US politician, the corrupt, closet homosexual, Senator Lindsay Graham does not want Putin to conquer Ukraine and unveil evidence of his corruption.

Graham and his corrupt partner in crime, that fake war hero, the now deceased John McCain, were both given awards (the Order of Liberty and the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise) by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko for their contributions in assisting his leadership.


On the other hand, President Zelensky is accused of becoming a billionaire too fast. The Ukrainian opposition deputy leader, Ilya Kiva, says that in 2.5 years Zelensky has managed to accumulate US $1.2 billion in a Costa Rica bank.


Around the world, the corrupt MSM propaganda machine is running into resistance. Credibility for what were once trusted organizations has diminished and people are turning to alternative media and citizen journalism to find out what is really happening in the Ukraine. 


Conflicting information from different sources presents problems. Alternative media has been bought off to promote the official Covid narrative or promote injections and not interview anyone who provides an alternative view. 


The amount of evidence coming out from the US FDA regarding Pfizer experiments is more than revealing, it outright implicates everyone at the FDA, the CDC and all the other government or "officially sanctioned" health and drug institutions endorsing these poisonous injections as willful participants in a planned genocide. 


The mouthpieces at the WHO and the UN, every politician, bureaucrat, journalist, media manager, pharmist, medical doctor and scientist involved in the promotion of these dangerous and deadly injections also needs to be indicted on charges of wilful genocide.


The day of reckoning is coming.

  • Then David ran and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath, and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled. (1 Samuel 17:51)

Neo Nazism

The declared atheist and Jewish Nazi, ninety-one year old George Soros, appears to be projecting onto Putin, and even Xi Jinping, when he writes:

Putin used to be a canny KGB operator, but he seems to have changed recently. Having developed an idée fixe, he appears to have lost touch with reality. He certainly misjudged the situation in Ukraine....We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization.


Neo-Nazism in Ukraine is well established.

Aljazeera claim that there are only around 900 members of the Neo-Nazi (Azov) military force in the Ukraine. Reports are that the Azov have been providing arms for the Ukrainians and forcing them to fight.


The Azov's ranks are hoping to be bolstered by another 16,000 mercenaries (Neo-Nazis?) entering Ukraine to bolster forces, which are apparently being paid for by the British Government through a country in Europe via a private military organization.   

The Daily Mail disagrees and claims Putin is bolstering his army with the mercenaries. Whereas we learn mercenaries in Ukraine are being strategically taken out of action by Russian strikes.


If MSM and George Soros are to be believed, Nazis existing within Ukraine is mere Russian propaganda. The number of people who want to believe (the puppet master) Soros is a Savior and Putin is the Antichrist is astounding. Still, more people are waking up.


Who's Really At War

People drool over the thought of having their photo taken with famous people. Marina Abramović and Lord Rothschild just casually standing in front of  Satan Summoning His Legions tells us more than that they are just pleased to be seen together.  The Luciferian element is never far away.


Jacob Rothschild's son Nathan is as anti-Putin as you can get. He made a fortune from Russian Oligarchs. However, Putin paid off the nation's loans to the Rothschilds and they have no claim on Russia now. Consequently, we learn that Nathan Rothschild is quite hysterical over the prospects of Putin taking Ukraine into his domain of influence.


One Ukraine general is on record naming oligarchs who he says runs the country. Ukraine has considered a treasure chest for plundering and a laundry for washing funds by many players, including the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Actually, in the last few centuries, the bankers appear to have been behind the wars, not the oligarchs. Do you think anything has changed? 



An Englishman decided to do some citizen journalism and investigate the Ukraine situation for himself. The amount of propaganda and fake news flooding the media (print, radio, tv, social) made ascertaining the truth impossible. What he discovered was people acting for the BBC and other MSM outlets and not much else out of the ordinary happening.


The hospital that was supposedly bombed killing nurses, doctors, patients and other workers is not adding up to what is claimed. The same applies to a kindergarten supposedly bombed by Russians, but a woman claims it was Ukrainians (Azov) who actually shelled the facility.


Breaking Free

John Campbell is a nurse who earned a PhD in communicating nursing concepts via digital media and has achieved a large following on Youtube. Having seen some of his nursing lectures, his teaching skills are top notch. 

However, when it comes to truly questioning any narrative, Campbell's critical thinking skills are on the backburner, because he trusts the MSM and authorities implicitly.  

Now it appears the Campbell PhD waking up!  Or is he?  For the next day Campbell finds letting go of false beliefs is hard to do!


Tucker Carlson, however, asks much more pertinent questions. He understands the reasons for the planned pandemic; the diversionary Ukraine/Russian war;  Biden shutting down the USA's oil production; and putting sanctions on Russia to cause the oil price to rise


The real aim of the current turmoil is to undermine the US reserve currency (petrodollars for trading oil) and create instability in the money markets, so that oil producers will trade in cryptocurrency, thus forcing the world into acceptance of a one world digital currency.

Only by cutting off the dragon's head will there be peace.

We care therefore we share.


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