DECENTRALIZATION IS BAD FOR BUSINESS. But This Depends On Whom You Serve. You cannot serve two masters.

 Running a business is a matter of ensuring sufficient profits are made on goods/services sold to sustain a livelihood.  The profits made determine how many people can live off the business and the lifestyles that can be sustained.


Economics is simple: no production>no economy>no currency required.


Without its own jargon Economics would not be shrouded in mystery. Everyone would be getting a larger share of the cake, except those who think they are born to rule.



The aristocracy enjoys the benefits of creative financial instruments such as 

  • trusts,  
  • delayed dividends,
  • non taxable capital gains,
  • creative borrowing,
  • favorable interest  and exchange rates,
  • derivatives, 
  • money printing, 
  • arbitrage,
  • seigniorage, 
  • tax exemption.

Without providing a comprehensive list of all the machinations that make up the illusory financial markets and economic factors affecting an economy,  it is suffice to say that the wizardry of economics is nothing but an illusion, unless there is production that has material benefit for the general populace.


Everything is designed to rip-off the average working peasant in the name of prosperity for the gentry overseeing the activity of banks, brokers, dealers and various agencies.


Nevertheless, through the advancing of credit, prosperity has blossomed.  Unfortunately, the fragrance of the peasantry enjoying prosperous times, the aristocracy finds putrid. They are desperate for it to end.



Rather than utilizing loans provided by financiers, "community cooperatives" are a better alternative. Community cooperatives provide cheaper finance and all the members benefit from the projects.


The success of a community cooperative forms the backdrop of the storyline for the 1946 Christmas film It's A Wonderful Life, which may seem like it was pumped out by Hollywood to encourage people towards working and purchasing a home after World War 2, lest they become vandals and destroy the cities. The film was a dream


Initially the film’s a flop; though, eventually it becomes a perennial success as viewers realize what’s missing in society. The poignancy of life's realities is well crafted into the story.


Our need to be comforted with a better hope than being merely born to die, after a life of disappointment and misery, has seen this film embraced worldwide.


Now the Cabal sees the prospect of global control being a reality and they are making their move to straitjacket the world's economy so that there is little room for the small player to move, other than become financially dependent upon Big Brother.



Various theories about inflation point to:

  • government policies, 
  • government spending, 
  • war, 
  • labor shortages, 
  • strikes, 
  • production costs, 
  • material costs, 
  • supply-line breakdowns, 
  • pollution
  • drought,
  • pestilence, 
  • famine, 
  • floods, 
  • frosts, 
  • overfishing, 
  • overgrazing, 
  • grain production yields,
  • pollution, 
  • interest rates, 
  • credit expansion, 
  • money creation, 
  • overpopulation, 
  • supply and demand ratios, etc.

There are numerous factors that can affect the price of goods marketed to the consumer. A study of the primary cause of European inflation 1500-1700s posits that the two main factors that cause inflation are overpopulation and fungible money supply.


Silver and gold shipped from South America to Spain flooded Europe. This deflated the value of the metals from which coins were made. People had access to more of the currency of the day. Along with a growing population, this created inflation. Prices rose.



The USA has been printing the petrodollar at will and trillions have flooded into the world's economy. This dilutes the purchasing power of the world's currencies. The least affected is the USA.  


Scaremongers claiming the US dollar is going to crash, mostly talk nonsense. Until there is a replacement for the global reserve currency, the US Federal Reserve (a private bank) can print whatever it likes and the owners will be the beneficiaries. 


More dollars flooding the world's economy means that those with the money can pay more for goods and property than those without. They buy more of the world's resources, create shortages and drive up prices. 


The rich get richer, the poor, poorer, the small businessman shuts down, the middle class find they cannot afford their lifestyles anymore and begin to file for bankruptcy.


Big Brother comes to the rescue with "buy now, pay later". Confiscation of property begins, followed by Universal Income to soothe the bruise. 



Lord Rees-Mogg and James Davidson (in The Great Reckoning: How the World Will Change in the Depression of the 1990's) point out that historically the rulers with the most advanced military weaponry at the time conquered and ruled empires. Nothing has changed. 


The nation today that has the most advanced military technology is still the United States of America—it’s just not deployed.  Kissinger & Co. began facilitating transfer of military technology to China. I don't believe it's been completed. Trump interfered. Kissinger visited China not long before he died. 


Arguments about the global reserve currency being based on gold or precious metals or certain commodities or a particular country's or group of countries' primary production have some merit. 


Except when it comes to military prowess, protectorates will gather together to form an economic bloc, and the dominant bloc will have the strongest currency (BRICS?).


The question we all need to ask: Who oversees the world's financial sector and controls the currencies? 


Answer: The central banks controlled by the Bank of International Settlements that operates out of Basil, Switzerland. We are told Russia is the exception.



However, a noted illustrative exception to currency control was evidenced in Somalia when the Somali Shilling became the unofficial acceptable means of tender for goods and services when its central bank shut down. 


Instead of being wiped out, the Somali Shilling withstood international pressure for its abolishment because people retained faith in the currency as a fungible means of exchange, and eventually it rose in value internationally. 

People-power (when people are in unity) is where the strength lies.



Ideally, as a society, we function best as decentralized communities controlling our own affairs; not run by distant agencies or bureaus of centralized government that have no personal ground-level emotional or physical contribution in our locality or daily lives.


Blockchain supposedly decentralizes everything to do with financial transactions. Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto — Who is?  DARPA? CIA? BIS? Max Keiser?


The Blockchain Council Website states concerning Bitcoin:

In the source code, Nakamoto set the upper limit of 21 million bitcoins, implying that no more can be mined or circulated.
Although Nakamoto did not explain establishing the limit of 21 million, many people consider it a significant benefit for the world’s oldest cryptocurrency.
According to them, the cryptocurrency’s limited quantity maintains it scarce and keeps its price stable for years.

The law of supply and demand says that scarcity causes prices to rise until they find equilibrium, as in only those with the means can purchase Bitcoin. The rest can..... 


But what about El Salvador

N.B. The United States dollar is the currency used daily by Salvadorans.


 We care, so we share.


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