False Evidence Appearing Real Dominates The Thinking Of World As Faux War Looms

 When all else fails, the threat of world war spikes the markets. Historically, oil price goes up, gold price goes up, military-industrial-complex (MIC) companies shares go up, non-MIC-connected shares dive and people think the globe is about to explode. 


The Atomic Scientists Bulletin has the annihilation of the world by nuclear war at 90 seconds to doomsday, as China, Russia and USA increase the capacity of their nuclear arsenals.  The current possibility of an Iran/Israel nuclear war is not taken into account.


The threat of nuclear war creates fear like no tomorrow. Count the world's population by countries and we learn that Asia easily has over half the world's population. 



More to the point, since most people live in the Northern Hemisphere (88%), nuclear war could wipe out all but 12% of the world's population.  


The likes of Zuckerberg, who are holed up in their underground bunkers and have access to Nikola Tesla's free-energy device, may avoid annihilation from a nuclear war in the Northern Hemisphere.


Still, many of the ultra-rich are heading to New Zealand and Southern Hemisphere destinations rather than be affected by nuclear fallout in the Northern Hemisphere, because the strong trade winds responsible for much of the Earth's weather patterns don't cross the equator


In the main, the strong ocean currents of each hemisphere do not cross the equator

The natural conclusion is whatever nuclear fallout occurs in the Northern Hemisphere, will barely affect the Southern Hemisphere.


Attributing the opposing ocean and wind directions from East to West to the Earth spinning towards a stationary Sun seems logical. If all the ocean currents and winds at the Equator move westward, this would make sense as the Earth spins East.


The ocean currents would naturally turn towards the poles, as the pressure from the surface speed of the spin becomes less, due to the spherical Earth tapering off from the equator and the resistance of the continents is encountered. 


When the opposing North and South currents (that hug the land mass at the eastern perimeter of the oceans) meet at the Equator, they take the route of less resistance and turn towards the West. 


However, at the Equator a 300 mile (480km) wide eastward current moves in the same direction that the Earth spins towards the Sun. 

That there is a surface current at the equator that moves in the direction the Earth spins, suggests it is not spinning at all. 

Aircraft travel times from East to West being similar to those going in the opposite direction, also indicate that the Earth is stationary, as do the global weather systems. 



Also notable is that the video from Felix Baumgartner does not show the Earth spinning, as we would expect, during his fall from 24 miles (39 km) above the planet. 


The Earth spins at the equator some 1,037.5646 mph (1,669.8 km/h). 


Even if the Earth is only spinning 600 mph (960 km/h) at the location that Baumgartner jumped, the fact that he landed near where he launched and not 100mph away suggests the planet is not moving.  


The arguments for the stationary effect of gravity don't really hold and a geocentric model that does not propose a flat Earth matches this skeptic's experience, even if the heliocentric model makes sense from the point of view that there is an Intelligent Designer.


In the Baumgartner video, the spinning has to do with the man himself going into a spin and the circle of the Earth results from the ultra-wide-angle lens used that produces the hemispherical view by warping the horizon, known as the fish-eye effect. Nevertheless, notice the blue hue on the Earth's perimeter that was missing in the (fake) NASA Apollo photos.


Astonishingly, scientists claim the Earth travels around the Sun on the same circuit every 12 months at speeds of 70,000 mph (112,000 km/h), spinning at some 1040 mph (1664 km/h), while the Moon revolves around it at some 2288 mph (3361 km/h), and this is the result of chance, not because of an Intelligent Designer. 


These same people expect us to believe, contrary to reason, that at the equator (where the effect of the Earth’s speed is greatest) an ocean current moves in the same direction the planet spins, as does the weather that predominantly moves eastwards.


They also want us to believe a comparatively fragile spacecraft went to the Moon and back in 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes and 35 seconds, without being damaged or like a meteor, burned into oblivion by Earth's thick protective radiation of the 36,000 mile (57,600 km) deep Van Allen Belts on the way out, or on the way back in.


According to SciTechDaily the Van Allen Belts are two belts that stretch:


from 400 to 6,000 miles (640 to 9,700 kilometers) above Earth’s surface and the outer belt stretches from 8,400 to 36,000 miles (13,500 to 58,000 kilometers) above Earth’s surface.


The spacecraft was able to negotiate its way through the radiation belts unscathed because the Van Allen Belts form a figure eight with the middle being virtually non-existent at the North and South Poles. 


Astronaut Don Pettit said that he would "go to the moon in a nanosecond," except NASA has lost the knowhow

Not so according to NASA scientist David Sibek, technology is advancing.

  • But wicked men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others and being deceived and led astray themselves. (2 Timothy 2:13)


NASA claims an impenetrable barrier has recently been discovered that does not permit particles to diffuse (so anything can move through them) which presents a major problem for space travel.  


This was discovered during the five year Orion Mission that began in 2012 to probe the Van Allen Belts for a better understanding of them. 


However, the flat-earthers (who are deceptive and deceived) are now claiming that the impenetrable barrier is 72 miles high and it is water.


Evidently, amateurs sent a rocket with cameras capable of relaying images back to the launch crew. At 72 miles the cameras show the Earth's perimeter slightly curved (therefore spherical); there does not appear to be any stars (maybe the moon); the Sun is brilliant and produces some amazing effects; and a blue hue on the perimeter.



When it comes to scientific fraud, distractions are constantly created in an attempt to ensure that you and I do not dig deeper than the surface and uncover the facade that is presented to us concerning the progress of scientific man.



The "I believe in science" mantra has dominated the propaganda of the educational system to such an extent that "the science is settled" means that we are not to question anything but do as our government says.


Who is our government? Politicians and the Deep State (government employees who have an evil agenda).

The Deep State believes it controls the politicians, even those who are legitimately elected by the people (many are selected by those who count the votes). The bureaucrats, who make up the Deep State, are in turn controlled by the plutocrats, who are controlled by the ruling cabal.

People are waking up!

We care so we share.

The More Who Know

The More Freedom Can Grow



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