World Health Organization (WHO) May 2024 Pandemic Treaty Letter To Politician To Not Join In The Corruption And Sell Out The Country's Sovereignty

 RE: WHO Pandemic Treaty 2024


I hope this letter finds you and your family well and none of you (especially your children) are suffering from the side-effects of the experimental mRNA injections pushed as vaccines that are 100% safe and effective, of which we were told only one is needed to prevent Covid-19. I note that unprecedented cases of myocarditis in children are connected to these injections.


I wrote to you in 2020 in respect to the "experimental" vaccinations that were being permitted upon the population by the Morrison Government, warning of the dangers of these experimental injections, which were being declared safe and effective by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia.


The World Health Organization (WHO) endorses, as true, what is patently false according to the literature at the USA National Institute of Health, as I demonstrate below. In May, the WHO expects Australia to give it the rights to dictate health policy, along with other countries. 


You and your family, Patrick Gorman, cannot afford to have someone such as Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO Director) dictating what is to be injected into your bodies. Nor can your constituents. Nobody can!


The PCR tests for Covid-19 had been created on a computer without accessing a sample of any virus, according to the United States Centre of Disease Control's paper published on the National Institute of Health's website, entitled: CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (Effective: 12/01/2020 - updated: 03/07/2023) p42, under Performance Characteristics, subheading: Analytical Performance: Limit of Detection (LoD): quote:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA….”


In other words, "Without any virus, we fabricated the test on a computer (in silico) referencing the characterized stocks of previous samples of what we determined to be SARS and have fraudulently passed this off as legitimate."

Based on this PCR test that was developed "without any virus being available", an Australian team at Peter Doughty Institute claimed they found a patient who tested positive SARS-CoV-2 (ie. CoVID-19). The Australian team published their results and methodology in the paper:

Isolation and rapid sharing of the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) from the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Australia.


The paper clearly shows that no virus was isolated; rather, other ingredients were added to the sample in the petri dish to create what the virologists were looking for. On pages 2-3 we read:

Growth, visualisation, and global sharing of SARSCoV2 virus
....Following several failures to recover virions with the characteristic fringe of surface spike proteins, it was found that adding trypsin to the cell culture medium immediately improved virion morphology.

“Isolation” means to separate a substance or item or person from everything else.  

Isolation does not mean creating a spike protein by adding sputum to cell culture then adding another substance (trypsin) because of failure to find what "we want to say exists" in untold millions on its own.

What the above extracts from the two published papers tell us is no virus has been demonstrated to exist.  

This is also confirmed by the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control Dr. Wu Zunyou, when asked by a reporter from NBC (USA) why the data had not been shared from the samples taken from patients, he replied: "They didn't isolate the virus. This is the issue." (See video clip attached.)

Instead, what is known as influenza (which has the same wide-ranging symptoms from mild illness to pneumonia) is being mistaken for the new fabricated disease, with people believing they have/had got the disease because of the unrelenting propaganda promoted via mass media.

The influenza statistics for Australia drop from 313,615 cases (2019) to 753 cases (2021) then bounce back to 234,581 cases (2022). Cases (with flu symptoms) identified as Covid-19 correspondingly rise and fall. 

What the Australia scientists did at the Peter Dougherty Institute, regarding their claim for having found the spike protein, amounts to fraud. They admit they didn't have any "positive" material, yet they manufactured what they were looking for and then claimed that they had found a naturally occurring product (i.e. virus). 

In May, the World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking Australia and other countries to sign up to its Pandemic Treaty and assign the right to the WHO to dictate policy to sovereign nations.

Australia is a sovereign country. Global fascism is not welcome in Australia. We do not need WHO interferring in Australia health policies with their agendas that have a global corporatization influence.

Vaccines have not been the reason many diseases have disappeared, sanitation, sewage, better nutrition and more protein in diets are the reason. Charts that correlate with the rise in better living conditions, health and vaccines can be found here:

WHO is dependent upon funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates profits handsomely by governments buying the vaccines from the companies in which the Bill and Melinda Gates Trust has large investments. Gates boasts of how profitable vaccines have been for him. He also claims that he will get Australia's attention next time a pandemic strikes. 

Gates distributes money to universities such as Monash (directly or indirectly) and then the government funds the establishment of a company such as Moderna, to manufacture what are proven killer injections.

The mRNA injections demonstrated in trials by Pfizer to produce numerous adverse effects from strokes to paralysis to heart attacks except in placebos. Nobody knows whether the injection for covid-19 that they were getting was a placebo or how much dangerous mRNA, graphene, hydrogel was in the product or whether it contained heavy metals. 

What is known is that more adverse effects were lodged at the USA CDC registration agency in the first six months of the mandated rollout of the experimental injection than since the agency’s inception, some two decades ago.

What is also known is that many politicians, ex-Presidents, public celebrities and other influential people were pushing the unproven experimental injections. Some even admitting that the technically unlawful, yet mandated rollout of forced COVID-19 injections, was the largest human vaccination experiment in history (i.e. ex-USA President Barack Obama, and Australian Minister for Health Greg Hunt).

If you are genuinely concerned about the health of your children, your family and those of your constituents, may I suggest that you look into the evidence for contagion, since, my research has shown that while bacteria, fungi, amoebae, parasites exist and are not contagious, viruses have not been isolated (as in separated from all other matter) nor demonstrated to be contagious. Numerous doctors in the past have conducted real human experiments to prove contagion but all have proven negative.

The evidence is ailments appears to occur from toxic environmental factors such as exposure to poisonous gases, chemicals (insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides such as Roundup, food additives, etc.), parasites, fungi, dangerous levels of electromagnetic waves, drinking contaminated water, consuming contaminated food, breathing polluted air, a lack of oxygen (wearing masks), lack of sanitation and hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, injected poisons, the process of detoxification, but, contrary to common belief, disease has not been demonstrated to occur from human to human contagion.

I can present a detailed documented paper of the harm being done by Big Pharma and the number of deaths and injuries caused by iatrogenesis. However, there are numerous publications available that already document this fact, even if aggressively belittled by opposed vested interests. Just as the massive military-industrial-complex needs to be sifted and analyzed, so, too, does the burgeoning medical-pharmaceutical-industrial-complex.

The one thing we cannot allow is the World Health Organization dictating Health Policy to Australians. The organization exhibits signs of corruption, with Bill Gates having too much influence. Bill Gates is not a medical doctor but appears to have an international stage from which he can dictate his eugenics policies.

An example of how Gates is capable of being in the position to influence individuals is evidenced with the rise and rise of Jane Halton, whose brother-in-law Brett Sutton was the Chief Medical Officer of Victoria during the lockdowns of 2020.

Ms. Halton has held a number of significant roles in global health governance, including as chair of the board of the World Health Organization (WHO), president of the World Health Assembly, and chair of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) health committee and was a prominent player in Event 201 which war-gamed the coming pandemic (which we had to have). She was paid six figure sums as a consultant to Prime Minister Morrison and the cabinet during 2020-21, not to mention her remuneration for her other activities on various boards and committees.

In 2020, she was a member of the board of the ANZ Bank, Clayton Utz, Crown Casino, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, and the US Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. She was chairman of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), COTA, and Vault Systems. Her 33-year career in the Australian public service included nearly 15 years as Secretary of the Department of Finance and Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing.

While one is not saying that Jane Halton is a corrupt official, a cursory look at her profile indicates that she could easily be compromised in her public duties to do the bidding of Bill Gates rather than what benefits the public.

The once credible Lancet has proven to be nothing but a propaganda tool for Big Pharma and those who benefit from it and control the medical industry.  The Lancet claims: "Ultimately, hydroxychloroquine did not have clinical benefit for COVID-19." The FDA claims that Ivermectin is not "safe and effective."

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have proven effective against the symptoms that people were manifesting (normally diagnosed as influenza). This is now admitted. 

During the fake pandemic these medications were banned, denigrated and fraudulently declared ineffective, so that the mRNA injections could be provided with “emergency use” status, even though they had not been proven safe or effective. The ensuing debacle, which many officials and Big Pharma financial beneficiaries are attempting to keep out of the public domain, is becoming more well-known and more people are seeking justice and restitution.

President John Magufuli of Tanzania called the fake PCR tests out by demonstrating that the fruit and animal tissues he sent for testing for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) at the WHO laboratory returned positive for the un-isolated disease. Magufuli made this public knowledge and refused to inject his constituents with the unproven mRNA injections.

Excess mortality has increased among those who took the mandated injections (illegal in Australia). Previously rare diseases such as pericarditis and myocarditis have become commonplace among the young. Strokes and heart attacks also have increased beyond norms among recipients of these injections.

What I would like to know is what you are going to do Mr Goreman, as the Federal Member of Perth, about protecting your constituents against the mRNA vaccines and what is the Albanese Labor Government going to do to prevent the likes of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from obtaining any authority to declare another pandemic and dictate what measures Australia must follow for the benefit of the pharmaceutical companies shareholders.

This letter will be sent to various media outlets.

Yours faithfully,

Happy Riches (D.Min.)

P.S. Please don’t suggest I bake a cake and find a lonely lady to give it to, as you did in 2020, when I warned you about the dangers of the lockdowns, wearing masks, experimental vaccinations, etc.


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