Affluence Actually Assists In Population Reduction, But Is There A Better Way To The Ideal Life
According to Associated Press , Bill Gates' funding for cutting trees down is only to thin out forests — of course! Cutting down trees, like buying up farmland and leaving it unproductive, has nothing to do with B . Gates' desire to bring the population of the Earth to its knees (crying, “Save me!”) by killing off all whom he and Harare classify as " useless eaters ”. One German politician didn’t get the message. Nevertheless, since he still wants the godless political perks of being a publicly recognized licker, rather than be classified as a “useless eater”, he had to lick toilet bowls and brushes ; not because he lost a bet but as "punishment" for not playing ball with likes of “bully boy” Billy and scum. Prognosticator “ Billy Goat ” Gates predicts his next pandemic will be a bird flu that will take out all the chickens, turkeys and ducks, and even affect cattle. People will have t...