Affluence Actually Assists In Population Reduction, But Is There A Better Way To The Ideal Life

 According to Associated PressBill Gates' funding for cutting trees down is only to thin out forests — of course! 

Cutting down trees, like buying up farmland and leaving it unproductive, has nothing to do with B. Gates' desire to bring the population of the Earth to its knees (crying, “Save me!”) by killing off all whom he and Harare classify as "useless eaters”.


One German politician didn’t get the message. Nevertheless, since he still wants the godless political perks of being a publicly recognized licker, rather than be classified as a “useless eater”, he had to lick toilet bowls and brushes; not because he lost a bet but as "punishment" for not playing ball with likes of “bully boy” Billy and scum.


Prognosticator “Billy Goat” Gates predicts his next pandemic will be a bird flu that will take out all the chickens, turkeys and ducks, and even affect cattle.

People will have to find alternative protein sources such as Gates' 3-D-printed meat.  This will improve health and save more lives(!?)


Yes; I know! You may as well just buy the packaging and eat it. At least, once you are receiving universal income, you won’t be paying for it out of your own pocket. The scumbags are just making life easier for you.



World population replacement is apparently becoming a problem for two reasons:


1.  Not enough reproduction happening among the affluent (effluent?) as the western disease penetrates Asian and South American cultures.


2. Replacement population from Africa, Central America, Middle East and Asian countries to Europe, North America and Australasia has incompatible elements.



In 2022, the World Economic Forum feigned its concern about a declining population worldwide, after the (now retiring) chairman, Klaus Schwab, spoke earlier of expecting an "angrier" world



This was interpreted as violence would increase as part of Schwab’s Great Reset, so that martial law would be welcomed by the various populations of the world using United Nations' peacekeeping mercenaries — sorry, slip of the finger — UN peacekeeping troops. 



Ethnic and religious divisiveness is fostered by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, which funds not only the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, but the migration of economic refugees and displaced persons into the West (Australasia, Europe, North America), with a preponderance of military-aged males.


Much of the human migration is the result of various regional wars, bloodshed from internecine battles among ethnic groups and genocidal practices taking place (think Palestinians) which are often justified with interpretations of being authorized by God (e.g. Netanyahu’s annihilation of Amalekites; Muslim conquests and silent genocide in sub-Saharan Africa).


When it comes to Ukraine, if those who control the USA have their way, the current genocide will continue until the last Ukranian is left standing.  



European genocide is not a recent idea, just the outworking of a plan that had been conjured in the imagination of Freemason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, which he published in the early 1900s in a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism). 


According to the Cymru Sofen (Sovereign Wales), Kalergi stated that there "should be a plan run for and by the racial and spiritual supremacy of ‘blood aristocracy and Jewry".



Evidently, something ominous is afoot in the UK. The ministerial code states that only a member of the Lords or the Commons can be a government minister, and since Lord Cameron has not been an MP since 2016, granting him a peerage was the only way to enable him to become Foreign Secretary.



According to Scott Ritter, the political moguls in the West incorrectly assumed that sanctions placed on Russia would weaken the country and it would begin to break up.  


Instead, the oligarchs that Putin had to treat with caution, because of the power they wielded, found themselves having no option but to succumb to the Russian President's demand that they invest their money in Russia instead of overseas, where it would be safe from being confiscated by western powers.  


Russia's economy has been thriving as a result.



The multipolar order, which has the world being broken up into regions, is on its way.


The day the US dollar collapses is when everything will fall into the lap of the City of London and Jerusalem will overtly assert its power (which it already has pretty much) over the world. On that day, Rome will bow down to the Zionists (and King Baphomet?).



The Epoch Times reports that 24 GOP governors pressured (Zionist) Biden not to sign the WHO "Pandemic Agreement" as it would give it too much power.  Pressure on politicians around the world evidently worked. 


Not only that, researchers found that the pandemic was not as deadly as claimed (after all it was fake — just propaganda placed in people's heads), for nothing untoward happened to those who didn't receive the deadly mRNA shots. 


Yahoo News reports:


Researchers found that as few as 50% of people in the Western Pacific and Africa received a first COVID-19 shot and that less than half of them received an mRNA vaccine. 


How this must rankle Gates & his coterie of reprobates. Less than half of the population they hoped to exterminate received their self-assembling polyethylene glycol (PEGylated) hydrogel and reduced graphene injections. Any placebos will explain the lack of illness from the shots.


Digital I.D.

An Australian living in Iceland says that Digital I.D. proceeding Down Under is already happening in the virtually cashless and treeless isles.


Reporter Daniel Jeffrey writes:


A digital ID system will help avoid that painful process of collecting 100 points of ID – having to scan them, get them printed and get someone to physically sign the back of them to verify their authenticity. This requires a lot of physical paperwork and face-to-face interactions. 


[Don’t forget the trees!]



Naomi Wolf presents 10 Steps To Tyranny:


  1. Evoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
  2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
  3. Develop a thug or paramilitary cast not answerable to citizens.
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
  5. Infiltrate and harass citizen’s groups.
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
  7. Target key individuals.
  8. Control the press.
  9. Cast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason.
  10. Subvert the law and declare martial law.

Plan working—Believe!


In the 1980s, atheist Howard Storm was a University Professor of Fine Arts (Kentucky, USA) when he had a near death experience (NDE). 


After being taken to Hell, he was taken to Heaven, where he met and asked Lord Jesus Christ which was the best religion — ie."quest for the ideal life".


Lord Jesus said: "The best religion is the one that brings you closest to God."


Storm concluded that rather than meaningless rituals, often accompanied with hatred for others, there was none better than:


You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27)


Where do you stand?


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Those who care, share.



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