Fables Are Thought To Be Imaginary Tales That Have No Basis In Reality Until A Person Wakes Up

 In Bern, Switzerland, the famous fountain commemorating the fact that children are eaten is not considered as being representative of what really happens. Kindlifresserbrunnen is relegated to the realm of fables and fairytales.

Nobody literally eats childrenor do they?

It's difficult to accept that city elders anywhere would consider celebrating a child-eater, let alone going to the trouble of erecting a statue depicting such a monster eating children.


There are numerous theories as to why the statue exists and what it represents. 

One is the envious brother of the Duke who founded Bern rounded up all the small children and ate them to reduce the population and kill off support for the Duke.

Another is that the statue represents the Greek God Cronus (Saturn- Roman), who ate one of his children because he thought he would take his throne. According to Wikipedia this: 

originates from the Roman myth (inspired by the original Greek myth), in which Terra (Gaea) foretold that one of the sons of Saturn (Cronus) would overthrow him, just as he had overthrown his father, Caelus (Uranus). To prevent this, Saturn ate his children moments after each was born, eating the gods Vesta (Hestia), Ceres (Demeter), Juno (Hera), Pluto (Hades), and Neptune (Poseidon).

The reality could be more alarming than explicit representations of mere myth. Just like Disney World merely uses innocuous symbols that are in your face and yet go unseen until woken up. 

The Toy Story clip in this expose of Disney from Cosmopolitan portrays the child trafficking, baby parts market, apart from other subtleties with the hooker and curb crawler.


Evidently, millions of children go missing each year around the globe. Many end up as slaves in workplaces, others go into child prostitution, the rest are believed to be tortured, abused, raped, drained of blood and killed for organs (gruesome @1:30:00) or sacrificial offerings or human consumption.

Trafficking children across the Mexican/US border is a billion dollar business today, and was so even before the corrupt and now demented Joe Biden authorized it as part of the demoncrat plan to provide child labor, child prostitutes, child sex-slaves, child adrenochrome and child actors for the pedophile market of incorrigible addicts to the satanic abuse of innocence and making shoes out of children's skin—Macauley Culkin (@1:26:00).

The abuse of children, the destruction of innocence is the basis of all satanic activity. Irrespective of what you might think, the reality is that historically there is evidence of child sacrifice, child sexual abuse and drinking of terrorized children's blood uncovered from archeological investigations, and even cannabilism.


Linda Paris-McAllister has worked for CBS, MSNBC, CNN. Redpilled, she survives as an independent reporter.  She interviews a person by the name of Gene, who claims he has seen the tapes of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin skinning and eating the organs of two children, and drinking their blood. Evidently, the police who viewed these tapes were traumatized and most have since deceased. 


Scholars at Oxford University are no longer dismissing the idea of child sacrifice, because they don't want to admit humans are so evil, but they have to acknowledge the evidence:

Children – both male and female, and mostly a few weeks old – were sacrificed by the Carthaginians at locations known as tophets. The practice was also carried out by their neighbours at other Phoenician colonies in Sicily, Sardinia and Malta.

Research more widely and the evidence of child exploitation turns up around the globe. This is without mentioning what is found in the Talmud and the Hadiths concerning having sex with children


What Johnny Depp refers to in the film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, "That stuff: makes pure mescaline seem like ginger beer, man—adrenochrome!" is the most sought after of all substances for those once addicted.

Adrenochrome, unfortunately, for all the scientists itching to prove that it is a fable, requires the torture of children to obtain. Sanitized versions extracted from the adrenal glands of animals, of even humans by consent, do not qualify. Across the board, just like pizzagate and the illuminati, adrenochrome is dismissed as non-existent.

The narrative being pushed is that Covid 19 is real, even though it is easy to prove it doesn't exist. 


Nathan Reynolds says that he was born into an illuminati family and was used as a mule to traffic substances that were in gold, silver, copper and glass vials that he now believes may have been adrenochrome (@46+) from Nogales, a major port of entry into the USA on the Mexican border to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, from where the products were distributed to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.

Reynolds claims that the City of London (banksters) are behind the adrenochrome operation located at Lake Havasu City.


The 10,000 ton London Bridge was purchased in 1968 by Robert McCullough, a wealthy industrialist who claimed his secret for success was booze and broads. McCullough and his partner Wood had the bridge dismantled brick by brick, stone by stone and transported to Lake Havasu City, which he established after purchasing thousands of acres around the lake. 

The relocation project (removing, transporting and erecting the bridge at its new location) took three years to complete from 1968-1971 at a cost of some $7 million ($103 million today). The desert community has since flourished and is now a thriving city.

This is the curse that comes upon those who reject the truth and the righteousness of God:

The most tender and delicately bred woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot upon the ground because she is so delicate and tender, will grudge to the husband of her bosom, to her son and to her daughter, her afterbirth that comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears, because she will eat them secretly, for want of all things, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in your towns.

“If you are not careful to do all the words of this law which are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awful name, the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 28:56-58)

Everyone who lives in 1st world conditions and does not see the barbaric and evil behavior that occurs around the world, needs to understand that life and death is not about acquiring wealth and beautifying oneself, rather for every person born on Earth, it is about finding out one’s own purpose for existence on this planet and doing one’s utmost to fulfill it. 


The US military-industrial complex wants to escalate the Ukraine War with Russia into a nuclear war. However, the war for our souls is the greater war, for its outcome is eternal. Every one of us has to face many personal battles in life, if we are to win the war for our own soul.

Greg Reece went to Russia. What he discovered was a nation that had repented from the days of communism; a nation which had a new perspective and a better hope.

We share because we care.

The More Who Know 

The More Truth Grows



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