Growing Rubbery Blood Clots In A Petri Dish Is Not Exactly The Same As Growing It In Your Body, But You Have Got The Idea.

Rubbery Clot Grown In a Petri Dish By Clifford Carnicom! C19 Associated Polymer Consistent With Prior Findings Of CDB/ Morgellons Advanced Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology

Image Courtesy: Clifford Carnicom, Carnicom Institute - previously unpublished, considered part of the paper Maturation of a biopolymer.

Clifford Carnicom has done some earth shaking work in the progression of our understanding of the rubbery clot phenomena. Over the past 6 months, he has cultured from human blood the polymers that are creating the rubbery clots - the very clots that are killing the C19 vaccinated. Remember, Clifford was one of the first to say that the C19 plandemic and the subsequent Covid era with the deployment of the C19 biological weapons of mass destruction is just a continuation of the bio engineering of the human species via geoengineering operations - in other words, the longstanding technocratic transhumanist satanic agenda. We worked to show that the C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood had the same chemical signatures as the Cross Domain Bacteria or Morgellons have. I proceeded to call these advanced self assembly nanotechnology, building polymers from nano and microrobots. Regardless of the nomeclature, we have been describing the same thing.

Chemical Composition Analysis Of Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) aka Hydrogel/Graphene Filaments In Unvaccinated Blood- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom; May 8, 2023

Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) NIR Fingerprint Match Found In Human Blood - Hydrogel Signatures Identified - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom: May 14, 2023

We also proved that you can transform C19 unvaccinated blood with a low level electrical current into the filaments, which we later showed were growing the rubbery clots:

Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom; March 25, 2023

Clifford then isolated the origin of genesis, named Cross Domain Bacteria, which used to be known as Morgellons.

Replication of Electrical Transformation of C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Filament Growth Documented - CDB Extraction and Isolation -Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD in Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom; May 2, 2023

We also did analysis on the rubbery clots of deceased C19 injected, living vaccine injured C19 injected, and C19 unvaccinated and found the same signatures in all of them, just with varying severity.

Here are those research papers:

Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein - Microscopy Shows Filaments. Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals Near Infrared Spectroscopy Shows Multiple Hydrogel Polymer Components - Part 2 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals - Preliminary Chemical Solubility Testing - Part 3 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom

Over a period of several months of specific culture work, which is a method that Clifford developed over the past 25 years of research into the CDB/ Morgellons synthetic biology phenomenon, he was able to isolate and grow several different polymers, that have the same chemical composition that we found in the rubbery clots described above. In the maturation of a biopolymer paper Clifford shows that the origin of genesis of these polymers are what he calls synthetic blood cells - I call them microrobots.

This rubbery polymer was grown over 30 days:

Clifford found four chemical signatures associated with the polymers, which match our previous research. We found polyvinyl plastic and polyamide proteins (nylon, kevlar, silk, including spider silk) in the blood and clot signatures last year.

1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): (C-Cl bonds and CH2 bending aligns with PVC)

2. Nitrile rubber (NBR):  (C-N and elasticity)

3. Polyamides (Nylons): (C-O-N, CH2 groups, amides)

4. Polyurethanes (PU): (C-O, C-N, CH2, amines)

You can see that polyamides, polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are mentioned as stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna C19 bioweapon patent. None of these plastic or rubber chemicals should be able to be isolated from human blood.

The polymer can be grown from C19 unvaccinated blood now due to shedding and geoengineering contamination, but we know that the bioweapons accelerate the problem. I have shown in my clinic that C19 unvaccinated blood can grow rubbery clots just like the C19 vaccinated blood. I have described this in the papers below and shown different experiments with the blood to mitigate polymer development. EDTA and Vitamin C prevented the development, as did Methylene Blue.

Visual Inspection Of C19 Vaccinated Live Blood Clots - Rubber (Hydrogel) Like Substance Found - Beware Graphic Images

Huge Rubbery Blood Clots In An Unvaccinated Individual - From Shedding? What Are They Made Of? A Call For Help To Analyze

Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase

Rubbery Clot Development Observations In C19 Unvaccinated Blood With Different Anti Oxidant Compounds - Comparison with Clifford Carnicoms CDB/Morgellons Historical Culture Work

C19 Unvaccinated Have Same Blood Clotting Problem As C19 Vaccinated - EDTA And Vitamin C Prevents Blood Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated

Methylene Blue Prevents Rubbery Clot Formation, Essential Oils Help Too - Experiment Documentation

Clifford finds that the origin of the polymer is synthetic blood. I call these microrobots and have filmed them and shown them extensively to self assemble polymer filaments and microchips called mesogens.

Is Clifford incorrect to call these artificial blood cells? No, what I call microrobot is called by the inventor of the wireless intra body area network, Professor Ian Akyldiz, artificial cells. Here is what they look like: The internet of Bio-Nano things

I have filmed these artificial cells which are nano and micro robots in the blood and shown how they are involved in synthesizing polymers

Artificial Intelligent Transformation Of Humanity - Nano and Micro Robots In Human Blood


Clifford Carnicom’s research achievement is monumental. It is entirely consistent with our previous joint research, my own ongoing findings, and the findings of the embalmers. Please review this interview that I did with Richard Hirschman - who observed - just as I have in the C19 unvaccinated - these clots from the deceased C19 injected continue to grow OUTSIDE of the body - just like a plastic polymer that self assembles due to the temperature change:

Breaking News: Embalmer Richard Hirschman Confirms Rubbery Polymer Clots Grow Outside Of The Body And Were Found In a Deceased Child. Truth, Science And Spirit Ep 7 - Must watch & Share

Clifford always has devoted his work in service of humanity and to the awakening of the human species to realize a long planned potential extinction level event - the culmination and acceleration has been the C19 bioweapons of mass destruction. When will people in the mainstream take note of these findings, or will their silence continue to support global genocide?

If you would like to support the Carnicom Institute’s extraordinary research please visit here: Carnicom Institute

Special thanks to Clifford Carnicom for allowing me to post this not previously published image of his research.

All Who Care Make The Effort To Share!


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