Trillions Of Dollars Ain't Just Another Fistful, Consequences For Foolhardiness Are On The Horizon, Even If The Night Sky Is Impenetrable

The United States is trillions of dollars in debt. Have you ever wondered who the United States borrowed the money from? 

If the money was borrowed from China, then the borrower is a slave to the lender, unless the debt is wiped. True? 

If the debt is not written off by, say, China, what does this mean? China can take possession of USA assets to repay the debt. True or false?

In 2009, Dusty asked some questions at PBS:   


We have a $12 trillion dollar debt and add to it pretty much every year. How does that work? 

I take on debt to buy, say, a car and I pay interest to the bank that loaned me the money. On a $10,000 car, I actually pay say $15,000 over the life of the loan. So, the bank makes $5,000. 

Who do we (America) pay interest to on our debt? 

Does the debt that China or some other foreign country owns work just like my car? 

And if China only has a fraction of our debt, how does it work when the U.S. actually owns the debt? And who takes on that debt?

Paul Solman MBA (Harvard) replied:

Nice questions, Dusty, which you’ve managed to answer yourself. And quite clearly too. We pay interest to our creditors just like you do to a bank, and just like your bank pays interest to you. It gets credited to your account. Same thing happens to someone who holds U.S. Treasuries.

My wife and I bought Series I U.S. savings bonds years ago. They’re on account with the U.S. Treasury as electronic entries. Each thousand dollar bond is now worth considerably more, due to the interest that’s accrued. If I want the money, the government will send it to me.

As to the U.S. owning its own debt — via the Social Security Trust Fund, for example — well, it’s no different than any other government obligation. 

When I start taking Social Security, the government will start sending me checks. To cover those checks, it will use money it has either raised in taxes, or from borrowing. 

The idea of a “Trust Fund” was to put money aside for the baby boom. But since we’ve been running deficits for years, and borrowing more to make up those deficits, we haven’t really put away anything. The Trust Fund is just a symbolic commitment. 

China is owed only around $1,000,000,000,000 ($1 trillion) of $30 trillion the USA government owed in late 2022. 

The USA debt is currently some $35 trillion according to the debt clock.

In 2012Solmon writes concerning how the US government borrows the money it prints:

But there is no escrow account. In fact, the money has been used to purchase U.S. Treasury securities — to be blunt, loaned back to the U.S. government to cover its annual deficits.

So the “Social Security Trust Fund” is nothing more nor less than roughly $2.6 trillion of U.S. bonds (IOUs), sold off to raise cash to the extent that benefit payments exceed payroll tax revenues in any given year. 

The problem: When Treasury bonds are sold off, the government has to refinance — to again borrow the equivalent amount by issuing more U.S. bonds, dollar for dollar. 


Being the world's reserve currency, by virtue of being the petrodollar (oil, gas, energy sold internationally in US dollars), the US FED could print as much money as it liked and all the currencies of the world would be devalued accordingly, relative to the US dollar.

Differences in various countries' purchasing power of the US dollar depend on each country’s foreign holdings.

For instance, the Aussie dollar (AUD) increased in value from buying only $US0.48c on March 25, 2001 to $US1.10 on July 25, 2011, because of mining and mineral development. The country is being raped by multinationals and profits are going overseas. Now the Aussie is only buying around $US0.66c.

In the main, currency values have to do with which country has the most military might and whatever confidence those who control the major currencies (Soros, hedge funds, central banks, etc.) have in national governments.

Right now the current demonic USA government is doing its best to crash the nation's economy, start WW3 and create mayhem, so that a totalitarian government can be installed.

However, this is not going to happen. Instead, the economic landscape will be changed so that it will be easy to divide and conquer the people down the track. Large populations of impoverished people will be living in cities and easily managed by the politburo.

The United States of Europe is being weakened, ready for the day it too will be overrun by the politburo (Commission) that currently exists in Brussels. 

While it may appear that current attempts to completely subdue Europeans are being resisted by the likes of the Slovakian Robert Fico (just survived an assassination attempt) and the Hungarian Viktor Orbán, 2030 goals are still in their sights.

Julie Poole speaks in terms of spirit guides, aliens, ETs, angels and other fairy godmother fantasies, as she reads the tarot. She claims to have had conversations with Lord Jesus Christ, yet practices what is forbidden.

  • There shall not be found among you any one who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, any one who practices divination, a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer. (Deuteronomy 18:10-11)

Clearly Poole is deceived and fabricating much of what she claims. Nevertheless, what surprised me was her conviction that in 2032 the world is going to change and a new era is going to begin.


There is an obscure last-days prophecy in the Bible that a 2000yr period shall exist between the Pentecost of AD31 that ushered in the Church Age and the thousand year reign of peace by the Son of God on Earth.

  • By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the sanctuary is not yet opened as long as the outer tent is still standing  (which is symbolic for the present age). (Hebrews 9:8-9a)

What Julie Poole has not taken into account, nor have her deceptive spirit guides, is that Jacob’s Trouble (some say is a 7yr period?) is predicted to occur prior to the 1000 year reign of peace on Earth.


When the prophecy concerning Babylon's crash happens, then the US dollar crashes and the current world economic system is over.  

Trump is signaling that he doesn't want the economy to crash on his watch.

Bix Weir claims that there could probably be a massive cyber attack this year, which will crash the USA’s economy but not destroy the dollar.


Interestingly, Weir and some others saw an object like a meteor heading towards the planet one night, then it seemed to hit an invisible shield and explode.   

The 60,000 kilometers of radiation known as the "Van Allen Belts" exist for good reason. The belts provide a barrier meteors can’t penetrate, let alone spaceships.

Microsoft A.I. attempted to write over the previous sentence with "The belts do not provide a barrier." 


Disinformation is going to deceive the unenlightened.


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