Fables Are Thought To Be Imaginary Tales That Have No Basis In Reality Until A Person Wakes Up
In Bern, Switzerland, the famous fountain commemorating the fact that children are eaten is not considered as being representative of what really happens. Kindlifresserbrunnen is relegated to the realm of fables and fairytales. Nobody literally eats children — or do they ? It's difficult to accept that city elders anywhere would consider celebrating a child-eater, let alone going to the trouble of erecting a statue depicting such a monster eating children. Theories There are numerous theories as to why the statue exists and what it represents. One is the envious brother of the Duke who founded Bern rounded up all the small children and ate them to reduce the population and kill off support for the Duke. Another is that the statue represents the Greek God Cronus (Saturn- Roman), who ate one of his children because he thought he would take his throne. According to Wikipedia this: originates from the Roman myth (inspired...
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