The Globalist Push Forward Encounters A Stumbling Block Once More

 Now that reality is here, as a reader of this Global Weekly you may remember the following regarding the UK's new Prime Minister from over a year ago. 

UK Government

UK's left-wing Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer reveals what readers of this Global Weekly already know, he is beholden to Klaus Schwab. 

Liz Truss didn't do her job to collapse the economy and force a new election so Starmer could win. Instead, Truss was ousted and Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister. 

Sunak skipped Davos. Starmer attended. Evidently, Starma "prefers Davos over Westminster". 


Black Knight

Sir Kier Starmer, leader of the British Labour Party, is apparently supported by Macron and Ursula von der Leyen's backers.  As Director of Public Prosecutions, he allowed the now King Charles III's deceased best buddy Jimmy Saville to slither through the holes provided in its pedophile net.


Many believe he was knighted by Charles (above) as Sir Kier Starmer for "services to law and criminal justice the Crown''.


As was indicated when Truss became Prime Minister in 2023, Starmer was to be the next British PM, not Rishi Sunak. 


Many believe he was knighted by Charles (above) as Sir Kier Starmer for "services to law and criminal justice the Crown''.


As was indicated when Truss became Prime Minister in 2023, Starmer was to be the next British PM, not Rishi Sunak. 



One elderly pastor is part of a church run by his daughter. She listens to her associate woman pastor. They saw Truss's election to PM as a victory for women. Sadly, as with a number of other things, he dismissed my view on Truss.



To quote the French critic, journalist and novelist Alphonse Karr from 1849 in Les Guêpes:


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Henry Makow quotes from An Addendum To The Protocols Of Zion:


We have trained a whole new generation to believe that the only important goal in life is to win popularity contests; so none, for fear of being "disliked", will dare to express any idea or demonstrate any initiative that we do not first implant in them.


How true this is!  


Patrick Bet-David learns many of the well-to-do people in New York are not prepared to stand up and publicly express their views, as per the  above quote attributed to the Zionists, because of the opprobrium they fear that so doing will bring from those in government.



The photo of Trump with blood, from being shot in the ear, streaming across the side of his face and being defiant is iconic and priceless — marketer's dream — more so than the iconic raising of the Flag on Iwo Jima.


Slow motion video shows Donald Trump adjusting his head at the critical moment prior to being hit, possibly saving his life.


Pundits all over the country are saying that if nothing else, this has secured Trump’s election


Unfortunately, the “supposed” shooter was shot dead, instead of being taken into custody and interrogated. We wonder why?


From now on Trump has a legitimate cause to hold basement rallies, not because he is too old and suffering from dementia and nobody would attend, but for his personal safety; in particular, from being assassinated by some demented democrat stooge or a paid assassin.


Times can change, and do, when an assassination of a much loved national leader takes place. 


The attempted assassination of Donald Trump has been on the cards for decades. What is amazing is that this hadn't happened sooner.  In the US, assassination of individuals who don't bow to the controlling powers is quite common. 


Seth Rich was an assassination at the time of the Clinton-Trump race for president. He was killed by MS13 members in what was made to look like a robbery. Rich had been feeding detrimental information about Hillary Clinton to Julian Assange; the reason Hillary wanted Assange dead.


That there wasn't an attempt to Clinton-cide Trump amazed many.  However, the Democrats had rigged the election in such a way that Hillary Clinton did not expect to lose, so the Clintons didn't consider it necessary to exterminate Trump. 


This time matters are different. The Biden administration and his puppet masters have tried everything they can to destroy Trump using lawfare, by creating false charges, restricting his free speech, destroying him financially, restricting his ability to campaign.


Biden knows he is going to lose and is on record as having told his donors on Monday, 8th July, that it is time to put Trump in the BULLSEYE. Bullet to chest?



The fact that there were secret service agents on a roof behind Trump raises questions as to why they did not see the sniper Thomas Matthew Crooks, who shot Trump. Caught on film, the secret service guards pull back rather than shoot. 


An overhead photo reveals that the agents on the roof behind Donald Trump should have been able to see anyone on the roof 400 feet away from where he was speaking.


Moreover, eyewitnesses were screaming at the police and secret service in an attempt to alert them to the presence of the shooter on the roof, but they did nothing. 


Trump just before he is hit in his ear by a bullet

If you want to really see something that's sad, take a look at what happened....

After the shooting, when Trump stands up, the chants:

 USA! USA! USA! USA!.... We love you Trump!


Corbett subscribers suggesting a Hollywood production was in play. 


A close-up of Trump’s ear appears to show no conspicuous bullet wound. However, it is difficult to tell if he was nicked where the blood is thickest.


Nevertheless, to suggest Trump is not in danger of being assassinated or poisoned is preposterous.

Even so, for Trump to seize the moment, rise up, make a fist and exclaim, “Fight, Fight, Fight,” to create an iconic photo, might look preplanned, but it is also instinctive behavior for an alpha male.



Biden's donations are drying up.


A sad reality of American politics is revealed by Bloomberg News:

Separately, Ken Griffin and Paul Singer, Republican billionaires who have criticized Trump, met with the former president to discuss donating to his campaign, according to people familiar with the discussions.


Since when does a person need to discuss donations, unless favors are being sought for those donations?


Trump wants to cut wars and pandemics. He is supported by the likes of Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia (overcame assassination attempt) and President Viktor Orban of Hungary, who needs to beef up his own security, after talking to Putin to facilitate peace talks after a Trump victory.


In the wake of the NATO summit in Washington D.C. one might ask whether the following (once a classified document) has any bearing on starting WW3:


A far larger, high-level effort is needed to develop a greater commitment of leaders of both developed and developing countries to undertake efforts, commensurate with the need, to bring population growth under control.


  • And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet. (Matthew 24:6)

We Share. We Care.


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