The Shot That Goes Around The World Is Designed To Corral The Herd For An Orderly Tagging System To Be Implemented

In all likelihood, the complete truth about what really happened at the Butler Rally, Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump was supposedly shot is not going to be known.

One of the two agents on the roof with their sights on Crooks purportedly published the following statement on 4chan:


My name is Jonathan Willis. I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally.


I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump.


I didn't follow the orders though, as soon as the shooter opened on Trump I returned fire despite strict orders to not engage. I had eyes on the shooter for three minutes watching him fiddle with his rifle and adjust the scope, it was obvious he was a shooter yet I wasn't allowed to engage.


After I killed the shooter I was arrested, questioned by the FBI, and just released an hour ago. Already lost my job for not following orders, but I'm glad I took the shots anyway


According to all the fact checkers paid to assist in creating narratives for public consumption, Jonathan Willis doesn't work for the secret service, therefore, we can dismiss this person.

The difficulty in dismissing the Willis statement is that much of it comports with the known evidence.

Could it be possible that this Jonathan Willis story has been released to create a strawman and muddy the water?

Once there are numerous conflicting stories in the public arena, people begin to dismiss the "whodunit" claims, accept the event happened and settle for the official narrative.

Usually the official narrative is some crazed lone gunman took it upon himself to do the shooting. The only way this can be prevented is to ban gun ownership.

George Green turned down the chance to raise funds for the donkey party and become extraordinarily wealthy. Instead, for doing so, he lost all the wealth he had amassed and his businesses were bankrupted. 

Green claimed that nobody gets to be president unless selected. An elaborate show is staged for public consumption so people believe that Presidents are elected according to the will of the popular vote.

The last time George Green was mentioned in this Global Weekly, a few days later Alex Jones stated that he had forgotten about him, but confirmed the accuracy of his claims.

Steve Pieczenik excoriated Hillary Clinton days before her defeat by Donald Trump, saying that she was deluded if she thought she was going to be President. 

Trump had been selected. At the time, researcher Daniel Estulin stated that the purge of the Rockefeller faction of the Nazi World Order was expected, for they had become too arrogant. Rothschilds run the show. Therefore, Hillary was out and Trump was in.

The Machiavellian machinations of global governance are very secretive and executed in a fashion that fools the public, who think the puppets run the show.

Scrap the surface a few layers deep and one thing becomes very clear, as Larry Romanoff writes in the Unz Review:

A great many of the world’s largest corporations are owned and controlled by Jews, many of these by the select few in the City of London, but also very many outside this small group. The world’s major oil companies are controlled by Jewish interests, as are the major pharmaceutical companies, many of the weapons manufacturers and the world’s airlines, a preponderant amount of the world’s shipping capacity, and many other industries that might not normally come to mind. 

This world is governed by mammon not politicians or kings. Those controlled by mammon (insatiable desire for riches) rule the nations.

  • No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)

The "Q" posts clearly inform us: 

  1. Democrats are losers controlled by stupid people. 
  2. Their strategies are known and accounted for by the Trump faction operatives.
  3. They are puppets who are going to expose themselves.
  4. Nearly ninety per cent of the US citizens will support Trump.
  5. Donald Trump is going to become President of the United States.
  6. Sit back and enjoy the show as this is brought about.
  7. The patriots are in control!

The posts gave the impression that victory would occur at the 2020 election.  The evidence points to the Q posts as being a psy-op to put pressure on the donkey party members so they would psychologically squirm within and foolishly be led down the path Trump's controllers want them to take.

If this is true, the anomalies that took place at the Butler Rally, where Trump was apparently nearly assassinated, the evidence indicates that what has taken place has been a strategic play to elevate the Don to "superhero" status. 

The sound of the shooting took place exactly when Trump finished saying: 


Instead of his security team rushing Trump off the stage, they all huddle behind the podium for a couple of minutes (just enough time to apply stage makeup?). When Trump emerges, the woman security guard in front squats so, with blood smeared across his face, he can raise his defiant fist in the air for an iconic photo. Without anything to fear (knowing it is a show) he pulls a vicious face and shouts, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" taken off the stage — ear intact!


But what about those who died? Collateral damage! These people are that callous. Think about how many have died from the injections.


If Trump was destined to have been assassinated, he would have been. 


The stationary Trump presented as a much easier target than the moving JFK did when he was shot at Daley Plaza, Dallas.  With Thomas Matthew Crooks (just like Lee Harvey Oswald) as the patsy, a true marksman (2 miles) could have blown Trump’s scalp off, just like President John F. Kennedy’s scalp (November 22, 1963).


Shot! Trump “took his hand from the podium, and clutched his ear, and over a stark white shirt, he returned his hand back toward the podium, without so much as one drop of blood on his hand or shirt.”—Gary Barnett


Alternatively, Biden could have been told to finish off Trump or he would be finished. Trump's fingers covered with blood, but difficult to see here.


Regardless of what the circumstantial evidence suggests, when looking at the bigger picture, there is the reality that the allotted periods of the boundaries of our habitation are overseen by the Lord God Almighty (Acts 17:26), who looks down upon the nations of men and laughs at their foolishness (Psalm 2:4). 


The world is not yet ready for what is to come. There are too many people still not hooked up to the WWW via their smartphone.  


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