Why Debate The Evidence When You Can Acknowledge The Truth

Should there be a debate? Or should there be no debate? Does the debate matter or does evidence matter? This depends on whether the evidence is interpreted or permitted to speak for itself.

You might question how evidence speaks for itself.  Much may depend on your own perception and how enlightened you actually are in respect to your surroundings. 

For many the following is a figurative saying and not meant to be taken literally:

  • And the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground. (Genesis 4:10)

If we cannot grasp that life is more than being born to die as biological beings, we cannot fathom how it is possible for the Omniscient Creator to know how many hairs are on our heads, or recognize the sound of the blood crying from the ground.


Hair grows. Viruses in a Petri dish don't. What is called a virus is nothing but pieces of cells breaking down in a Petri dish according to Stefan Lanka.

Lanka was awarded his PhD for being the first person to discover that bacteriophages, which are compared to unisolated (thereby theoretical) viruses, are actually essential for the health of seaweed and not the cause of ill health as presupposed. 

Extrapolating his findings, in The Misconception Called Virus, Lanka writes:

Thus, we now have a new view of life (which in reality is an old view) and of the cosmological integration of biological processes.

Not being omniscient, we only understand a small portion of what is actually taking place daily, even though as biological entities and spiritual beings we are very much a part of this "cosmological integration" of life.


Nevertheless, the likes of Steve Kirsch appear to be on a mission. Not so much to challenge the dangers of mRNA injections, but more to draw people away from questioning the "virus myth".

He does this by questioning the need for evidence to prove, once and for all, a virus can be isolated and purified according to the publicly accepted meanings of the terms "isolate" and "purify".

Kirsch, a computer scientist, was offering million dollar rewards for proof at one stage.  Why does he want to have debates rather than seek the demonstration of irrefutable evidence?  Why does he now prefer opinion over fact? He says:

I rely on expert opinions of people who I trust for certain issues like whether or not the virus has been “isolated.” It’s a reasonable approach if you are careful about which experts you trust.

All of the expert friends I’ve asked (including Robert Malone and Li-Meng Yan) tell me that “the virus has been isolated.” So it has been “isolated” according to their belief in what the term means.

Others interpret the term differently and would claim the virus hasn’t been isolated. In fact, according to their definition, no virus in history has ever been isolated. That’s important to know. They use that as justification for their belief that there is no virus here since viruses don’t exist at all.

The way Kirsch writes to his audience is such that the readers, having been indoctrinated all their life with the notion that "everybody knows viruses exist", dismiss those who question their existence as nutters, loonies, incompetents, fools, etc. 

Robert Malone worked for the US Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD funds DARPA, where numerous inventions have been developed (Satoshi Nakamoto? DEW, internet, etc), with mRNA projects having been in the mix for decades.

Sally Adee writing for New Scientist:


Over DARPA’s lifetime, war has moved from weapons to kill individuals, to weapons to manipulate individuals, to weapons that manipulate relationships.

Neil Savage writing for Nature states that DARPA has long funded mRNA research. For more conclusive quantitative research a large number of human guinea pigs were needed.  Nothing like a manufactured pandemic to:

  • trial propaganda methods
  • create panic and disorder
  • compromise politicians and bureaucrats 
  • compromise doctors, medical professionals and scientists
  • test population compliance 
  • fuel distrust between compliant and resistant citizens
  • identify the non-compliant
  • cull army and police of the non-compliant
  • identify ways to corral the non-compliant
  • restrict travel (road, sea, air, pedestrian)
  • population reduction 
  • increase poverty
  • eradication of useless eaters
    • aged pensioners 
    • unemployed
    • homeless
    • welfare recipients  
  • introduce additional surveillance
  • wreck economies 
  • eliminate cash
  • introduce financial controls 
  • transfer more wealth to the wealthiest 1%


France and the UK showed a swing by voters to the likes of establishment-hated Marine Le Pen and Nigel Farage, yet the number of votes they received were not reflected in seats won. 

Le Pen's party was the clear winner of the first round of votes. Horse trading between establishment figures and far-left hardliner communist rabble resulted in Le Pen's party being relegated to third place  out of contention for power! 


Reuters  reported

After the first round of parliamentary elections on Sunday, the prospect of a far-right government commanding an absolute majority of seats in the National Assembly can no longer be ruled out. Given the risks posed by the platform of Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National, the alternative – a political stalemate and unstable government – might be preferable.

Le Pen claims that her party's policies are centre right. But the totalitarians want you to believe anyone who advocates for individual rights over communism is far-right; the reason Macron's party aligned itself with the communists to prevent a populist win.



Farage's Reformed Party received over 4 million votes (14%) for only 5 seats.

The Liberal-Democrats received 500,000 less votes (12%) yet secured 72 seats.

The Labour Party with just over 1/3  of the vote (34%) won nearly 2/3 (411) of the 650 seats.  

According to the Telegraph:

Analysis has suggested Friday’s nationwide election result was the most distorted in history, with Labour winning nearly two thirds of the seats in the House of Commons with just over a third of the popular vote.

The fight for the freedom to live peaceably and have a wholesome life is never over and always ongoing. 

For the world's population living in the West, we mainly have electoral battles. Two factions of the same club, claiming to be centrist left or centrist right, fight it out at the ballot box. Secure career politicians callous their elbows at the bar discussing how to further impoverish and shackle their electorate while enriching themselves. 


Originally NATO consisted of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It has since grown to 32 countries, with its executive council now seeking to include Ukraine, so that it can authorize war with Russia.


Whether this is a fake threat or the determination of some diabolical Blofeld character who controls NATO behind the scenes and is intent on world domination, we shall see. 


Seven times Wimbledon champion, Novak Djokovic refused to comply and resisted the jab. He still lives. 

The sudden death of the jabbed Mike Dickson, who called Djokovic's refusal to comply with the jab "a strange hill to die on", has unfortunately escaped those still deluded.

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