Funding The Few By Exacting Extra Energy Exerted By The Working Class Via Taxation

Taxation becomes the trigger for rebellion when it becomes too high and the majority of taxpayers cannot bear the burden of paying heavy taxes any longer. 

Conversely, suppressed wages restrict purchasing power and are also a means of taxation upon the poor. Direct taxation and suppressed wages create a focal point for the oppressed to rally against their oppressors, as the politicians and employees can be identified.

Inflation being a hidden tax upon all, benefits those who are in the position to utilize the price increases to their advantage. Inflation rips the soul out of society when it goes into overdrive and becomes hyperinflation.

Blaming politicians and employers is difficult when the prices of goods are not associated with a few persons but every aspect of production and delivery to the consumer and are put down to costs.  

Governments are brought under fire when people lose jobs and inflation escalates, but they are not necessarily always voted out of office. 

In numerous electorates generationally ingrained voting habits make voters resistant to change; for to change is a desecration of family heritage and values. 

The targeted breakdown of family valuesthe constant propaganda regarding gender not being a physical attribute determined by genes, the gaslighting that a child's obvious genitalia at birth has nothing to do with being a girl or boy, has more people questioning what they are being told by the media and beginning to think for themselves in respect to what political parties are promoting. 

More people are moving off what was once the reservation for the duped, the dopey, and the dodos.

More wealth is transferred from the 99% to the 1% during times of high inflation than at any other time. This is done by borrowing money at a lesser rate than the rate of inflation.

For instance, if inflation is running at 15% like it is now—but could actually be more!—money borrowed at 5% is bringing in a profit of 10% for the likes of Blackrock & co., which are buying strategic goods and property that is inflating at 15%p.a.

Those who cannot borrow the money are unable to capitalize on inflation. This is why inflation benefits the 1% and whoever finds a niche to manipulate this to their advantage and not the middle class, working poor or unemployed.  

The real wealth of a country ends up in the hands of an upper class that buys land and hires employees at wage levels which keep them in servitude rather than enabling them to gain sufficient economic freedom to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) wants everybody in its financial system. The BIS effectively influences the decisions of the central bank boards of every country, irrespective of how independent the governors may claim to be. The BIS wants to dictate what you spend your money on and how much you can earn.

Countries like India are problematic for the BIS. In India, we see people who survive on very little. Some claim not to have eaten for years. There is certified testimony of a man not drinking any fluid for over a week.

Prahlad Jani claimed he hadn’t eaten or drank anything for years. Doctors from the Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad, India, observed Jani for fifteen days and not once did he eat or drink, urinate or defecate

Evidently, Jani is not the only one. There are quite a number of individuals who claim to do the same: rarely eat or drink and just live on the streets of cities and open spaces.

India has people who live as their ancestors have done for thousands of years. Many only wash their bodies during the annual cleansing ritual conducted in the River Ganges.

The propaganda pundits were freaking out during the fake Covid scare, as the massive numbers of people, gathering for the festival that promises to break the cycle of rebirths, came together to bathe in the Ganges River.

The mainstream media propagandized super-spreader event was a fizz. The fake tests were not cases of illness. The filthy Ganges River was too foul for the disease, but not for humans bathing and drinking its water.  The enlightened know that the disease is fake and doesn't exist.

The viruses purportedly found in sewage, drains and rivers appear to be nothing but fabrication, the Ganges River should have killed all those who accidently consumed its waters or had water penetrate their eyes and nose. 

Instead people bathe in the Ganges River, filled with sewer run off, and feel rejuvenated; something that a city dweller, connected to sewage and benefiting from sanitization, finds difficult to understand.

Claiming to be news, outrage and alarm at people bathing in the Ganges by the millions, in honor of the festival rite, was splashed across the propaganda media headlines, and some 1.4 billion Indians didn’t fall ill with SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) because it does not exist—except in the minds of those who want to believe, or psychologically feel the need to believe they are, or could have been victims of the unseen virus that has never been seen, isolated or characterized; that is, definitively described, having been separated from all other cells or material.

India conspicuously demonstrates how society can be populated with the few who are extraordinarily materially wealthy and vast numbers of (seemingly) impoverished individuals, many of whom don’t bother about material goods at all—the only thing they cover their naked bodies with is ash from funeral pyres, after the dead have been cremated.

Taxing Sadhusthe holy men of India who have no possessions, is not going to happen; nor is dictating what they can earn and what they can spend. An overt attempt at killing them off could bring a major uprising—even turn India against the West and, in particular, the middle-eastern mob that controls Washington.

The problem for society today is bureaucrats and services paid from taxation are becoming overwhelmingly excessive and are unable to be supported by levels of taxation that are reasonable.

The provision and upkeep of infrastructure that benefits all citizens for which charges in the form of taxes may be imposed upon everyone is warranted, providing they are not excessive and unreasonable.

During the days of Jesus the Nazarene, Pax Romana provided many benefits for the people ruled by the Caesars. These included:

  • the elimination of pirates in the Mediterranean, 
  • courts of justice, 
  • decentralized government, 
  • roads, 
  • improved sanitation, 
  • clean water, 
  • plumbing, 
  • increased production 
  • safe passage of goods for a flourishing economy and 
  • flow of information. 

For this a tax was imposed upon the people.

  • "Show me the money for the tax.” And they brought him a coin. And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?”  They said, “Caesar’s.” Then he said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. (Matthew 22:19-22)

When taxes are proportionate to the realized benefits received by people, then paying them is not resented. When they become a burden, eventually the people revolt and all hell breaks loose. 

We care. We share.

The More Who Know, 
The More Freedom Grows!


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