Taking On Viruses And Bringing Dengue To The Forefront Of Death

 Addressing the controversy around the concocted mpox created by the WHO,  Tom Cowan, on August 21, 2024, provides some devastating evidence that demonstrates that the Covid-19 pandemic has been nothing but an exercise in propaganda and a furtherance of indoctrination by Big Pharma. 

No Virus

This is the case even if people want to believe Covid exists and they caught it. 

On USA television, the Wuhan director of the Chinese CDC, Dr Wu Zunyou said:

There is no virusThe virus does not exist



Suffering from influenza, heroes want to believe they caught COVID-19 and survived.


If these heroes continue in their deception, they will really be caught up in the Certificate OVaccination ID -AI (=19) when the delusion comes upon all who reject the truth and the compulsory injections begin.


  • Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)

Being wise to deception of the enemy is how the sane remain sound and secure in their stance for what is right.



Then there are the injected who claim they are suffering from "long covid", such as Dr Robert Malone; a man who wants you to believe "isolation" is taking snot and mixing it with monkey cells and antibiotics rather than separating and analyzing the cells that make up the snot.



Answering a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request made on July 16, 2024, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) replied:

A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. Subject-matter experts in the Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division were tasked with this FOIA and they provided the following:

We do not have any responsive records, because none of the methods in your request for information have been used for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing.


The CDC reply goes on to say:

Our sequencing staff have specified that: 

We do not have records on single virion [virus cell] sequencing that ensured that virion was physically isolated from any other genetic material before sequencing. Sequencing was only on clinical specimens or unpurified virus isolate material (lysate or supernatant). We do not have methods to purify a single virion away from all other material.

We do not have single read sequences, cDNA synthesis limits length and we utilize amplicons with informatics assembly….sequences were downloaded from the public domain.


Not being able to actually separate a virion from other virions, because there is no means by which to do so, raises questions about how DNA can be established as true. DNA is much smaller than a virion.



Cowan also goes searching for evidence of monkeypox or mpox being isolated and characterized, etc., to demonstrate that it exists and others can follow the methods used and arrive at the same result. 


Unfortunately for the fabricators of this disease, Tom Crown was unable to find any evidence of genuine isolation, just the usual monkey cells combined with antibiotics etc presented as isolation after the cells break down. 



Mark Bailey, interviewed by Coppolina, talks about some of the flak that he has had to endure after taking on the New Zealand authorities regarding the fake pandemic. Both emphasize that there is no evidence for viruses.



Although in denial of the need to actually isolate a virus from other matter to prove that it exists, the preeminent cardiologist Peter McCullough is renowned for his photographic memory.

On the Alex Jones show (Friday 24/5/23) McCullough made some startling claims:

On one of the Agenda 2030 initiatives we are talking 500 vaccines per individual.…What we know is "no vaccine" is sufficiently "safe" or theoretically "effective". Remember, if you don’t come in contact with the disease it doesn’t matter whether you have had the vaccine or not.

McCullough also goes on to say that there is no reason to give babies hepatitis, polio, diphtheria, or pertussis injections, and that there are 5 studies showing children are healthier if they grow naturally with no vaccines.  He says that the World Council For Health called for a moratorium of all childhood vaccines. 

Fact Checker

AFP Fact Check claims that it has previously debunked vaccine disinformation shared by the AAPS and the World Council for Health.

In March 2023, the AAPS called for a "moratorium" on what it described as "Covid-19 shot mandates and genetic injections", while the World Council of Health claimed in 2021 that the vaccines were "unsafe".

French fact checking agency AFP comes down on McCullough, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and the World Council for Health (WCH), as all advocate for a ban on Covid-19 vaccines and have not been given the official government stamp of approval. 


The notorious eugenicist Billy (The Ghoul) Gates has been experimenting with mosquitoes over the last two decades, purportedly to eliminate diseases they inject into humans, such as malaria and dengue.

New Zealand medical practitioner, Dr Samantha Bailey has been pilloried for her denunciation of the pharmaceutical industry as a fraudulent concern that promotes illness-causing drugs rather than, say, proportionally balanced bioavailable multinutrient blend of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and detoxifying herbal phytonutrients, that provide an optimal intake of needed nutriment that ensures maximum health benefits. 

Dr Samantha Bailey's easy-to-understand exposé on the dengue virus scam is a must for all people to see, if we are to get ahead of the threatening scare of another pandemic, this time mosquito borne.  

This dengue scare has been in the works for some time and the usual lead up of fears increasing has been entering the public psyche through the likes of Reuters and media outlets promoting the surge in cases detected.


Robert Kennedy promises to end Big Pharma and Big Ag and rid the environment of unnecessary chemicals that are affecting the food supply and are being injected into children unnecessarily. 

Kennedy claims to have changed the political conversation for ever to

  1. chronic disease
  2. free speech 
  3. government corruption
  4. addiction to war

The three causes that impelled Kennedy to leave the Democratic Party being:

  1. free speech (gov. suppression conjunction with Facebook, Google, Twitter)
  2. war in Ukraine (rorts, NATO aggression, WWW3 threat)
  3. war on children (transgenderism etc)

Mask Ban

Recent protests at universities and colleges across the USA has brought about a law banning masks for health reasons in North Carolina - not that masks are of any health benefit in most instances. 


The exception for wearing a mask is when working in dusty conditions, with oxygen masks being essential when exposed to poisonous gases or lack of oxygen, and prevent surgeons dribbling into open wounds required to perform major surgical procedures.


Breathing provides one of the seven essentials for wellness of being:

  1. Oxygen
  2. Water
  3. Proteins
  4. Vitamins
  5. Minerals
  6. Fatty Acids
  7. Carbohydrates

The need for continued vigilance cannot be overstated.


From New Zealand has emerged a group calling themselves The Living Council. They believe that your rights are only taken from you when you allow this to be so.


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