Warriors On The Horizon Need Not Worry The Chosen Ones, For It Is Better To Be Blessed And Know, Having Removed All Doubt

Hard to believe that Lara Logan (53yrs) is three years older than Alex Jones (50yrs), especially since she has spent some 15 years as a journalist in war zones around the globe, while Jones has merely been involved in his own war zone: INFOWARS (the battle for your mind).


Alarmingly, as a guest on Infowars, Logan reports that she has information from an absolutely reliable source that 70,000 military-aged youth have been trained in Afghanistan presumably to invade the US and Europe as immigrants. 



Having attained the position of Prime Minister, Keir Starmer is now implementing what he had been knighted (by the now King Charles) beforehand to oversee: the crushing subjugation of the British. 


A Muslim woman speaks out concerning immigrants with guns being allowed into England. Mads Palsvig believes they are UN military masquerading as armed Muslims.



In many parts of the world, even though hostilities have flared from time to time, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jews have lived in relative peace for 100s of years

The politically power-hungry, evil rulers, money-hungry moguls and mad mullahs are the ones who cause strife. 


However, globalists such as George Soros' and his Open Society Foundations are purposefully fostering divisions within society to create animosity and hatred, knowing that Islam is the easiest demographic to influence and control for this purpose;  the Koran having verses that support peace and war, but the latter is emphasized and promoted rather than peace.


Worse still, unemployed North African Muslim youth, filled with bitter disappointment after being sold an unrealistic dream of an easy life in the West, are ideal for bringing mayhem to the world of the whites.  


Inadequate skills for employment and their lack of education and cultural frustrations provide fertile ground for seeds of envy and anger to erupt into violence on the streets, as is evidenced in the once peaceful Sweden.


Race and color and religious differences are used to foster natural balkanization of society once sufficient immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are able to form ghettos or occupy townships as competing, growing, significant minorities, capable of forming voting blocs.


False dreams of virgins in the afterlife are sold as meat on the plate for every head decapitated by warriors of Allah. Overlooked is the fact that the same God whom Abraham obeyed, also calls people everywhere to come and reason with Him (Isaiah 1:18).



Added to the migration of illegals from Africa and South America and Afghanistan,  young Chinese men (CCP military-trained types) have been entering the USA through the southern border by the tens of thousands over the last few years. 


The immigration of illegals is in preparation for mayhem at or after the coming 2024 presidential election, during the days from the election on November 5th, 2024 and inauguration on January 20th, 2025. 


Can you believe George Soros accuses Donald Trump of being a narcissist who wants the world to revolve around him? 

John Bowne further exposes how Soros has weaponized his Open Society Foundation against Americans but he is encountering a gutsy "MAGA" tribe.


The people have the numbers over the political and ruling class. 

In Islamic Bangladesh, the people ousted the Prime Minister. She left the country by helicopter. Just need to get the army on side or stay neutral


The globalists are against all Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, animists and atheists. They are aware that unless they have the army on side, their goals are fruitless.


Submarines control the sea, act as deterrents against nuclear war, and remind us which countries have military advantages. The USA, Russia and China respectively occupy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.


Could Russia and China together overcome NATO and the other USA allies in the event of a nuclear war?



Interestingly, there is a prophecy in the book of Revelation that states: 

  • The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east (Revelation 16:12). 

When will the Euphrates River dry up? Discover Magazine informs us:


Levels are dangerously low and the concern is that the river will dry up completely by 2040. While the Euphrates River drying up will have a terrible impact on the civilizations of today....

"The kings from the East" refers to the rulers who will be in power at the time. Russia is not exactly in the East. Still this is not to say that it doesn't sponsor Iran or Afghanistan and a coalition of BRICS nations from the East. 

In chapter nine of the book of Revelation we read:

  • The number of the troops of cavalry was twice ten thousand times ten thousand; I heard their number.  And this was how I saw the horses in my vision: the riders wore breastplates the color of fire and of sapphire and of sulphur, and the heads of the horses were like lions’ heads, and fire and smoke and sulphur issued from their mouths.  By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulphur issuing from their mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; their tails are like serpents, with heads, and by means of them they wound. So the four angels were released, who had been held ready for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, to kill a third of mankind. (Revelation 9:13-16)

The number of troops is 200 million. Now where would 200 million troops be found? 

Currently, China, India and North Korea have about 4.8 million troops combined. Their combined populations are over 2.5 billion. Assembling another 195.2 million troops wouldn't be too difficult.

The prophecy's bizarre description of horses was probably the prophet's way of trying to make sense of what he saw in the vision, using the terminology and knowledge available 30 years after Jerusalem was sacked and burned by the Romans in AD 70.


Now that it is evident that the Euphrates is drying up, of great interest are the following verses concerning that prophecy.

  • And I saw, issuing from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three foul spirits like frogs; for they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. (“Lo, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is he who is awake, keeping his garments that he may not go naked and be seen exposed!”) And they assembled them at the place which is called in Hebrew Armageddon. (Revelation 16:13-16)

Here we see that the rulers of the world are prepared to go to battle (WW3) and the ones who are awake, who have the righteousness (garments) of God in Christ to cover them, are the Blessed.


Many attempt to identify what the beast will be and who's the false prophet. The one thing we know is they will be deceptive individuals capable of influencing the other rulers/politicians on this planet. Liars beget liars!


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