Antisocial Behavior Is Not A Matter Of Voodoo, More To Do With How A Person Is Raised

 What sort of person would get off using syringes to shoot, genetically modified material into the veins of little children?

How about someone suffering from ASPD?



Anti-Social Personality Disorders (ASPD) are becoming more common as students are indoctrinated into hating themselves. Separating children from parental influence is easier when both parents are working. School teachers become not only disseminators of information but also cultural enforcers.


A person doesn't suddenly "get" ASPD. Instead, they will have had a long history of these behaviors arising since at least adolescence.

Diagnosis of ASPD requires a person to have first exhibited three of the following behaviors between the ages of 15-18 years:  

  1. Failing to conform to laws or social norms, including repeatedly breaking laws;
  2. Deceitfulness, repeatedly lying or "conning" others for profit or personal pleasure;
  3. Impulsivity and failing to plan ahead (acting on the spur of the moment);
  4. Irritability or aggressiveness, including repeated physical fights or assaults;
  5. Consistent irresponsibility, including a failure to meet obligations (including financial obligations);
  6. Lack of remorse, including being indifferent when hurting, mistreating, or stealing from someone.


As it happens Bill Gates has an INTP Myers Briggs personality type. Myers Briggs assessments of personality types are highly valued among recruitment agents for their reliability.  Not that Gates is looking for employment, rather that it is odd, though significant, that this assessment exists.

Personalities defined as INTP are not socially orientated; nor are they advisably slotted for occupations where human interaction is a significant component of their job description. They are better off being employed as backroom support lest their darker antisocial tendencies emerge (e.g. the proverbial mad scientist). 

The question is: Does Bill Gates qualify for any three or more of the behaviors listed as determinants for ASPD? Maybe:

  1. Bill Gates rocking when being questioned. 
  2. Bill Gates accused of deceitfulness by Paul Allen
  3. An older Bill Gates expressing his delight at injecting genetically modified organisms into the veins of innocent children:

Gates cannot be accused of not planning for the future, even if he has no remorse over the injuries and deaths his genetically modified organisms cause.

Myers Briggs Foundation states such persons, "Seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them."  They are "theoretical and abstract, interested more in ideas than in social interaction".



Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an academic analysis of laws that tend to preclude persons of lower income status from enjoying the benefits of being able to afford what wealthier citizens can because of their income or access to mammon.


Instead of acknowledging that mammon lies at the heart of the issue, agitators seek to indoctrinate school children into believing that race is the reason for wealth inequality rather than mammon.


CRT, as taught in schools, is designed for people to hate themselves, especially if they are white. Non-whites are empowered to hate whites — those who are of European ancestry. 


Asians are the fly-in-the-ointment when it comes to the CRT curriculum, if the theory is critically appraised. Asians prize knowledge and encourage effort. In 1918, the median income for Asian Americans was reported as 38% higher than for Americans overall. 


In fact, according to one 2020 study into the "Bamboo Ceiling" that keeps East Asians out of the leadership positions of the upper echelon, "Asians have the highest median income, the lowest unemployment rate, and the lowest crime rate in the United States." 


This reality is sufficient for CRT to be exposed for what it is: a means by which students can be indoctrinated in hating themselves and hating others; a curriculum designed to create balkanization rather than liberty and equality.



Those that hate, do so because they probably hate themselves anyway.  Self-hatred is seen as different to self-love.


“I know how nauseating encouragement can feel when all you’re used to is self-contempt” says Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Amanda Dodson speaking to haters of self:

You probably didn’t start hating yourself out of nowhere. One possibility is that your self-hatred may be a natural reaction to a traumatic event.

Humans have a great need to make sense of things. When a traumatic event happens, we desperately want an explanation. But maybe you couldn't make sense of why the trauma happened. In lieu of a better explanation, you saw no option but to turn the blame inward.

Self-hatred has to be at the base of any anti-social disorder. Why? We all project our thoughts and feelings towards others, even if they are not expressed verbally or physically.


Children may not be capable of verbally appraising their circumstances, nevertheless, they are quite capable of drawing how they see themselves in relation to the world around them.

Clinical psychologists have discovered that the drawings of children are the most effective means of discovering what is happening to them and how they feel about their immediate social environment. 

Children may not comprehend how to explain the heinous cruelty they have witnessed or to which they have been subjected, but they can draw it, even if only using stick figures and different colored crayons..

From Science Direct:

Moreover, drawing provides a clear window into unconscious thoughts and feelings, making it an excellent diagnostic tool for children's psychology.


Haitians have been shipped into the US, sponsored by the Biden/Harris pResidency. They are known voodoo practitioners and will eat and kill any animal to perform their rituals. Eating animals raw is not uncommon. 

Though denied, household pets have been disappearing in the areas to which the Haitians have been shipped. Haitians are also given driver's licenses without passing tests. 

Nathan Clarke's son was killed in Springfield, Ohio, by a Haitian. His father has been so indoctrinated that he wished his son had been killed by a white man rather than acknowledge the truth about the Haitian.


“There’s three things the Amish don't like:

  1. The government system
  2. The education system 
  3. The health system

According to one Amish Mennonite, Calvin Lapp, "those three things also represent what Covid is" – a manmade concept.

The Amish community were hardly affected by the strictures imposed by the government, education and health systems because they refused to lock down, lock up, take injections, wear masks, keep 6ft apart, not have gatherings, not attend church meetings and go to hospital, even if very ill. 

Hospitals were not permitting visitors and the Amish believe that visiting the sick not only raises their spirits but also is part of the message of Lord Jesus Christ.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,  I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me....Indeed, when you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me. (Matthew 25:36-40)

Unfortunately, the covid myth is propagated by reporter Ryan Foley when he wrote that "herd immunity" protected the Amish from suffering from the dreaded virus (which is non-existent, except for people thinking it does). 

We care. Therefore, we do our best to share.


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