Extremities Are Part Of This Life Which Contrasts Life With Death, Good With Evil, And Falsehood With Truth

Most people merely consider their own lives and, like animals, how they are immediately affected in respect to their physical needs (addictions, oxygen, food, water, warmth, shelter, sex, sleep) as is found in (remnant member) psychologist Abraham Maslow's observation of people. 


Warmth is a requirement to prevent death by hypothermia; shelter from natural disasters, or just the weather extremes that can occur during a day  (hot/cold temperatures, hail, sleet, gales, etc).



Maslow recognized that there were other needs humans had, but these were of a more profound nature than the biological ones, from which he was able to construct a pyramid of needs based upon individuals arising above each stage of necessity, as it's fulfilled, to discover intangible desires of greater significance. 


These more significant intangibles, however, involve others. This is where the human experience begins to separate itself from mere animalistic behaviors and the concept of good and evil comes into consideration. 


Not only do moral issues need to be addressed, there are also matters of politics, leadership and headship that factor into the equation of people living together; whether as a family or a clan or a tribe or an ethnic group, that is, a nation — of which many nations require a One World Government, if there is to be world peace.



The Bible talks about the False Prophet who will bring about world peace by convincing people to worship the Beast.  And we know which political philosophy the White House Archives inform us the President said is the religion of peace.


This False Prophet from the Book of the Apocalypse (meaning, revealed), who many people are claiming is Yuval Noah Harari, will come like a lamb, winsomely, with persuasive words that elicit sympathy and good will from others. He may be an extraordinary preacher ororator whose demonically empowered words will deceive the multitudes.


Harari claims that a select group of Homo sapiens will be able to artificially upgrade their bodies and minds; the rest of humanity will be exempt from having these preternatural abilities. The Beast being the most extraordinary of all these hybrid humans.


Harari may qualify as a false prophet, but just one of many. Yuval Noah Harari appears to fit the bill according to many. Many claim that the antichrist will be into poofterism, a hater of women.

  •  As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of man. They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. (Luke 27:16-17)


Suggestions that the USA patriots are in control, because of Biden keeping Trump's executive order regarding foreign election interference in play, have been part of the devolutionists' reasoning, since the insurrection that took place on January 6, 2021.


Pelosi and her cohorts rebelled against the USA President Donald Trump and rejected his request for the National Guard, having conspired with the aid of Washington D.C. Mayor, Muriel Bowser, and others to instigate riots at the National Capitol, with the intention of preventing Donald Trump from being President.


Reader Marg Prior has sent in a video of Australian Colonel Riccardo Bosi reporting on his discovery that the White Hats are in control of events and the CIA (Criminals In Action) has been running the governments of the world.


Bosi states that Trump saved billions of lives through Warp Speed. The pharmaceutical companies could not deliver sufficient doses of contaminated injections, so they were mostly saline: the reason the fortunate majority experienced no effects from taking them and are still, unfortunately, pro-injections.



A One World Government from Jerusalem is coming. This is not fake eschatology, as many claim, based upon their disagreement of what the Scofield Reference Bible highlights in its references to Zionism.


Scofield elaborated upon the writings of John Nelson Darby, who had merely expressed views propounded centuries earlier, according to New Testament Professor, Dr Corey Marsh


Clearly there is evidence that Oxford University Press edited the Scofield Bible after the death of Cyrus Scofield, so that it promotes, not only Zionism as being ordained of God, but, Jews alone are the chosen people of God, contrary to what the New Testament states regarding genuine Christians:

  • But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.  Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy. (2 Peter 2:9-10)

What Zionists are establishing may seem like a contrived attempt to fulfill Old Testament prophecy, except what they are doing is completing the prophecy that the Messiah is going to return to judge the nations and demonstrate that God is ultimately in control of human affairs, even though humans have been given freewill.


For some reason it is difficult for people to grasp that the plan and purpose of the Eternal is being worked out using people, who do evil, to bring about good.

The only people who are born to die are those who reject the truth and refuse to acknowledge their need for the Lord God to deliver them from this current futility of making mammon and vainglorious self-exaltation the aim of man.

All who reject Lord Jesus Christ, as the only person of whom it has been testified died for the sin of mankind and rose from the dead, will soon join David Rockefeller (died having heart transplant), Lord Jacob de Rothschild and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. 

Unless Rockefeller and the Rothschilds were fortunate enough to experience deathbed contrition, ask forgiveness for their sins, repent, and express faith towards God, tragically, their fate will now be that of Michael Jackson.

According to the testimony of a Jamaican shop owner, who had been hit on the head and robbed, to her great astonishment, when having a Near Death Experience, she saw Michael Jackson in Hell. Apparently, his stardom was the result of some devilish contracts.


Irrespective of what people claim about Scofield, dispensationalism and premilleniumism (the resurrection and rapture of those possessing eternal life prior to the thousand year reign of Lord Jesus Christ), two of the Ante-Nicene Fathers Ireneaus and Hippolytus made these claims:

  1. Satan will appear as a man;
  2. From the tribe of Dan, not Judah;
  3. He will supplant three dominions;
  4. He will delude the majority of the people;
  5. Rule from Jerusalem;
  6. In a temple devoted to God;
  7. He will reign for 1260 days.
  8. Lord Jesus Christ will return to destroy him;
  9. Resurrect and rapture those not deceived by the Antichrist;
  10. Reign 1000 years on Earth.

The above is so simple to understand. 

Unfortunately, as we see with people today, those not red-pilled will be utterly deceived. They refuse to question the allopathic pharmaceutical/medical industry of pharmakoi (sorcerers) and willingly accept injections for anything.

The deluded believe the government knows best and has to be obeyed. Many because of what they read in Romans 13:1-7.

Sharing is caring.



Happy Riches 


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