Highest Intelligence By IQ Tests Put Down To Being Born A Member Of The Remnant

We are all human beings created in the image of God. Whether Jewish or not, citizen or stranger, the commandment of saving a life is preeminent. — Rabbi Asher Lopatin 


Polio vaccines for children in Palestine are sufficient reason to stop the genocide of Gazans — temporarily! 

Forget vaccine proponents are dismissive of the fact that “the live virus in the vaccine can paralyze the child who receives the drops”. 

The propaganda mantra is always that the vaccines are “safe and effective”.

Polio is not really the result of a virus. A genuine look at the evidence points to toxins entering the nervous system. Of course, this is denied by the likes of Politifact. Big Pharma pays their bills.


The bombing of Gaza stopped so the children could be inoculated against polio is put forward as a humanitarian gesture. 

Netanyahu's overshadowing vow to destroy Amalek and take the territory from the river to the sea for Israel makes a mockery of any humanitarian gesture; especially when there are reports of aid being prevented from reaching the Gazan Palestinians.


The map that Netanyahu holds up at the United Nations is calculated. 

This is predictive programming: the implanting of the image in the United Nation delegates' minds that Greater Israel’s borders are from the River Nile to the River Euphrates, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, even though this is not the exact map.


The Kingdom of Solomon extended from not the Nile, but the river (Brook) of Egypt to the Great River Euphrates as was promised to Abraham. 


The recognition of this changes many people's perspectives of what is meant from the Egyptian river to the Euphrates River and future fulfilment of various prophecies. 


Unfortunately, there is still a tendency for individuals to jump the gun and not overturn every stone when doing their research of Bible prophecy. Consequently, figures are smudged so timelines fit assumptions

This is the reason there is so much disagreement among eschatologists claiming accurate insight into prophetic events and why to date they have been constantly proven wrong.

Rejecting the prophecy found in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 is also why ostensible presentations of fact miss the mark and deceive audiences.


When it comes to the remnant, they have this belief of superiority, to quote Adrian Stein (The Times of Israel):

Jewish IQ has been determined to be anywhere from 7 to 25 points above the mean, with 10 points being the generally accepted figure.... A nation that will furnish new levels of wealth and new levels of intellectual and artistic attainment to her people; a nation of strength and compassion that will strive to ameliorate the world’s suffering and pain. Israel has always sought to create and not to destroy. We desire nothing more than to give life.


Zionists are not necessarily Jewish. Joe Biden tipping his hat, acknowledging the Cabal. He has confessed that he is a Zionist.

Zionists are more like the Idumeans that took over the leadership of Judah in the days of the Herods, who were renowned for their lack of compassion; doing such things as slaughtering infants and beheading adults they didn't like, such as John the Baptist.


In the book of Deuteronomy there are curses placed upon the Hebrews, if they or their descendants fail to live up to expectations and forsake the truth.  One of the curses is that they will be scattered among the nations. 

Through Ezekiel the Lord God promises:

  • Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations when ye shall be scattered through the countries. (Ezekiel 6:8)

We learn that this remnant of Judahites (irrespective of one’s beliefs) appears to have established itself as influential around the world, being historically found in the halls of power in Russia, China, Europe, and America.



Today, this remnant has control of Hollywood, the media, Tucker Carlson, pharmaceutical companies, the banking industry, financial markets, and the military-industrial complex and governments worldwide.


What an irony that a remnant member is an illegitimate ruler of Ukraine, while the remnant have a dominant influence in Russia.


Whether you want to acknowledge this or not, Putin is surrounded by oligarchs that are not ethnic Russians and he has close interactions with the Chabad leader, Lazar, described as a "special connection".


The publicized attempts to crush Russia through sanctions by Joe Biden's administration have failed and have driven a polarization of nations around the BRICS confederation (on purpose?).


We are supposed to believe that those who control the USA have no idea that Russia has become more self-sufficient than when it broke free of the Soviet era, where its corrupt brand of communism produced a failed state.



Without Ukraine, the Soviet Union would have been a more disastrous union of states than it became and more like North Korea.


The adoption of first world modernization and farming methods, along with the benefits of an incentivized economy, has secured post-USSR Russia's capacity to feed its population without relying on Ukraine.


Salient features of Ukraine's government today are:

  1. Corruption; 
  2. Remnant members who have significant influence over its economy and population; 
  3. Parallels between the genocide of ethnic Ukrainians and Gazans. 

Apparently, the remnant-controlled Blackrock is putting together a $15 billion fund to invest in rebuilding Ukraine. 


The propaganda pieces are subtle, attempting to present victims when there are none (it's just a trick of the remnant) yet overlooking the fact that Zelensky has been ensuring that the real victims—not of his ethnicity—are forced to the frontlines of the war. 

The remnant, through its various lobbyists and AIPAC, controls the Uniparty in the USA, ensuring that Israel is supplied with funds and weapons of mass destruction, but not Ukraine.


The USA Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) has more sophisticated weapons than what are being sold to Ukraine via the money laundering that is taking place, which is executed through the various schemes to ostensibly legitimize the destruction of what was once the breadbasket of the USSR economy


On the other hand, former United Nations weapons inspector, Scott Ritter declares Ukraine is being given junk weapons from the West and World War is imminent.



Evidently, according to Encyclopedia Britannica:

An extant stone tablet dated 1512 and found in Kaifeng claims that Judaism entered China during the latter half of the Han dynasty (206 bce–220 ce).


 China has had an influential remnant influencing its rulers for centuries. Even Mao and Deng had a soft spot for members of the remnant


The Sassoons, who were touted as the "Rothschilds of the East" back in the 19th century, were latecomers and appear to have lost their prowess, but never underestimate what is going on behind the scenes. 

Besides Shanghai, Harbin (480 miles from Vladivostok) is another city that was heavily influenced by members of the remnant.

The Kaifeng remnant that existed in China has become more Chinese in appearance through intermarrying and dilution of ancestral DNA. 

This is a feature that naturally occurs when populations migrate and intermarrying occurs over the centuries.

Something to think about concerning the lost tribes!

We care, so we share.


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