Prophetic Trite Or Tribes On The Rise To Rule A Ruined World

 The various levels of international political games confuse the pundits commentating on the geopolitical landscape.


From a biblical end-of-days viewpoint, a One World Government will govern from Jerusalem. 


Many people think that "Israel will reign" eschatology is just mythical thinking.  Instead, they believe Israel is going to be wiped off the map very soon. 


Numerous individuals, even many Christians, believe that the state of Israel exists today because of a self-fulfilling prophecy being fostered by the Zionists, who have taken biblical verses related to the return of the scattered Israelites and used these to justify their actions. 

There are many more biblical texts, but here is one such text: 

  • This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord:  “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you. The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their ancestors to possess,’ says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 30:3)

Judah came back from its Babylonian captivity and existed until Jerusalem was sacked by Rome in 70 CE.  Israel refers to the lost tribes, presumably all captured and scattered around the outskirts of the Assyrian Empire. 


Ashwarya Kosla writing for The India Express reports about a member of the B'nei Monashe:


For 84-year-old Natan Mangsat Kipgen, his return to Israel wasn’t just a homecoming; it was the culmination of a promise his ancestors had clung to for generations.


Claims to being part of the lost tribes of Israel have been made by the Igbo in West Africa, the Lemba in Zimbabwe/South Africa, the Beta Israel in Ethiopia, the Bene Israel in India and the Pashtuns in Afghanistan


George Washington University Professor, Eric Cline presents a case that the lost tribes never were lost, because he believes he can demonstrate where they were taken and went, except possibly for 200,000, which he thinks is an exaggeration. 

The evidence Cline provides is quite compelling, even if still a little speculative in its interpretation. The number of people removed from Israel to the boundaries of the Assyrian Empire may have been less than migrated to Judah.

The ancient historian Flavius Josephus (c. 37-100 CE) speaks of the ten tribes, taken into captivity, as having become an "immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers". 

Many of these captives (or/and their offspring) were believed to have moved North from south of the Black Sea, settling in the Caucuses (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and further afield (Kazakhstan, Russia), even becoming the dreaded Vikings, while others became the Scythians, who suddenly appeared after the Israelites had been removed to new territories.


Scott Ritter has made claims that Israel will be wiped off the map, as have other military pundits that are interviewed by Nima R. Alkhorshid  and Judge Napolitano. 


Ritter has been right about some matters, along with ex-CIA strategist Larry C. Johnson, and Col. Douglas MacGregor, which gives them and their ilk some credence. 


The Russia/Iran/Syria/Hezbollah allied forces against Israel are supposedly the danger for the Jewish state. 


Netanyahu has alienated himself from Putin and World War III looks like it will happen with Russia attacking Israel, according to some. 


Meanwhile the New York Times reports Russia and Syria are quiet regarding Israeli attack on a Russian airbase in Syria.



Chief Chabad Rabbi of Russia & Putin's personal Rabbi,Berel Lazar, says that Netanyahu visits Moscow regularly and there are ten flights a day from Moscow to Tel Aviv. Besides this, everything that is happening in Syria is coordinated between Russia and Israel.


The gullible believe the propaganda, unaware of the compartmentalization of the experts, who like to think they are in the know. Hence, the number of different views espoused by these experts consulted on a daily basis. Talking heads are talking heads and talk is cheap. 


The contradicting views are purposefully permitted, even promoted, so people either turn off or fight among themselves as they take sides based upon the pundit's opinions.


When it comes to the control of the press, what is not being shown is the extent of the savage disregard for human decency that is displayed by the Israelis, who are supposedly against Netanyahu.



The complexity of what is happening in the geopolitical scene is evidenced by what is happening with BRICS.


Putin has been given the green light to use silver and gold to back the mooted BRICS currency, which is creating some panic in banking circles that are involved in shorting silver contracts to keep the price down.


The US Armed Forces use a lot of silver in their technological products. Keeping the prices low is advantageous to the Military Industrial Complex.


However, the announcement that Putin has suggested that silver could be part of the package to back the BRICS currency, automatically gave a boost to the silver price. 


As people become aware of the silver price starting to move up, more speculators will begin to buy, stockpiling by manufacturers will begin and upward pressure on the price will force the banks shorting the contracts to unload or lose even more money.



Warren Buffet has been divesting his stock in banks. Last year Buffet unloaded his U.S. Bank (U.S. Bancorp - USB) stock for a $600 million profit. When Buffet jettisoned Berkshire Hathaway shares in Well Fargo, this brought in nearly $20 billion profit. Now Buffett is unloading Bank of America stock.


Why is Warren Buffet getting out of bank stocks?

The obvious answer is that he is convinced that there is going to be a huge implosion of banks like never before seen. Data indicates that the banks are seven times deeper in debt than what they were in the crash of 2008.


In 2008 banks in the USA were bailed out of trouble by the government under the guise of being too big to fail. This time around, instead of the government coming to the rescue, large depositors will have their funds confiscated via a bail-in.


Liz Cheney, the daughter of infamous war criminal Dick Cheney, wrote on X:

Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t. She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance.


Now Liz Cheney has joined Kamala Harris’ campaign and claims the renowned liar will lead this country with a sincere heart,” even saying “she is somebody you can trust”.


Apart from reaffirming the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” (in respect to her treacherous father), she also reaffirms that politicians are, more often than not, just proverbial liars; more like chameleons without a conscience.

We care, therefore we share


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