The Write Offs May Not Be Right On, But At Least The Picture Knits Together

 Greg Reece points out Israeli leaders have an agenda that includes creating Greater Israel, which includes: Lebanon, Jordan and parts of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and Turkey. 

However, many of the pundits commenting on Israel's conflicts are predicting the nation's imminent destruction, especially after attacking Lebanon and killing many civilians. 


How long will Israel be able to survive after its leaders have made such brash predatory predictions of extending its borders into neighboring lands?


Alistair Crooke, for one, believes disaster is coming for Israel rather than victory, unless the USA is drawn into its defence.


Colonel McDouglas tells us Israel is a write off without American support.

Former Israeli politician, the political scientist and historian Professor Ilan Pappé believes that the end of Zionism is upon us. Israel will go the way of apartheid South Africa and collapse in its current form, having to accept the Palestinians as co-equals and rightful participants in reigning over their land.

Al Jazzera says that the blank check (cheque) that Biden gave to Israel defies logic. Quoting Raed Jarrar from Democracy for the Arab World Now: 

“It’s self-destructive. It is not in the United States' interests to be supporting a criminal, genocidal attack on Gaza. It is not in the Biden administration’s political interests to be supporting the war on Gaza,” 

“But President Biden has insisted against all odds and all advice ... to continue the flow of arms and unconditional political support for Israel.”


If what Biden gives to Israel defies logic then consider the following:


  • Al Jazzera is a Qatar based operation. 
  • Al Jazzera criticizes Israel.
  • The billionaire leaders of Hamas are domiciled in Qatar.  
  • Hamas was created by Israel.

Either the Israelis are fools [Yes/No] or the world is being played, propagandized and gaslit [Yes/No].  


Shill Broe

Former US Airforce nuclear and missile operations officer Jake Broe is a shill for Elensky and the other warmongers while claiming that defending Ukraine is defending democracy. And he cares for the Ukrainian people. 


Broe's propaganda channel does not show how many Ukrainians have been rounded up and beaten because they refuse to join the half-a-million plus slaughtered individuals for the glory of Ukraine as it continues to lose the war against Russia. 



Never mind that Putin has offered terms of peace even going back to March, 2023. This makes Putin even more evil. There is no money to be made if tanks, planes, armament and infrastructure is not destroyed.


When it comes to projection, we need look no further than the rumored closet homosexual and non compliant military air force reservist Senator Lindsay Graham. Talk about the proverbial kettle calling the pot black. In response to a Russian arrest warrant being issued for him, warmonger Graham claims:




There are signs that some of the 190 ethnic groups within Russia are becoming restless as the Ukraine war drags on. The CIA, no doubt, is seeking to leverage whatever internal issue that arises to the NATO's advantage in an attempt to overthrow Putin. 


There was a rumor that the Wagner Group mercenary army chief, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had been compromised by the CIA when he publicly opposed Putin.  The consensus was that he would soon be dead if this is truly the case. Prigozhin died in a plane crash.


Chechnya and other Muslim ethnicities are prime targets, as 100 million Russians are at least nominally Christian, and there is a natural tension of worldviews to exploit. Not that true Christianity is of this world. 


  • Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world. (John 18:36)

Speaking to the Jews: 

  • Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.”(Matthew 21”42-43) 

Snake Broe

Jake Broe reveals his colours when it comes to the 2024 election. According to Jake (the snake), Donald Trump is paying for polls to show the impossible, that he is actually ahead of Kamala, or they are running neck and neck in battleground states.  


Jake, the snake, also claims that Trump, not being as popular as his contender, has his team creating fake polls that indicate he is leading. When the selected mixed race Indian/part Jamaican-European (Culture Club) Kamala wins the election, he will protest the result.

Seriously, it is hard to believe that this Jake Broe was ever serving in the military, especially by the manner in which he gives recognition and applauds countries that are sending armament and munitions to Ukraine. Evidently, he is enjoying this war.



Scott Ritter consistently reports that his sources are saying that Russia is going to win the war against Ukraine because of its devastating weapons.

The Donbass Insider has been revealing the truth, especially what the Soros-Biden-Kerry-et al. infiltrated Ukraine has been doing since 2014.


When you realize that Putin is surrounded by Jews and he is supporting Iran and Hezbollah, you are left wondering what is going on when Israel attacks Russia's airbase in Syria.



Russia’s chief rabbi, Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar, is the leader of the country's most important Jewish organization The Federation of Jewish Communities. He is frequently seen with Putin at public events and has been called "Putin’s Rabbi". 


The global jig-saw puzzle has many small pieces and is extraordinarily large.  One of the small pieces portrays the commitment of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka as Chabad devotees. 


And who can forget Kushner's $1.8 billion purchase of 666 Fifth Ave. The Qatar company that bailed him out of bankruptcy leased it off him for 99 years with an upfront $1.1 billion payment, changed the address to 660 Fifth Ave, and has finally secured its first tenant, Macquarie Bank, which became the first bank in Oz to go cashless and become "digital only". Talk about coincidences. Or is there sleight of hand at play?


Out of Port Hedland,Western Australia, comes news of the local council raising the alarm concerning the dangers of mRNA vaccines. The Western Australia Premier Roger Cook reacted and has told the council "to 'stick to its knitting'." after it passed a motion urging state and federal governments to suspend some COVID-19 vaccinations."

Unfortunately for Roger Cook (a totalitarian in the making), it appears he needs a few injections of Moderna. When the forced injections were taking place, politicians like him were exempt. 

What is astounding, the majority of bureaucrats and the public are accepting of these double standards by politicians.  As for the majority of medical doctors, besides having no spine, they appear to have been neutered, lest they become a little macho and attempt to stand up for what is right. Who can trust them?


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