Trying To Abolish The USA Constitution's Free Speech And Gun Rights Requires The Coverup Of Complex Schemes

 The twice-bankrupted left-wing satirical website the has attempted to purchase Infowars without putting up any money by claiming that it will pay for the sale using the funds that will be paid as part of the $1.4 billion defamation settlement to the families injured by comments made by Alex Jones saying that nobody was killed at Sandy Hook. 



The Sandy Hook massacre has been investigated by Professor Jim Fetzer and others. The massacre could not have happened in 2012, as the school had been closed since 2008.


Here is the blurb for Nobody Died At Sandy Hook:


A new 455-page (revised and updated) volume on the purported shooting incident at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut, alleged to have taken place on 14 December 2012, by 12 contributors, including six current or retired Ph.D. college professors, who have established through their research that the school had been abandoned by 2008. 

This second edition includes five new chapters on the more bizarre aspects of the "Sandy Hook experience", including a chapter on missing witnesses (death, retirement, disappearance), surprising connections to China and on the role of The Chronicle of Higher Education in disseminating false information and propaganda about Sandy Hook. Copiously documented with photographs, records, and other proofs that make it so detailed, so thorough, and so compelling, that the U.S. government has had to resort to extreme measures to suppress it, including having it banned.


“The Sandy Hook Cover Up” has taken some unexpected twists. 

Hillary Clinton made a point in 2016 of mentioning Alex Jones and Sandy Hook.

Six years later there is an attempt to close InfoWars down as a precedent to suppress free speech!  InfoWars is owned by Free Speech Systems LLC. [Bells ringing?]

Radio host Kate Dalley highlights the fact the families of the twenty children, purportedly shot dead, had their homes purchased December 25th, 2009. They moved in a year or so before the shooting. 

According to Wikipedia, after the shooting, the remaining (<600) children were moved to a disused school nearby [???].

Wolfgang Halbig made a documentary about his investigations. Sandy Hook school was rundown. At the time of the shooting, a Capstone Exercise, involving the whole community, was in progress. 

Halbig notes, the grieving parents were very jovial at press conferences, before appearing on camera looking distressed.  

Similarly, the wounded from the Pulse nightclub shooting, Orlando, suddenly were able to walk, as soon as they were out of view of the news cameras.    


The current owners of the Onion were attempting to purchase Infowars using mezzanine financing, where other people put up the money for the deal. 

However, in this case, the money is non-existent— a classic case of something "looking good on paper" but in reality is the proverbial "dog that doesn't hunt", therefore the prize ain't got.


The Alex Jones/Sandy Hook saga was all about covering up dirty Democrat tactics in censoring free speech and attempts of gun control by taking down social media platforms that did not promote the sanctioned government narrative of the day.



Personal worldviews affect how we all interpret the information that comes our way. 

If you are of the view that you can trust everyone to let you down at some time, then you will not invest absolute confidence in people. "Humanity" and "fallibility" just might as well be synonymous.

  • For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

When it comes to Alex Jones, while he can be a useful source of information (mostly from his guests) and he himself is very intelligent, there are always little quirks that cause the discerning viewer to question him. 


Regardless, Jones demonstrated his astuteness when funding his own operations by setting up his own supplement range of products and other merchandise.  No longer was he at the mercy of advertisers who could pull the plug and leave his operation financially gasping for breath.


Jones has been a harbinger of political and deep state corruption; a spearheading herald exposing the NWO and waking up more people to the propaganda than anyone else. 



People criticize Jones for not doing what Stew Peters is doing and going hard on the Jews' control of the USA. Either Jones realizes that his personal survival depends on not pushing the envelope too far or he has a soft spot for Jews. His first wife was Jewish.


Jones does expose the behavior of Zionists. He called the October 7 invasion of Israel by Hamas a false flag set up by the Jews themselves, as part of the extermination of the Palestinians and land grab in Gaza and the West Bank.



The Sandy Hook judgment seems to make sense when considering that the Democrats, the deep state and vested interests would like to see Infowars taken off the air because, irrespective of Alex Jones clowning around, too many people are waking up from their stupor and realizing the mainstream media has been gaslighting them.


The Fix

The problem with the Sandy Hook judgment is Jones could have put forward a better defense and demanded that the prosecutors produce actual evidence of the dead bodies and even the names of the twenty children that sang in the choir at a NFL fixture the following year. Instead, he appears to have purposefully thrown in the towel early.


Ohio attorney Wyn Young believes that Alex Jones took a dive. Quote:

Alex Jones took a purposeful dive on bogus defamation claims to hand the Sandy Hook Plaintiffs a massive win that chills free speech, investigative journalism, and public participation in the political process. Indeed, Jones’ loss/the outrageous $1.43 Billion damages verdict appears largely designed to “scare off” further and proper scrutiny of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting and other such similar events.  


Why would Jones take a dive? Could he be compromised for some reason? 

Some people genuinely accept that God is infinite. Everything exists within the Infinite One. 

All have to give an account of themselves on the day of judgment. Therefore, it is better to tell the truth rather than distort it by exaggeration or deceptive means. 


Nevertheless, to quote the Amplified Bible:

The spiritual man tries all things [he examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things]…. (1 Corinthians 2:15 AMPC)



Bill Hicks and Alex Jones have a lot in common.


Comedian Bill Hicks (also raised a Baptist) was an impersonator who claimed that he would like to pull off the ultimate deception: fake his own death and reappear as another person.


Bill Hicks at Wako (1993) before Alex Jones appears at Waco (1994) after Hicks’ death (January, 1994).


Jones is 50 years old. He looks 65! Bill Hicks would now be 63!  


Jones habitually hangs out with comedians. He denies being Bill Hicks.


Jokingly, Max Keiser says that he himself isn’t Bill Hicks. Jones, annoyed, says, "He knows the secret....I am Bill Hicks" (?).  


This creates greater intrigue. Is Jones CIA?


Owen Shroyer was jailed (low hanging fruit? warning?).  Would Alex Jones jailed become a martyr?


Deception that’s obvious ceases to be deception.

Surely, Jones can't be Hicks.

Hicks had different ear lobes. These have been changed as part of the facelift according to those who advocate that Hicks is Jones

Hicks didn't have the same raised prominences on his forehead above his eyebrows.


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