Discovering Idiots Trying To Interpret Prophecy As The Working Of A Plan Created By Strategists
Donald Trump is an idiot, a predatory animal, a lecherous orange man not as smart as an orangutan, according to many of the loons I have heard. Projection is a curse!
CNN host Van Jones has had an awakening saying:
Donald Trump is not an idiot. Let me just be very clear. Donald Trump is smarter than me, you, and all of his critics. You know how I know? Because he has:
- the White House,
- the Senate,
- the House,
- the Supreme Court,
- the popular vote....
- massive media ecosystem bigger than the mainstream ...
- a religious fervor in a political movement around him...
- his best buddy is the richest person in the history of the world, and
- the most relevant Kennedy is with him....
Jones goes on to say, " We're the idiots!"
It's not hard to think of New Zealand (NZ) as a tail that needs to be pinned onto the donkey (Australian continent).
Hillary Clinton speaking at Auckland (May, 2018) said that she contemplated moving to live in NZ.
Prior to the shooting of Muslims in two Islamic mosques (March 15, 2019), John Podesta visited NZ. Many believe that this was to set up the Christchurch Muslim massacre in an attempt to get at Trump, while using the psyop as an excuse to take the guns from NZer's.
Gun confiscation occurred in Australia, after the Port Arthur Massacre –another psyop, with a mentally retarded young man sentenced to prison for doing what only crack marksmen could do (3 were seen).
The accused simpleton Martin Bryant was not a marksman and wasn't at the location at the time of the massacre. Disarming the population is essential for tyrannical rule.
On March 11, 2019, The New Zealand Herald reported on Podesta praising (the barracuda) Jacinda Ardern.
From the Marine Patch:
The barracuda is an opportunistic predator that .... has a nasty set of sharp teeth.
Podesta and Ardern must belong to the same family. Podesta's teeth look dangerous too.
Dr William Bay’s Landmark Victory in Queensland Court against Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) shows up all the cowards who call themselves doctors (even think of themselves as lifesavers who prevent people from experiencing death) but are nothing more than agents of sorcery for Big Pharma.
David Gergen was a frequent visitor to Bohemian Grove. He was made famous when Alex Jones confronted him and filmed their encounter.
Gergens' daughter has a different view of her father. Difficult to believe that he was a Democrat. Maybe he was just a sycophantic dreamer who lived in the dark, thinking it was the light.
- The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23)
Posted by Eve, but applies to the Deep State, etc.
Their weapons are:
- fear,
- division,
- scarcity,
- dependency,
- blind obedience and
- hate.
Our best counteractions are:
- courage,
- unity,
- abundance,
- self sufficiency,
- critical thinking and
- love.
Mass graves in Syria are mere propaganda. The demonization of Assad is part of the psyop that is being played out.
To justify their own evils, the Zionists are doing everything they can to blacken Assad's reputation.
Assad was a member of the Alawite sect of Muslims and very sympathetic to protecting minorities; whereas with the Zionist genocide that is taking place, everyone not an supporter is killed, Jew and Goy alike.
David Ike, due his lack of understanding regarding events that are taking place in the Middle East and why the Almighty God Creator of Heaven and Earth would send His Son to die on a Cross to redeem mankind, remonstrates against biblical prophecy.
Ike is very opinionated for one claiming to seek the truth, preferring his own version that he found listening to a fortune teller and having a psychedelic trip on ayahuasca when in Peru, even if he has identified the conspiracies against us by ruling elite who hate us and seek world domination.
Regardless, Ike is correct about the Zionists dutifully going about fulfilling the prophecies in the Scriptures.
Zionists are deceived. Their depraved wantonness to control the world is the reason they are fulfilling biblical prophecy.
I heard Jordan Maxwell claim on Rense Radio (circa. 2016) that David Ike plagiarized his material without giving him credit. Maybe Maxwell had sour grapes over finding himself on the pension living in a room provided by a friend and Ike gaining more fame.
Jordan Maxwell thought he had discovered the secrets of the Universe with his esoteric astrotheology. Numerous people wanted to believe he had. Being born to die sucks. Unless an eternal purpose exists, life is futile.
In 2019, Maxwell said that his life's work had been stolen. Since Maxwell’s death in 2022, whether his material had been legitimately transferred to another publisher is difficult to establish.
Health Ranger, Mike Adams has now set up his own religion and has taken it upon himself to interpret the Scriptures according to his beliefs and has created 100 sermons.
His interview of Steven and Jana Ben-Nun provides some insight to the Zionist agenda and the coming introduction of Noahide Laws overseen by the Supreme Court in Israel.
Planned has published the illuminating 1982 Yinon Plan: a strategy for Israel in the 1980s by Obed Yinon.
With an understanding of Israel's position today, its grip on the government of the USA and the Zionist infiltration worldwide (governments, banks, corporations), clearly Yinon underlined his plan by indicating that the world had become debased and Israel would be its only hope.
He then speaks of the balkanization of the Arab nations surrounding Israel and his belief that they are inherently unable to live peaceably.
Since the region has fissures from tribal loyalties and religious sectarianism, by exploiting this, conquering these impoverished nations would be the proper action to take; except, it hasn’t been easily accomplished.
Bashar al-Assad continued to find the favor in Syria that his father had and the family ruled for fifty years. The war between Iran and Iraq didn't destroy either nation. The Kurds, favored by Assad, proved resilient in fighting for their territory against the Turks and ISIS.
Qaddafi created a problem by seeking to educate Libyans, distribute a greater share of the wealth, and turn its desert into fertile land by harnessing its massive water aquifers.
The Arab Spring uprisings were engineered with the aim of destabilizing the Middle East, even though they began in Tunisia and were designed to appear spontaneously spreading throughout the Arab world. Israel couldn’t afford to be seen as the instigator.
Fourteen years later Netanyahu doesn’t appear too concerned. Investigations will produce evidence in Israel’s favor. Arabs can’t be trusted.
Backed by the military might of the USA, expect major gains in Israel's expanding boundaries secured.
October 7, 2023
An AI Construct?!!!
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