The Road Of Peace May Be More Of A Curse Than A Blessing If What Is Required Is Not Fully Understood

 Israel walks into Syria. Turkey takes territory. Russia does nothing.    

Conclusion: this could be a trap to undermine Israel and its allies (as articulated by Alex Krainer) or Ukraine will be given to Russia in exchange for forsaking Syria.



Trump can now start talking peace. He previously signed papers presumptuously giving the illegally occupied Golan Heights (Syrian land) to Israel, when he was President last. 


The document Trump signed has no legal basis and is outside the jurisdiction of his authority; but who is going to argue with the biggest bully in town when he has access to military might capable of blowing you to smithereens. 


Bashar al-Assad knew the writing was on the wall and furtively left Syria. His generals passed the message down the line. The troops either surrendered or fled. A deal had been done behind closed doors.


The religion of peace is all about one ruler having his own way; hence, the fight for peace that is unobtainable by any other means — so we are told.



Control of Syria enables influence over China's Silk Road route at its western end. Of course, this doesn't affect China's railroad through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan into Russia, Ukraine and Western Europe.



Trump issued a warning to Israel that it needs to act quickly— and steal, kill and destroy all that it can (cf John 10:10)—before he is inaugurated President.  


The Times of Israel reports:


Trump has said loud and clear that Israel needs to get the war won quickly in Gaza, and that “the killing has to stop.” And in his victory speech in Florida, the US president-elect stressed that he intends to “stop wars,” not start them.


There are various views circulating about what is happening regarding all things Trump: 

  • He genuinely believes in Making America Great Again.
  • He is seeking to set up his own fiefdom. 
  • He is the front man for white-hat generals (the good guys).
  • He is a Rothschild puppet.
  • He is controlled by AIPAC.


Optimists believe that Trump has everything under control. He has the backing of Israel and everything is a slam dunk. Israel will be allowed to secure its occupied territories from Syria to Egypt.


Understanding what is happening in the Middle East is essential if we are to comprehend events that occur around the globe that are of greater significance.



The Lubavitch Rebbe (aka Johan of Gerona) references the last chapter of Daniel when giving a speech about the need for the world to be refined before Moshiach arrives. He says:


At the end of the book of Daniel, in the last chapter it speaks about the End of Days, when “knowledge will increase.”


Actually, at the very end of the book of Daniel, we read:

  • And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.  But go your way till the end; and you shall rest, and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days (Daniel 12:11-13)

Cursed Blessing

After the Rebbe's speech, Netanyahu seeks the revered one's blessing. He said that he has heard the message and understands. The Rebbe says that he must make the way of peace and that it's best to avoid war. 


Either Netanyahu heard a different message or these people speak with forked tongues

The “abomination that makes desolate” mentioned at the end of the book of Daniel is a reference to the Antichrist who shall attempt to rule the world from Jerusalem.


On July 3, 1933, there was a Jewish celebration, dubbed The Romance of a People, that took place in Chicago and attended by people of different religious perspectives. 


One scene in the celebration incorporates a sacrifice to Moloch (the god of this world in one of his manifestations) and the Star of Rephan (Remphan) being flown on flags, as the Zionists dance around their idol, which is forbidden in The Torah (Leviticus 20:2-5).  


For condemning Moloch worship and the Star of Rephan (Acts 7:43), among other things, in his speech to the Council of the Jews, as recorded in The Acts of The Apostles, the righteous Stephen was stoned to death with the assistance of no other than Saul of Tarsus (Acts 7), later known as the Apostle Paul. 

What could go wrong? 

Trump is heralded as the man of peace. Netanyahu is under the impression that he is to make the way for the Moshiach — John the Baptist reincarnated? What do you think? (Y/N)


An indication of how much more politicians, and many beginning to wake up, still need to learn of the teleological direction of global affairs is demonstrated by Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts.

The scientifically trained Malcolm Roberts woke up to the "Global Conspiracy" in 2008 when contemplating the fake figures for global warming (@20 minutes). 

Roberts is well aware of:

  1. the Climate Change scam,
  2. the fiat money scam,
  3. other wealth transfer scams enriching the billionaire class and
  4. the depopulation agenda via the jab.

Roberts acknowledges the role of the World Economic Forum. However, he overlooks Klaus Schwab's wife is a Rothschild, the worldwide network of Zionists, and doesn't understand

  1. the PCR tests were created on a computer and
  2. no virus was actually isolated
  3. but an artifact that looked like a spiked protein was created
  4. by adding trypsin to the concoction of dying monkey kidney cells, bovine fetal cells, antibiotics, human sputum, and
  5. this was photographed and heralded as evidence of a contagious transmissible virus.


The gain-of-function narrative diverts attention from the need to focus on creating public awareness regarding the virus scam Big Pharma uses to justify vaccinations. 

Canadian epidemiologist Paul Alexander has much invested in the subject. Rather than consider the negative results of experiments conducted by Rosenau and McCoy (1919 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS) when attempting to prove the Spanish Flu’s contagiousness, he has opted for the flawed claims published in the 2008 paper Neutralizing antibodies derived from the B cells of 1918 influenza pandemic survivors.  

Now that Pfizer and Eli Lilly CEOs, Albert Bourla and David Ricks were invited to Mar-a-Lago to talk with Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy, much speculation has arisen.

Paul Alexander speculates Trump is rumored to have said:


These poison shots resulted in too many harms and fatalities. I find I have no choice but to call for a hard immediate stop of all mRNA vaccines and wanted to tell you first in person and tell you that you must go to the press now and advise that Pfizer will do same. Now! I have Bobby here with me as my nominee as you would know for HHS [you will not oppose him].



Roger Stone raises the alarm


Democrats set to kneecap Trump.

Big Pharma targets Kennedy.


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