How To Isolate A Virus, So A Eugenicist Doesn't Have To Worry About Shooting Substances Into Children's Arms

 Bill Gates says the one thing that keeps him awake at night is thinking about shooting up some substance into children’s arms. 

He has just partnered once more with Johns Hopkins Medical University to conduct another tabletop exercise after the manner of Event 201.


Kary Mullis in an interview declares cell biology is a bunch of magic. In other words, cell biology consists of illusions. 

Mullis could be referring to the graphics, but maybe he is thinking in terms of DNA, and artifacts created by manipulation that are passed off as found in living tissue, etc.

From What Price Intellectual Honesty:


The light microscope had been used to examine living cells, unfixed tissue and stained sections, for 100 years until the 1940's. At that time, the electron microscope was introduced. 

It permits much higher resolution and magnification than the light microscope, but the tissue can not survive the low pressure, the bombardment of electrons and x-radiation in the electron microscope, so it has to be coated with a deposit of salts of osmium lead or tungsten, which is not destroyed by these agents, and can therefore be examined. 

Cytologists were very anxious to use this more powerful instrument to look at the fine structure of cells.


Once a person understands something for what it is, and has no doubt about the definition of its shape, size, and significance, and what it means for that person, there is no retreating or returning to the previous perception under any circumstances.


You will not retreat from your stance on a matter once you fully understand how you will be affected by it. 


Once you see what is happening, appreciate the significance of an event, a thing or a process, and understand how it affects, or will affect you, physically, financially, socially, psychologically and spiritually, you will become resolute in your conviction that what you know is the truth. 


Nothing will shake your understanding of what you have experienced, have seen and come to accept as true—what you believe.

  • You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31)

This also applies to virology.


The importance for people to understand how virologists claim they "isolate" a virus cannot be down-played, underestimated or dismissed. 


Researcher Sarah writes:


You see, according to virologists, a virus is an infectious agent that can only replicate within a host organism…however you can’t isolate it directly from the original host organism though.


The “virus” is said to be a package of genetic information protected by a protein shell (also known as a capsid) that is delivered into a host cell to be expressed and replicated.


Supposedly coughing and sneezing and breathing can spread these particles, but if you try and catch them mid-action, you will fail every time (signed, virology).

According to virology, the ONLY purported way that you can get an isolated virus is by growing it in another organism (but not the original one)….

Say hello to THE CELL CULTURE technique.

Any experiment you come across that has anything to do with a “virus” will reference a method of “isolation” involving a cell culture. I say this with confidence because I have quite earnestly tried to find one that doesn’t, to no avail. If you find one, by all means send it my way.


Cell culture is a laboratory technique that involves growing cells in a controlled, artificial environment, and it goes something like this:

Start with a cell line. A cell line is a sample of purified cells purchased from a cell bank or commercial supplier and has been authenticated and verified. Here are some popular choices for viral studies: Vera (monkey kidney cells), 293T (Human Embryonic Kidney Cells-HEK), HeLa (cervical cancer cells from a woman named Henrietta Lacks)

Add growth medium (nutrition) and grow the cells. This is purchased from a commercial supplier and has been sterilized and certified. This medium is often fetal bovine serum (FBS), which is developed from the blood of fetal calves.

Grow the cells until they reach confluency, which just means they take up 70-90% of the dish in which they are growing. This can take days or longer, depending on the type of cells being used.

Add the sample (snot).

Add antibiotics or other agents to kill bacteria and fungus that might have grown in the “sterile” cell line cells or from the “sterile” growth medium.

After these steps there are different ways to wash, shake, and spin the culture to “isolate” the ”virus”. Sometimes there’s heating and freezing involved too.

Let me sum this up for you. In order to “isolate” the genetic material (from the thing that ostensibly makes you sick when someone coughs in your direction), we must take the genetic material out of the host, add the original genetic material to some other genetic material and then feed it some additional genetic material. 


After that, the genetic casserole gets dosed with a cocktail of antibiotics to kill the bacteria and fungus that might have grown from the addition of other “sterile” genetic material. Then it’s shaken, stirred, and/or spun, and…that’s called “ISOLATION”.



The process of isolating a virus used by virologists basically is similar to the following nonsensical analogy of trying to isolate the vector Virus that causes sugar cane to be sweet in the land of Nod.



In order to discover what (virus) makes sugar cane sweet, you cannot just remove some juice from the sugar cane and analyze it. That is too simple and unscientific. A more sophisticated process is required, otherwise the procedure is not science.



First extract some juice from a sugar cane plant and add it to culture mixed in a bowl consisting of growth ingredients: flour, milk, eggs, baking soda, and castor sugar.


Mix the ingredients together.


Add dates and sultanas (these kill blandness).


Mix the ingredients and place the mixture into an ovenware container.


Place the ovenware container with the mixture into a preheated oven.

Allow the heat to kill any bacteria over 20 minutes at 1800 or until the mixture looks like a baked cake.


Remove the baked mixture (cake) from the oven. Leave on the balcony to cool on a tray. Once cool, cover and seal the cake with some cling wrap. Allow the cause (virus) of the sweetener to grow.


After five days the sweetening agent will begin to appear on the cake, looking like mold. Eventually, this will grow until the cake is consumed.  


Once you can identify the mold-like fungus substance, remove a specimen to characterize it and take photos to demonstrate you have isolated the vector (virus) from the host (cake) and found what (fungus?) causes sugar cane to be sweet.

The more people become aware of the deception of virology and realize the corruption that exists, in what they believe is bona fide science, the less likely Gates’ “Catastrophic Contagion” will gain traction and wreak economic and social havoc upon a public fed propaganda.

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