Restructuring A Reasonable Rate Of Return Requires Research And Resistance To Rogues

 In 1986 President Ronald Reagan signed into law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This provided protection to Big Pharma from liability due to adverse effects of vaccination.

Much to the delight of (the corrupt) Senator Edward M. Kennedy, a co-sponsor of the legislation, Reagan had Vice President George Bush leaning on his shoulder (or maybe holding the gun that shot him in '81?).

No longer constrained by the prospects of financial litigation, childhood vaccination schedules exploded from 12 vaccines in 1986 to a recommended 73 shots in 2023, including the deadly mRNA injections introduced in 2020.

Now Kennedy's nephew RFK jr, after making a career obtaining compensation for clients suffering adverse effects from vaccination, could possibly put an end to the vaccine schedule.


There is a push to introduce a "bird flu" scare and/or a "disease X" pandemic in 2025. 

African countries could once more be the fly in the ointment when it comes to pandemic propaganda. For now there is no immunity for the pandemic propagandist Bill Gates in Kenya.


More people need to be made aware of the report from the Alliance For Human Research Protection, which states: 


Currently, 80% of the World Health Organization (WHO) budget relies on earmarked donations; primarily from the U.S. government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Big Pharma

The WHO revenue in 2016-2017 was $5, 139 Billion, of which only $927 million came from assessed contributions by member states; these “core” funds cover the WHO’s general expenses. 

By contrast, $4,422 Billion were provided by major donors; and these funds are earmarked for activities that serve the donor’s  financial interests. These major donors dictate and control the WHO policies, ensuring that WHO policies further their interests. 



Many think Putin was simply trolling European and US politicians when, in response to a question about whether the war will end in 2025,  he said: 


"I believe in God. And God is with us,"  

With Russia no longer ruled by an atheist, but someone who has seen the light, one would think that this must chagrin atheists in the West and especially mortify CCP leaders.


Reports are Putin is personally worth $200 billion. Arguably, he is probably the wealthiest man in the world today, considering he reigns over the resources of the largest country and oversees one of the largest armies   


If Putin is serious about believing in God, could Vladimir be a devotee of Kenneth Copeland


Copeland emphasizes the importance of financial prosperity as a sign of God’s blessings, a doctrine often referred to as the “prosperity gospel”.


Many question the prosperity gospel's relevance to taking up the cross and following the Son of God.

  • No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Luke 16:13)


Pravda says Putin further stated:

  • Biden proposed back in 2021 to postpone Ukraine's admission to NATO;
  • On the possibility of ending the conflict in Ukraine in 2025: "I wish I could drink honey with your mouth";
  • Russia always responds in a mirror manner to attacks on its territory;
  • If it is necessary to use more powerful medium-range weapons, we will use them;
  • If necessary, Russia can use the "Hazel Tree" again, but it is in no hurry to do so;
  • In 2025, Russia will continue to achieve all the goals of the special military operation;
  • The growth of the Russian economy in 2025 may be slightly lower than in 2024, but such a rapid pace is not necessary;
  • Russia is not against Slovakia being a negotiating platform for Ukraine;
  • Ukraine cannot exist without the support of Europe.


Had Trump won in 2020, he would be retiring now. Now the Democrats and the globalists have to endure four years. Will they make it? Will they be crushed?


Or are we witnessing a restructuring and repositioning of the face of global dominance for the next move to capture the assent of those resistant to a One World Government?


On the surface, there appears to be a reorganizing of various global affiliations. Nations seeking BRICS acceptance cannot afford alignment with any condemnation of Russia. 


The World Health Organization (WHO) has 194 countries as members, but only 88 of these were prepared to condemn Russia for its actions towards Ukraine. 


With Trump talking about withdrawing funding from the WHO, this further downplays the significance of the organization and frustrates its aims of securing a pandemic compact that enshrines global rights for the likes of Tedros to dictate local lockdowns and forced injections of citizens in any country on a whim, backed by eugenists such as Gates.   


Such polarization is problematic for global governance from a central body such as the United Nations headquartered in New York. 


Irrespective of all the other noise, Putin has said that he is not against Trump and is prepared to use the US dollar,  More to the point, leading the way, the Russian Ruble is reported to be going digital in 2025. 


The digitalized Ruble is not a decentralized cryptocurrency in the Bitcoin mode, but a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that is controlled by the government.



Rothschilds have reportedly been expelled from Russia. Guy Rothschild had his assets in France nationalized by Mitterand, while his son was permitted to start up a bank. Today, Rothschilds are headquartered in Paris, even though the nationalized assets were not returned.


However, what might surprise some, but not others, who perceptively read these emails, is that Rothschild has been actively involved in restructuring debt in Ukraine



According to David de Rothschild, CEO of Rothschild International (incorporating Rothschilds Continuation Holdings, i.e. the family's hereditary fortune), when speaking of his start-up bank in Paris using the $79 million compensation from the nationalization of the family's French assets:

Most people are ecstatic if they can obtain an annualized rate of return on investment (ROI) of 10% per annum every year. Investors hastily sought to secure Bernie Madoff’s 12-18% p.a, but a 50% ROI, most investors would consider impossible. 


Chinese author Song Hongbing has written some twenty-seven books, five on currency wars, which has sent establishment figures reeling, decrying "The basic claim that the Rothschilds and other Jews want to control the world by manipulating the international financial system.

GEFIRA Bulletin's review of Currency Wars (the first volume) notes Hongbing claims that Reagan was shot in 1981 after contemplating a return to the "Gold Standard" and 

The Rothschild’s family fortune is estimated at $2,000,000,000,000 (2 trillion dollars). Conspiracy theory. No, a fact. “Currency Wars” contains carefully researched facts from history and the financial world.

The "art of the deal" is really about directing a person’s focus away from where they want to go to where you want them to go.

The enigmatic “Q” posted that the sheep will not listen to Trump until they see how bad things can be..... And along came Biden!

Sharing’s caring.


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