Statistician Not Fooled By False Evidence Appearing Real. Are Parasites To Blame?

 False Evidence Appearing Real is the substance of propaganda and the means by which the few control the multitude.


The fake claims of gain-of-function viruses being created in laboratories around the world are designed to create a means of creating fear and controlling the minds of the public.



Fear is unwittingly installed within the psyche of children by parents and other adults when they are warned of dangers. Often this warning is enforced by a story of some terrible tragedy that occurred to a disobedient child.


Stories of wild animals, monsters, gremlins, ETs, ghosts, evil witches, giants, and murderous gangs that roamed in the dark or the woods or certain parts of town are often used to imprint fear rather than educate children. 



When it comes to being ill, having chicken pox or measles or mumps or whooping cough (pertussis), of which I had all four, instead of fear, parents and adults offered hope that the discomfort would be over after a couple of weeks.


My whooping cough was probably due to being subject to the cruelty of an uncle, while staying at his place. None of my cousins even had a slight cough at the time. I coughed repeatedly, with loud deep hoarse sounds. Just as my aunty said, I was better after two weeks. Apart from honey and lemon drinks, I received no medication.


The contagion element of chicken pox, measles, mumps and whooping cough I have never understood, because I have seen too many isolated cases, besides mine.


After having looked into the history of viruses, the consequence of the fake SARS-CoV-2 propaganda of making false evidence appear real, I have no fear of any virus. 



More importantly, I have come to realize that the reasons for ill health can be categorized as:

  • Trauma (contusion, laceration, wound, sprain, torn tendon, torn ligament, joint dislocation, vertebral subluxation, vertebral disc protrusion, ruptured disc, bone fracture, etc)
  • Toxic poisoning (pesticides, herbicides, vaccines, heavy metals, air pollution, carbon monoxide, industrial waste, poisonous plants, venom, etc.)
  • Electromagnetic (High voltage, particle rays, microwaves, etc)
  • Parasites (ringworm, tapeworm, amoeba, bacteria, fungi, etc) 
  • Nutritional deficiency (vitamins, mineral, fatty acids, protein, carbohydrate, flavonoids, etc)
  • Psychological (hatred, anger, fears, frustrations, anxiety, depression, despair, addictions, etc)
  • Spiritual (demonic oppression, attacks, possession; curses, witchcraft, evil projections, etc).


Pam Bartha holds a B.Sc. degree and has overcome MS (multiple sclerosis), and has been disease free for 30 years, after having basically been told that she had a disability for life.

Interestingly, she advocates reading three books that address candida: The Missing Diagnosis  (C. Orian Truss, M.D.), Candida: The Symptoms the Causes the Cure  (Luc De Schepper, M.D; Ph.D.). and Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook ( Jeanne Marie Martin with Dr. Zoltan Rona M.D). In an article entitled Parasites and Multiple Sclerosis: What’s The Connection?, she writes:

As the cause of MS is still unknown and there is no cure, an emerging body of evidence points to a causal link between parasitic infestations and multiple sclerosis.


What has become evident is that people taking drugs such as fenbendazole, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine are able to alleviate flu-like symptoms and cancers. The common denominator is these drugs kill parasites.


As it happens, parasites are discovered to be associated with many illnesses that occur worldwide. The one common factor being lack of sufficient nutrition, with the implication that optimal nutrition wards off parasites. Parasites only attack dying tissue within the body. Healthy tissue apparently repels them. 


The following video clips reveal different types of parasites: 


US National Public Radio (NPR) was formed to distribute information (which could include misinformation and disinformation, i.e. propaganda) to the American public. 

In 2022, NPR CEO Katherine Maher made the claim that truth is not an objective reality but can change for each person, stating: 

I'm certain that the truth exists for you. And probably for the person sitting next to you. But this may not be the same truth.



While it is true that we may be experiencing different sensations and thereby, subjectively, different realities, as a result of those varying sensations of pain and pleasure, the reality is that pain exists and is common to us all, regardless of how we might interpret the cause or category of pain.


When being challenged in some way, we are not at ease. Disease could be affecting our bodies, anxiety could be needling our minds, fear could be gripping our souls, guilt could be strickening our conscience, our nerves could be registering physical trauma (dislocation, bruise, tear, excision).

The truth is that when distressed in some way, we feel pain of some sort, even though it may not have the same cause and be of a different intensity. 



Dr Tom Frieden, former director of the CDC, recently wrote in STAT:

After decades of research and billions of vaccines administered, we know vaccines save lives, do not cause chronic diseases, and can prevent cancers of the liver, cervix, and mouth,” 


The likes of Robert Malone and Peter McCullough refuse to acknowledge the experiments that have demonstrated no contagious virus exists

These two gatekeepers have another agenda. One that requires us to believe that viruses exist and there is the possibility that populations could be wiped out by some uncontrollable, contagious, deadly virus. 


Bird flu is the virus that we are required to believe exists. Birds migrate. Therefore, bird flu can spread around the world. 


Even though Alex Jones and Mike Adams were beginning to acknowledge the reality that no virus has been isolated or proven to exist, without reason they suddenly dismissed the call to provide evidence of an actual isolated virus.



French statistician Pierre Chaillot came to the conclusion that no covid-19 virus exists, after having crunched the numbers for illness and deaths against those purportedly associated with SARS-CoV-2.

Mike Yeadon comments on DNA Hoax: You were told lies and you chose to believe them as I once did.... There's no scientific evidence for the existence of viruses. Please let yourself be open to the possibility and explore the evidence without precautions.

To prove that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) doesn't exist Robert Millner, MD, transferred blood from a HIV infected man. Nothing happened.  Millner died from a heart attack one year later (suspicious?).


In his press conference, Millner references the Perth Group, whose research has awakened numerous medical practitioners to the farce of HIV. He also mentions the farce of blood from the 1940s as having tested for HIV and how people often receive a death sentence when told by MDs that they are going to die. After fielding questions, Millner closes his press conference asserting that terrain is the cause for disease.

  • A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22)

Recommended reading:

Big Pharma Myths Debunked,  

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History

The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life


We care. We share.


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