
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Evergreen Conspiracy Against Us All Can Seem Complicated But Not To The Enlightened

  Numerous individuals have expressed to me that they do not understand how God can be in control when the world looks such a mess. The idea that Donald Trump had been prophesied to be "God's Cyrus" for the present hour, as far as Jerusalem is concerned, by recognizing it as the capital of Israel brings about a "so what" moment, after all, Who cares? The complacent overlook that, because Donald Trump was in the White House,  Kim Jong Un  i s  not firing missiles loaded with cancer - causing  cobalt -60  into the atmosphere  to rain down  where they live .  They overlook the real deadly substances that are being injected into people via mRNA and GMOs, along with monkey cells and human foetus, from Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca. The idea of “conspiracy theory” sounds like “the theory of evolution” and nothing more. A vacuous concept based upon a desire to discredit what might be true. Bill Gates  only  wants to vaccinate 7 ...

Once Upon A Time None Dared Call It Conspiracy, But Now People Are Waking Up.

  In 1971 , Gary Allen, wrote "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"; a book that details what is occurring today.   — The Establishment is counting on you to be too lazy or preoccupied with your own problems to fight back while the chains of slavery are being fastened on you.  They are counting on the mass media to con you, frighten you, or ridicule you out of saving your freedom, and they are counting on you thinking that you can escape by not taking part in opposing their takeover.  Also they are counting on many who recognize the conspiracy to be so mesmerized by the mechanisms of it that they will forget to take part ,  acting to oppose it.   — The billion people who have been enslaved by Communism had also thought ,  ”It can’t happen here!”   — Winston Churchill told the people of England: ”If you will not fight for the right when you cannot easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too...

Being Wrong Is A Pain. Science Proves The Truth About COVID-19.

  Technicians call themselves scientists but they are just workers with certain skills; such as being able to run a centrifuge machine and report observations, as they are told to do. True scientists question everything and seek the truth — even about measles. Do scientists lie ? Whistleblowers say  they do . One honest scientist says that even he has to prostitute himself to obtain funding, which means what?  Not telling the truth ! In 2009, the COVID-19 synthetic mRNA experimental injection maker (of what is falsely called a vaccine)  Pfizer paid $2.3 billion  in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history. This was to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products. The medical company  Merck was slapped with two separate class action lawsuits contending they  lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine  in their combination Measles/Mumps/Rubella shot, and fabricated effica...