The Evergreen Conspiracy Against Us All Can Seem Complicated But Not To The Enlightened
Numerous individuals have expressed to me that they do not understand how God can be in control when the world looks such a mess. The idea that Donald Trump had been prophesied to be "God's Cyrus" for the present hour, as far as Jerusalem is concerned, by recognizing it as the capital of Israel brings about a "so what" moment, after all, Who cares? The complacent overlook that, because Donald Trump was in the White House, Kim Jong Un i s not firing missiles loaded with cancer - causing cobalt -60 into the atmosphere to rain down where they live . They overlook the real deadly substances that are being injected into people via mRNA and GMOs, along with monkey cells and human foetus, from Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca. The idea of “conspiracy theory” sounds like “the theory of evolution” and nothing more. A vacuous concept based upon a desire to discredit what might be true. Bill Gates only wants to vaccinate 7 ...