100 Days To Lockdown, The Mission To Stagnate The World Economy

 The Covid-19 farce was an attempt to lockdown the world and crash the world's economy, so people around the globe would beg for the United Nations (UN) to help them solve the problem.


There is a UN peace force that is used to patrol borders.  But the UN wants to usher in a New World Order where it is in control of the governments of the world. 


The UN's subsidiary, the World Health Organization, is how this is going to be attempted. Rumblings to this effect have been around for decades. 



In 2009, Dr Rima Laibow revealed how she was informed in 2002 by one of her patients, a royal that wears a tiara (probably the Queen of Jordan), that injections were going to be used as a depopulation program and to subdue the world's population. -- Japan approves self amplifying mRNA! 


Talking to Alex Jones in 2023, Laibow implores all listeners to become active in fighting back against the globalist's depopulation agenda.



The language used by the globalists is seductive, but for those in the know, when "we" is mentioned it is not a reference to "us" but to "them".


We read on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website:

Inclusivity of citizens is becoming the most important element of success or failure in the journey towards sustainability.


The "success" referenced has to do with the sustainability of "their" Agenda 2030, where they control the masses and dictate who lives and who dies.


The "inclusivity of citizens" means acceptance of transgenders and misgenders and other perversions that break down traditional family and community values and national allegiance, so the plebs (us) become totally reliant upon a World Government for daily rations and truth.



Whingeing about government not being able to propagandize, indoctrinate and gaslight people, John Kerry speaking at the WEF said:

The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem...the referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree....If people go to one source and that source is sick and has an agenda.... 


How can anyone forget the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, ordering the NZ electorate to "dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth".


Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father but through me. (John 14:6)


Efforts to create personal responsibility for carbon emissions (breathing out carbon dioxide) and taking action to lower these emissions (personal euthanasia, voluntary assisted suicide, infanticide, etc), the WEF laments has had limited success due to a lack of social acceptance and political resistance.


Don't be deceived, there are no plans to let up. Small-time local bureaucrats and politicians are keen to be recognized as big players on the global scene by signing up to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy


Communities are being cajoled into signing up to the Smart City initiative around the world.  Apparently, every city council in New Zealand has signed up to the Smart City Council.



The WEF now admits: 


COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.


Those in league with the WEF attempted to bring about their "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and Global Reset (termed "Build Back Better") in 2020. 


This was not a trial run, but a failed attempt to paralyze the world economy for the next decade, until they accomplished their 2030 goals of demoralizing every human being not given the same privileges as themselves.



Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States, John Coleman, quoting Edward Bernays, says that 

Self-preservation, ambition, pride, hunger, love of family and children, patriotism, imitativeness, the desire to be a leader, love of play-these and other drives are the psychological raw materials which every leader must take into account in his endeavor to win the public to his point of view... To maintain their self-assurance, most people need to feel certain that whatever they believe about anything is true.



Pushing the advanced agenda towards a New World Order within a One World Government, the overeager strategists appear to have disregarded Bernays’ advice and thought they could override dissent with force, now that much of the world's population has been disarmed, except for the USA.


Having failed, the fake pandemic play now becomes a drill from which lessons were learned. 

The next pandemic is now being planned with the aim of securing worldwide coverage of every person being injected within 100 days. 



The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation, initiated by Bill Gates and chaired by the Australian Jane Halton, who figured prominently at Event 101 (where the coronavirus scheme was war-gamed) and has been rewarded handsomely with high-paying directorships of significant corporations, reports


Coupled with improved surveillance providing earlier detection and warning, and with swift and effective use of non-pharmaceutical interventions such as testing, contact tracing and social distancing to suppress disease transmission, delivering a vaccine within 100 days would give the world a better chance of containing and controlling future pathogenic threats and averting the type of catastrophic global public health and socio-economic impacts caused by COVID-19. These efforts should have a strong focus on increasing capabilities in LICs and LMICs and enabling equitable access to products once developed – no one is safe until everyone is safe.

Colonel Edwin Deagal (d. 2021) regarding population reduction in 2025

Total Reduction                                                        579,533,740

A different scenario: Nuclear Armageddon just 72 minutes away.

Caring is sharing.


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