Antisocial Behavior Is Not A Matter Of Voodoo, More To Do With How A Person Is Raised
What sort of person would get off using syringes to shoot, genetically modified material into the veins of little children? How about someone suffering from ASPD? ASPD A nti- S ocial P ersonality D isorders (ASPD) are becoming more common as students are indoctrinated into hating themselves. Separating children from parental influence is easier when both parents are working. School teachers become not only disseminators of information but also cultural enforcers. A person doesn't suddenly "get" ASPD. Instead, they will have had a long history of these behaviors arising since at least adolescence . Diagnosis of ASPD requires a person to have first exhibited three of the following behaviors between the ages of 15-18 years: Failing to conform to laws or social norms, including repeatedly breaking laws; Deceitfulness, repeatedly lying or "conning" others for profit or personal pleasure; Impulsivity and failing to plan ahead (ac...