
Showing posts from September, 2024

Antisocial Behavior Is Not A Matter Of Voodoo, More To Do With How A Person Is Raised

  What sort of person would get off using syringes to shoot, genetically modified material into the veins of little children? How about someone suffering from ASPD?   ASPD A nti- S ocial  P ersonality  D isorders (ASPD) are becoming more common as students are indoctrinated into hating themselves. Separating children from parental influence is easier when both parents are working. School teachers become not only disseminators of information but also cultural enforcers.   A person doesn't suddenly "get" ASPD. Instead,  they will have had a long history of these behaviors arising since  at least  adolescence . Diagnosis of ASPD requires a person to have first exhibited three of the following behaviors between the ages of 15-18 years:    Failing to conform to laws or social norms, including repeatedly breaking laws; Deceitfulness, repeatedly lying or "conning" others for profit or personal pleasure; Impulsivity and failing to plan ahead (acting on the spur of the m

Extremities Are Part Of This Life Which Contrasts Life With Death, Good With Evil, And Falsehood With Truth

Most people merely consider their own lives and, like animals, how they are immediately affected in respect to their physical needs (addictions, oxygen, food, water, warmth, shelter, sex, sleep) as is found in (remnant member) psychologist Abraham Maslow's observation of people.    Warmth is a requirement to prevent death by hypothermia; shelter from natural disasters, or just the  weather extremes that can occur during a day   (hot/cold temperatures,  hail, sleet,  gales,  etc).   Intangibles Maslow recognized that there were other needs humans had, but these were of a more profound nature than the biological ones, from which he was able to construct a pyramid of needs based upon individuals arising above each stage of necessity, as it's fulfilled, to discover intangible desires of greater significance.    These more significant intangibles, however, involve others. This is where the human experience begins to separate itself from mere animalistic behaviors and the concept of

Highest Intelligence By IQ Tests Put Down To Being Born A Member Of The Remnant

We are all human beings created in the image of God. Whether Jewish or not, citizen or stranger,  the commandment of saving a life is preeminent . —  Rabbi Asher Lopatin   Vaccines Polio vaccines for children in Palestine are sufficient reason to stop the  genocide of Gazans  — temporarily!  Forget vaccine proponents are dismissive of the fact that “the live virus in  the vaccine can paralyze the child  who receives the drops”.  The propaganda mantra is always that the vaccines are “safe and effective”. Polio is  not really the result of a virus . A  genuine  look at the evidence points to toxins entering the nervous system. Of course, this is  denied by the likes of Politifact . Big Pharma pays their bills. Humanitarian The bombing of Gaza stopped so the children could be inoculated against polio is put forward as a humanitarian gesture.  Netanyahu's overshadowing  vow to destroy Amalek  and take  the territory from the river to the sea  for Israel makes a mockery of any humanitar